By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant.
Who is going to annex Assam, one may
wonder. Are there phalanx of battle ready armies moving around lower
Assam to attack and annex? Indeed, that is the game plan of Bangladesh
and it had been there since the days of formation of East Pakistan on 14
August 1947. In any case the Sylhet district of Assam was given to East
Pakistan and the leaders of the Muslim League, including Sheikh Mujibur
Rehman, had coveted the rich mineral resources, jungles and vast vacant
lands of Assam. The sinister design of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to
make the Lower Assam a Muslim-majority area, foment communal trouble and
annex it for good. The successive govts of East Pakistan had been
playing this game and the power-hungry Indian politicians had been
banking on the vote-bank of the Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh to
remain in power and enjoy the loaves and fishes of their high offices.
The warnings of losing Assam in the long
run were sounded by patriots from time to time but they fell on the deaf
ears of the traitors. The latest man in authority to sound the warning
bell is no less a person than Lt Gen S.K. Sinha, Governor of Assam who
wrote to President Narayanan in 1998 about gravity of situation and
precarious security situation but the deaf and dumb politicians did
sweet nothing to ward off the danger of losing Assam to Greater
Bangladesh. Instead,the General was maligned as a rank communalist and
an anti-Muslim fellow bent upon creating trouble.Now we all know how
right was General Sinha and how wrong were the 22 Members of Parliament
who moved heaven and earth to have General Sinha recalled as Governor of
Assam. The traitors tasted success and were emboldened. The blood of
Kokrajhar today is on the hands of traitors and all the perfumes of
Arabia will not sweeten their hands.
As a citizen of Bharat, I am a sad man
today as I read the accounts of riots, arson, murders of the Bodo Hindus
by the illegal Muslim immigrants from the neighbouring Bangladesh. The
Govt of India under PM Manmohan Singh and the Dacca govt of Sheikh
Hasina have done precious little to stop the influx of illegal Muslim
immigrants because the power hungry political parties treat the illegal
immigrants as their vote-bank.
May I suggest that the report of General
S.K. Sinha, the Governor of Assam in 1998 be made public so that the
Indian Nation knows that a Patriot named General Sinha had analysed the
Assam problem threadbare and cautioned all those who mattered to take
remedial measures. And the Patriot was hounded out by the politicians
and other pro-Muslim elements who wish Assam to be a part of Islamic
Bangladesh. The names of that 22 MPs who wrote to the President and Govt
of India for recall of General Sinha be made public so that the Indian
people know who is a Patriot and who is a traitor.
My condolences to the bereaved families
and a word of advice to Tarun Gogoi to keep India that is Bharat Above
All interests and push the illegal Muslim immigrants back into
Bangladesh Let the Bangladeshis be reminded of their history and told
that hundreds of Indians had shed blood to give birth to Bangladesh and
drive away Pakistani demons who preyed on the population of the then
East Pakistan, mostly Muslims.
Be that as it may, the political and
economic situation in the Lower Assam is very serious It is time the
Government of India took decisive action and drove back the illegal
immigrants rising above party politics and narrow gains of electoral
battles. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must dig out the comprehensive
report on the causes of the present situation of deep distrust that has
developed between the Hindus of Assam and the Muslim immigrants because
of the devilish designs of the latter. Any mollycoddling of communal
elements at this point of time will be an anti-national act and the
history of India, as and when written objectively, will not forgive
those politicians who have been keeping their selfish interests above
the National interests.
Let us remember: If India lives, we live: if India dies, we die. Let India live forever !
The writer can be reached at: sawantg.chitranjan@gmail.com or upvanom@yahoo.com
By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
Ravana, the king of Lanka was killed in combat by Maryada Purshottam Shri Ram and the vanquished nation lay at the mercy of the victor who was the arbiter of its destiny now. Shri Ram and his army harboured no sinister design and went by the high morality of a Dharm Yudh. No disrespect to women of Lanka, the word Rape did not exist in their lexicon, LOOT or plunder was a word unheard of in Ayodhya and the same concept of treating the defeated enemy with dignity guided the thought and action of Shri Ram’s Sena in Lanka too.
The only off the mark thought that dominated the minds of youngsters who loved fun and frolic in a foreign land was the proposal put forward to them by the middle men to buy some landed property and live in luxury in the sylvan surroundings of a tropical land like Lanka. However, Shri Ram shot down the thought of his officers and soldiers settling down in Lanka by uttering the famous words of PATRIOTISM that were immortalized by men of letters, artists, painters , dramatists and performing stage artists generation after generation for many a millennia. Shri Ram said:
Both my mother and my motherland take precedence over the Heaven. Thus Shri Ram had rekindled the feeling of Patriotism among the rank and file of his army that comprised assorted type of soldiers both civilized and the semi-civilised. They bowed to the wish of their supreme commander, Shri Ram and left the land of the vanquished nation as per schedule after the colourful coronation of Vibhishan was solemnized. Now the thought of returning to motherland to be available for service, both civil and the military, be at the beck and call of their patriotic political and religious leaders and carry out their orders issued on behalf of their motherland for defending it against any attack or thwarting the subversive activities of fifth columnists and sinister designs of a potential adversary.
The Indian Army lives by a moto, NATION ABOVE ALL.