A day after the Hanuman Jayanti, it seems that the Muslim leadership
of Old City, Hyderabad is back to its old trick of polarising the society…
and as usual the miscreants are running free.

In the early hours of Sunday, 8th April 2012, the bhakts ( devotees) of
the Hanuman temple at Kurmaguda, (in Saidabad ) were in for a shock.
They found that
the green colour had been splashed on the walls of the temple.When
they opened the doors of the temple, they found that large
Pieces of beef ( Cow meat)
was thrown inside the temple from the grills.
The naturally agitated Hindu youth protested against this
sacrilegious act.
The Muslims who are a majority in that area launched an
offensive on the Hindus
and both sides engaged in a duel of stone fight.
Sensing trouble, the police indulged in lathi charge and also
fired tear gas hurting many of the protesters.
At the same time, the Muslims grouped
themselves into a larger group and more or less
occupied the main road of Saidabad armed with stones and swords.
One of the expectations
from administration is security and punishment of the wrong
doers. The ruling Majlis party whose Mayor himse
lf is a criminal ( an accussed in 7 criminal cases
)cannot guarantee the security of the Hindu temples. It seems that the administration
is responsible only for the
protection of non-Hindu sites . The Hindu
society has to be vigilant and protect itself. Meanwhile the tension on the
spot continues ….
Saidabad becoming a haven for Islamic extremists
Saidabad in Hyderabad
has been in the news continuously for the
last decade with a number of ISI agents, SIMI & TTSI activists
& a few other terrorists being arrested.
2003 - Four suspected ISI activist arrested. Zameeluddin Ahmed of Santoshnagar, Abdul Samad of Mallepally, Manzoor Siddiqui a resident of SBH Colony in Saidabad and Maulana Mufti Akbar of Karimnagar.
2004 -
DJS activists attack policemen.
http://www.djsindia.org/djsnews.htm#Activists of the DJS attacked policemen as they reached Sayeedabad
This organization was later banned for planting bombs in the churches
2008 – It was also notorious for the incident when a number of burkha clad women stormed into a police station ransacking it.
July 2008
Police arrested Mohammed Muqeemuddin Yaser, a former SIMI member, from his residence in the Saidabad area of Hyderabad. Yaser, who is a MBA student, is also the eldest son of Maulana Naseeruddin, the founder president of Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Shaan-e-Islam (TTSI).
Yaser’s younger brother Raziuddin Naser, a suspect in the twin blast cases in Hyderabad in August 2007, was arrested by the Karnataka Police in January 2008 for planning terrorist attacks in Karnataka and Goa.
SIT sources said ”Yaser was an active member of SIMI.
Now, he along with some other former SIMI activists of the city has formed a group which downloads jihadi material and religious killing videos from the internet and distributes disks to extremist religious groups in the country.”
2011 -
Attacks on Ganesh processions
2012 -
Also, minority groups within the Muslim society like the Ahmediyas are also unsafe due to the bullying of the dominant Sunni groups here.
Saidabad is also been in the news for the dominant Muslim Sunni groups attacking the Ahmediya mosques.
source : http://arisebharat.com/2012/04/08/hindu-temple-desecrated-violence-in-saidabad-hyderabad/
thats to wrong we should not desecrate the god