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Banu Qurayza were followers of
Judaism and many hundreds
of Jews were beheaded during
the reign of Mohammed
The prophet of Islam is being re-vamped in the West and many Muslims desire to gloss over the harsh reality of their own prophet. In modern times Mohammed is the great family man despite marrying countless numbers of wives, getting divorced many times, having sex with concubines, and marrying a child. Yet the Mohammed of Arabia who ruled with an iron-fist and what his followers did to non-Muslims can be witnessed by events in the 7th century and right up to modern times.
The events that I refer to applies to the systematic annihilation of all male Jews who were over the age of puberty and the ongoing barbarity of radical Islam in modern day Somalia and Kashmir.
Therefore, the Banu Qurayza tribe who followed Judaism and the Muslim convert to Christianity in Somalia in modern times, Mansuur Mohammed; represent the reality and barbarity of Islam and the same applies to the destruction of Hinduism in Kashmir. In these three events, we can see what happened to ancient Christianity in Nubia, what awaited the Zoroastrians of Persia, what awaited the fate of Buddhists and
Hindus in Afghanistan, and what awaited so many other faiths by the sword of Islam.
Before focusing on this issue, it is clear that other faiths have spread by the sword but unlike Islam, no other faith can claim that their prophet was responsible for such hatred or that laws were stated which supported jihad, dhimmitude, and enslavement. Also, while other faiths have looked deep “into their own personal demons” the same does not apply to the Islamic world.
It is clear that human failings like overt nationalism, the control of resources, feudalism, and many upheavals have happened in history. However, you can not equate the negatives within the Buddhist world or Christian world on the teachings of Buddha or Jesus. After all, both supported peace and stood up to the status quo by challenging people to focus on love, compassion, and a fair society.
However, the prophet of Islam is very different because in his world view it was clear that force and coercion were political and religious tools. Mohammed clearly supported the notion of Islamic jihad; stealing from the defeated enemy; enslaving people who did not accept dhimmitude; and laying the foundation of a brutal legal system which kills apostates, chops the hands of petty criminals, and stones people to death for adultery despite the fact that Mohammed did adultery with his concubines.
Often people like to clump all religions together, however, it doesn’t wash because not once did Buddha or Jesus kill nor did they desire political power or to marry countless number of women while claiming to be religious. On the contrary, Mohammed rewards Muslims for killing non-Muslims, by having virgins waiting for them when they sacrifice themselves during jihad.
Jesus, however, gave his own life in order that others can find salvation and of course you have no pre-conditions because people are free to reject him or accept him and only the afterlife will judge providing you have an afterlife?
In Islam this is seen to be weak and the God of Mohammed seeks control, power, to enforce dhimmitude, to kill in the name of Allah, and to install a legal system which favors Muslims over the inferior non-Muslims.
I will now turn back to the 7th century and the lifetime of Mohammed because he set in motion a religion which would engulf many parts of the world and this applies to terror, war, dhimmitude and Islamic jihad.
Matthias Kuntzel, the author of Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11 highlights on page 65 that “In 627 the Qurayza tribe was exterminated following a siege of Medina by the Meccans. Mohammed went to the marketplace in Medina and had graves dug there. Then the Jews were brought to him and beheaded at the gravesides – between 600 and 900 men in all. The executions lasted the whole day…..Most of the women and children were sold into slavery in Medina, the remainder in Syria and Najad.” (Johan Bouman, op. cit., p.86)
Therefore, the prophet of Islam supported the entire massacre of all Jewish males who followed the religion of Judaism and who were over puberty. Mohammed just sat back and watched this gruesome act and did nothing, apart from divide the spoils afterwards. This barbaric act took place under the rule of Mohammed in the 7th century and in this sense the beheading of Muslim apostates to Christianity in Somalia can be linked to the deeds of Mohammed.
Given this, Mansuur Mohammed who was beheaded in Somalia for being an apostate in the 21st century, joins the Islam of Mohammed and the 7th century because he met the same barbaric fate. Koranic prayers would have been recited while beheading the Banu Qurayza and the same applies to the al-Shabaab (al-Shabab) in Somalia who were reciting the Koran and shouting in joy while cutting the head off a Christian convert.
In my article called Killing Christians in Somalia, burning Bibles in Pakistan and stealth jihad. I stated that “…we have silence when Christians are being beheaded while Muslims recite the Koran and shout “Allah Akbar” while killing someone in such a brutal way”.
In the minds of Islamists who support the ways and deeds of Mohammed they are following in the footsteps of their bloodthirsty prophet. Therefore, the beheading of Mansuur Mohammed who converted from Islam to Christianity in Somalia is connected to the “same evil forces” which were unleashed by Muslims under Mohammed during his lifetime.
Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was killed for remaining loyal to Judaism.
The mind of Mohammed was clearly evil because at no time did he try to stop his followers from doing this brutal crime. In direct contrast to Jesus who stopped the prostitute from being killed by stoning to death we have the prophet of Islam who endorses such barbaric methods. Mohammed not only watched this brutal genocide of all male followers of Judaism over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza; for this was not enough because he also enslaved the Jewish women and children of this tribe and plundered all their wealth which was to be shared by the victorious Muslims.
Mohammed now “set in stone the brutality of Islam” and this applies to jihad, dhimmitude, jizya, killing apostates, stoning people to death for adultery (despite doing adultery himself), plundering the wealth of the vanquished and enabling the forces of evil to kill in the name of God.
Islamists all over the world, irrespective if they are in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, or wherever, support the methodology of Mohammed and many desire to spread this faith and enforce dhimmitude on the people of the book or to massacre and destroy the foundations of Buddhism, Hinduism, and other faiths. At the same time you have Islamists within the democratic world, for example in America, Germany, India, the UK, and other nations, who desire to spread Islam and to weaken the foundations of democracy in order to Islamize the entire world.
In our own lifetime we have witnessed the Islamization of Kashmir “in silence “and a civilization which nurtured this land for thousands of years and the Hindus of this area may end up like the Buddhists and Hindus of Afghanistan? This applies to the complete Islamization of an area which once had a flourishing Hindu civilization but just like the destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism in Afghanistan by Islamic forces and then the destruction of all signs of this culture, the same fate awaits the Hindus of Kashmir if Islamists get their way.
If you check the website of http://www.kashmiri-pandit.org/sundry/genocide.html it states the following:
“Terrorism in Kashmir is an ideological struggle with specified political commitments which are fundamentalist and communal in character.
Terrorist violence is aimed at achieving the disengagement of the state of Jammu and Kashmir from India and its annexation to Pakistan. It is, the continuation of the Islamic fundamentalist struggle for the homeland of Pakistan which claims Jammu and Kashmir state on account of its Muslim majority character.
The major dimension of the terrorist violence in Kashmir is the terrorists’ commitment to the extermination and subjugation of the Hindus in the state because Hindus do not subscribe to the idea of separation from India, nor do they expect to be governed by the authority of the state which derives its sanction from the law and precedent of Islam. Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) have always been in the forefront of the struggle against secessionism, communalism and fundamentalism. Hence this peace loving minority with a modern outlook became the main victim of terrorist violence. The strategies involved in the terrorists’ operation against the Hindus in Kashmir include:
“The extermination of Hindus; subjecting Hindus to brutal torture to instill fear among them in order to achieve their submission; and to engineer a forced mass exodus of Hindus from the land of their ancestors and birth by way of issuing threatening letters, kidnappings and torture deaths on non-compliance of the terrorists’ dictates and ensure the destruction of the secular and pluralistic character of the socio-political fabric of the Kashmiri Society.”
If we go back to Arabia before Mohammed and during his early life then it is clear that Arabia was pluralistic and you had Christians, Jews, Pagans, and other faiths. However, during the lifetime of Mohammed the sword would be taken to Pagans and the followers of Judaism, once Mohammed obtained power. Also, just like the destruction of all non-Muslim faiths in Afghanistan (Buddhism, Hinduism, and others) by the followers of Islam the prophet of Islam had done the same and in time the same fate would await the Christians of Arabia.
Therefore, Mohammed had supported the entire destruction of Arab Paganism and Judaism, and in time the same fate would await Christians once complete Islamization had taken over all aspects of society. Modern Islamists are connected with this 7th century methodology because Islamists are doing the same in Kashmir with regards to the destruction of Hinduism.
The followers of Islam are also killing every single apostate that they can find in Somalia and all Christians converts face being beheaded or killed in other ways, while their children are being taken and converted to Islam. Buddhists in southern Thailand face the same Islamic methodology and many Buddhist priests have been killed alongside other Buddhists and moderate Muslims who are deemed to be apostates for supporting pluralism.
The mindset of the prophet of Islam is ongoing and lives on within the brutal legal system of Islamic Sharia law; the destruction of other faiths by the followers of Islam in Kashmir, southern Thailand, Somalia, and in other parts of the world; and the mindset of Mohammed lives on within every murder of an innocent Christian, Hindu, Sikh, or other in Pakistan.
After all, the followers of Islam desire to enforce dhimmitude on non-Muslims (Egypt, Iran, and others) or the eradication of non-Muslim faiths within an Islamic monoculture (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, and others). Therefore, the beheadings of over 600 followers of Judaism in the lifetime of Mohammed and the beheading of the Christian convert, Mansuur Mohammed, in the 21st century are connected.
The same applies to the ongoing Islamization of Kashmir where a rich Hindu civilization is under threat from complete Islamization. Therefore, the Hindus of this region are like the Arab Pagans and followers of Judaism in the time of Mohammed because both face extermination and the destruction of their culture and all traces of Hindu architecture is under threat. However, while the world remembers the destruction of Buddhist symbols in Afghanistan not a murmur is being said in the international community about the plight of Hindus in Kashmir.
In truth, it is clear that Mohammed and the mindset of Islamists are the same and jihad and plunder goes hand in hand. The 7th century and 21st century are the same in the minds of Islamists because they desire power, control, dhimmitude, jizya, and so forth; liberals can fool themselves but history teaches us that Islam destroyed many Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Pagan, and Zoroastrians societies.
If leaders in democratic societies desire to ignore history and a living history of Islamization in Kashmir, Pakistan, southern Thailand, and in other parts of the world in the 21st century then the sword of Islam and stealth jihad will work hand in hand in order to obtain power in new lands.
Lee Jay Walker
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