S Chandrasekhar in ORGANISER
The brutal butchering of TP Chandrasekharan has struck at the roots of the CPM, plunging it into the deepest crisis, since the inception of communist movement in Kerala since 1940s. Rebel and popular CPM leader of Onchiyam, in Badagara, in Kozhikode district, Chandrasekharan was expelled from CPM and he formed the Revolutionary Marxist Party (RMP).

RMP was able to inflict heavy losses to CPM in consecutive polls since 2009. Media reports say CPM had made nine attempts, since then to kill Chandrasekharan, but he miraculously survived. Chandrase-kharan was not lucky on 4 May, when a seven members hit squad butchered him at 10.40 pm, near his home in Onchiyam, with 51 cuts and face totally mutilated.
The resultant effect has inflicted worst damages on CPM than what Chandrasekharan would have done. Entire Kerala, forgetting party loyalties paid homage to this mass hero. VS Atchudanandan, Ex-CM, Opposition Leader and bete-noire of CPM State Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, laid wreath on his body and described him as a ‘Brave Communist’.
Angered by Atchudanandan describing Chandrasekharan as a brave communist, Pinarayi called the martyred Chandrasekharan a ‘Traitor’. This was condemned by media and several parties, but Pinarayi struck to his stand. Atchudanandan hit back at Pinarayi by saying he is not the final word in CPM and that many, including him, consider Chandrasekharan as a brave communist. He went on to say Pinarayi will meet the same fate of SA Dange who autocratically expelled one third of the central committee members in 1964, paving the way for CPM formation. Later the same Dange was expelled by CPI. Atchudanandan fired another bomb against Pinarayi by writing to Karat, Yechuri, for revamp and leadership change in Kerala. If not, he said, he was not interested in continuing in Opposition Leader’s post. In a final hammer blow to Pinarayi dominated CPM, Atchudanandan on June 2, when CPM/LDF was facing a crucial by-poll in Neyyatinkara, visited the house of Chandrase-kharan and offered condolences to his wife, son and mother among a sea of RMP and CPM supporters. He also offered flowers at Chandrasekharan’s burial place. There are ground reports that Atchudanandan’s visit on poll day to Chandrasekharan’s house, was a signal to his supporters to vote against CPM in the crucial Neyyatinkara by-poll. Atchuda-nandan feels that if CPM loses there, Pinarayi’s position will be shaky.
In another severe set-back to CPM, MM Mani, the CPM strongman in Idukki district for 26 years, boasted at a CPM rally that the party was in the habit of preparing hit-list and eliminating its opponents. He ranted that one was shot dead, another stabbed and a third beaten to death. He continued making vulgar comments against renowned writer and Jnyanapeet Award Winner Mahaswetha Devi, who visited Chandrasekharan’s wife Rema. Media reports say that between 1980 and 1995 almost seven Congress/BJP workers were murdered in Idukki. Based on Mani’s disclosure, he has been charged with IPC 302 (Murder), Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been constituted and he been summoned. Mani also attacked Atchudanandan for creating problems for Pinarayi and calling Chandrasekharan a true communist. Mahaswetha Devi has written to Pinarayi against Mani’s outbursts and CPI has complained to DGP/Home Minister. Karat has hinted at action against him for his ‘Loud Mouth Boast’. The State CPM has also contemplated action. Mani who was in hiding ever since his boast, surfaced on June 3rd and the Idukki CPM has indicated that it will resist party and police action against Mani who built the CPM there in past 50 years. Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, said, Mani is speaking the language of terrorist and that 250 odd Sangh and BJP brave-hearts here have fallen to the swords of Mani like, CPM men. CPI State Secretary Panyan Raveendran has given indications to the CPM that if Mani is let loose, the CPM led LDF will have to bear people’s ire.
Police have registered cases against MM Mani in the murder of Congress activist Baby in 1982. Although the State CPM has also indicated of taking action against Mani, Idukki CPM and Mani are defiant and belligerent. While former CPM ideologue Berlin Kunjanan-than Nair has opined that cpm is practising primitive and corporatised communism, CPI State Secretary described Mani as a person devoid of basic communist trait of humanism and of having a killer mindset.
Investigations by SIT do not bring any cheers for the CPM and it is cornered and desperate. The Innova car used by the hit- gang has been found abandoned in CPM stronghold of Chokli. The swords, axes used for the savagery have been confiscated from a well in the same Chokli. Rafeek who took the car on rent is in police custody. Rafeek had handed over this car to Kodi Suni who usually does hit jobs for CPM. Several RSS/BJP men have fallen prey to Kodi Suni and his gang.
The SIT is progressing on the clear leads that it was Kodi Suni’s gang which killed Chandrasekharan and the conspiracy was hatched at the wedding function of Andhery Sura’s daughter of April 22. Sura, a CPM prisoner is now back in jail after parole. The attack was planned on May 2 and rooms were booked for the hit game and 50 sim cards, 20 phones were arranged. But as TPC was not alone, he was butchered only on 4.
Almost two dozen top leaders of CPM from Onchiyam, Orkatery and adjoining Kannur are in police net including ex-NGO Union State Secretary and Onchiyam Area Secretary CH Asokan. Police have spread net for thirteen CPM men including KP Kunjananthan of Panoor who acted as link between CPM and hit squad.
Shijith, a member of the seven-man hit squad who was injured in the melee and was treated in hospitals in Kannur and who escaped to Mysore has been arrested. Police teams are in Mumbai to arrest Shinoj who is in the custody of CPM supporters. Wide net has been spread for Kodi Suni and Rajeesh, who were also behind butchery of many RSS cadres in Kannur. Abzal who had supplied sim-cards to the hit squad using fake ID cards has been arrested.
For several years, RSS has been warning that Kannur Central Jail is a CPM party village. Several RSS men have been attacked here. Home Minister T Radhakrishnan had a first hand experience when he visited Block 5 and 8 of the prison recently. The walls were plastered with pictures of CPM leaders, flags, memorials for martyrs, separate kitchen, TV and mobiles. Mobile jammers and cameras were found destroyed. The jail staff and officials fearing CPM, had given them a free hand
The cornered CPM is letting loose its ire on the Media and Police. Kannur strongman MV Jayarajan embarked on a day-long sit-in outside Koothuparambu Police Station demanding an area committee member’s release. Former Minister Elamaram Kareem have several times threatened the police officers and families of the SIT and cases have been slapped against him. Several CPM leaders have been continuously attacking the SIT officials and spreading false rumours to intimidate and weaken them. CPM has also filed cases in Kerala High Court for contempt proceedings against medias and channels.
In a major deviation, the police is launching foolproof and scientific investigation in the Chandrase-kharan murder. Earlier whenever a murder takes place, the CPM produces some accused. During trial, some are convicted and some released.
BJP has demanded re- investigation into the murder of its top leaders KT Jayakrishnan and Pannyanoor Chandran, both of Kannur.
Chandrasekharan’s assassination has been giving nightmares and sleepless nights to CPM, than Chandrasekharan alive. Thousands of CPM supporters are flocking to Chandrasekharan’s house and condolence meetings being organised throughout Kerala, shaking the CPM at the grass roots.
Apart from Chandrasekharan murder and Mani’s murder boast, two other murders are haunting CPM. The CBI has informed the High Court that CPM is resisting arrest of two CPM leaders involved in Fazal murder case. Fazal, a CPM activist who joined jehadi NDF was murdered by CPM goons. CPM tried to put blame on the RSS, but investigations proved that CPM was the culprit. Similarly two dozen CPM cadres have been charged with the murder of Muslim League activist Shukoor, whose only crime was that he blocked the car of CPM Kannur Secretary P Jayarajan
The brutal butchering of TP Chandrasekharan has struck at the roots of the CPM, plunging it into the deepest crisis, since the inception of communist movement in Kerala since 1940s. Rebel and popular CPM leader of Onchiyam, in Badagara, in Kozhikode district, Chandrasekharan was expelled from CPM and he formed the Revolutionary Marxist Party (RMP).

RMP was able to inflict heavy losses to CPM in consecutive polls since 2009. Media reports say CPM had made nine attempts, since then to kill Chandrasekharan, but he miraculously survived. Chandrase-kharan was not lucky on 4 May, when a seven members hit squad butchered him at 10.40 pm, near his home in Onchiyam, with 51 cuts and face totally mutilated.
The resultant effect has inflicted worst damages on CPM than what Chandrasekharan would have done. Entire Kerala, forgetting party loyalties paid homage to this mass hero. VS Atchudanandan, Ex-CM, Opposition Leader and bete-noire of CPM State Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, laid wreath on his body and described him as a ‘Brave Communist’.
Angered by Atchudanandan describing Chandrasekharan as a brave communist, Pinarayi called the martyred Chandrasekharan a ‘Traitor’. This was condemned by media and several parties, but Pinarayi struck to his stand. Atchudanandan hit back at Pinarayi by saying he is not the final word in CPM and that many, including him, consider Chandrasekharan as a brave communist. He went on to say Pinarayi will meet the same fate of SA Dange who autocratically expelled one third of the central committee members in 1964, paving the way for CPM formation. Later the same Dange was expelled by CPI. Atchudanandan fired another bomb against Pinarayi by writing to Karat, Yechuri, for revamp and leadership change in Kerala. If not, he said, he was not interested in continuing in Opposition Leader’s post. In a final hammer blow to Pinarayi dominated CPM, Atchudanandan on June 2, when CPM/LDF was facing a crucial by-poll in Neyyatinkara, visited the house of Chandrase-kharan and offered condolences to his wife, son and mother among a sea of RMP and CPM supporters. He also offered flowers at Chandrasekharan’s burial place. There are ground reports that Atchudanandan’s visit on poll day to Chandrasekharan’s house, was a signal to his supporters to vote against CPM in the crucial Neyyatinkara by-poll. Atchuda-nandan feels that if CPM loses there, Pinarayi’s position will be shaky.
In another severe set-back to CPM, MM Mani, the CPM strongman in Idukki district for 26 years, boasted at a CPM rally that the party was in the habit of preparing hit-list and eliminating its opponents. He ranted that one was shot dead, another stabbed and a third beaten to death. He continued making vulgar comments against renowned writer and Jnyanapeet Award Winner Mahaswetha Devi, who visited Chandrasekharan’s wife Rema. Media reports say that between 1980 and 1995 almost seven Congress/BJP workers were murdered in Idukki. Based on Mani’s disclosure, he has been charged with IPC 302 (Murder), Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been constituted and he been summoned. Mani also attacked Atchudanandan for creating problems for Pinarayi and calling Chandrasekharan a true communist. Mahaswetha Devi has written to Pinarayi against Mani’s outbursts and CPI has complained to DGP/Home Minister. Karat has hinted at action against him for his ‘Loud Mouth Boast’. The State CPM has also contemplated action. Mani who was in hiding ever since his boast, surfaced on June 3rd and the Idukki CPM has indicated that it will resist party and police action against Mani who built the CPM there in past 50 years. Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, said, Mani is speaking the language of terrorist and that 250 odd Sangh and BJP brave-hearts here have fallen to the swords of Mani like, CPM men. CPI State Secretary Panyan Raveendran has given indications to the CPM that if Mani is let loose, the CPM led LDF will have to bear people’s ire.
Police have registered cases against MM Mani in the murder of Congress activist Baby in 1982. Although the State CPM has also indicated of taking action against Mani, Idukki CPM and Mani are defiant and belligerent. While former CPM ideologue Berlin Kunjanan-than Nair has opined that cpm is practising primitive and corporatised communism, CPI State Secretary described Mani as a person devoid of basic communist trait of humanism and of having a killer mindset.
Investigations by SIT do not bring any cheers for the CPM and it is cornered and desperate. The Innova car used by the hit- gang has been found abandoned in CPM stronghold of Chokli. The swords, axes used for the savagery have been confiscated from a well in the same Chokli. Rafeek who took the car on rent is in police custody. Rafeek had handed over this car to Kodi Suni who usually does hit jobs for CPM. Several RSS/BJP men have fallen prey to Kodi Suni and his gang.
The SIT is progressing on the clear leads that it was Kodi Suni’s gang which killed Chandrasekharan and the conspiracy was hatched at the wedding function of Andhery Sura’s daughter of April 22. Sura, a CPM prisoner is now back in jail after parole. The attack was planned on May 2 and rooms were booked for the hit game and 50 sim cards, 20 phones were arranged. But as TPC was not alone, he was butchered only on 4.
Almost two dozen top leaders of CPM from Onchiyam, Orkatery and adjoining Kannur are in police net including ex-NGO Union State Secretary and Onchiyam Area Secretary CH Asokan. Police have spread net for thirteen CPM men including KP Kunjananthan of Panoor who acted as link between CPM and hit squad.
Shijith, a member of the seven-man hit squad who was injured in the melee and was treated in hospitals in Kannur and who escaped to Mysore has been arrested. Police teams are in Mumbai to arrest Shinoj who is in the custody of CPM supporters. Wide net has been spread for Kodi Suni and Rajeesh, who were also behind butchery of many RSS cadres in Kannur. Abzal who had supplied sim-cards to the hit squad using fake ID cards has been arrested.
For several years, RSS has been warning that Kannur Central Jail is a CPM party village. Several RSS men have been attacked here. Home Minister T Radhakrishnan had a first hand experience when he visited Block 5 and 8 of the prison recently. The walls were plastered with pictures of CPM leaders, flags, memorials for martyrs, separate kitchen, TV and mobiles. Mobile jammers and cameras were found destroyed. The jail staff and officials fearing CPM, had given them a free hand
The cornered CPM is letting loose its ire on the Media and Police. Kannur strongman MV Jayarajan embarked on a day-long sit-in outside Koothuparambu Police Station demanding an area committee member’s release. Former Minister Elamaram Kareem have several times threatened the police officers and families of the SIT and cases have been slapped against him. Several CPM leaders have been continuously attacking the SIT officials and spreading false rumours to intimidate and weaken them. CPM has also filed cases in Kerala High Court for contempt proceedings against medias and channels.
In a major deviation, the police is launching foolproof and scientific investigation in the Chandrase-kharan murder. Earlier whenever a murder takes place, the CPM produces some accused. During trial, some are convicted and some released.
BJP has demanded re- investigation into the murder of its top leaders KT Jayakrishnan and Pannyanoor Chandran, both of Kannur.
Chandrasekharan’s assassination has been giving nightmares and sleepless nights to CPM, than Chandrasekharan alive. Thousands of CPM supporters are flocking to Chandrasekharan’s house and condolence meetings being organised throughout Kerala, shaking the CPM at the grass roots.
Apart from Chandrasekharan murder and Mani’s murder boast, two other murders are haunting CPM. The CBI has informed the High Court that CPM is resisting arrest of two CPM leaders involved in Fazal murder case. Fazal, a CPM activist who joined jehadi NDF was murdered by CPM goons. CPM tried to put blame on the RSS, but investigations proved that CPM was the culprit. Similarly two dozen CPM cadres have been charged with the murder of Muslim League activist Shukoor, whose only crime was that he blocked the car of CPM Kannur Secretary P Jayarajan
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