"The Bhagavad Gita, with a clear grasp of the historical, warns us against taking away the psychological comfort of people by unsettling their faith."
Refer to In Rome , Goddess Durga is not welcome - By Kanchan Gupta and Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict
Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout, India and Watch The Bible is Bullshit - Penn & Teller examine the Bible. Refer to Christian Saints for Sale - By C I Isaac -
Destroying Nepal's Ancient culture - Refer to Former Hindu kingdom gets its first bishop
Refer to Petition: Christians against proselytism and Watch Christian Evangelists Denying Scientific Evidence - A British scientist interviewing Rev Ted Haggard. Refer to Hinduism under Threat. Refer to Catholic Church sells Tickets to Heaven and Christianization of Andhra Pradesh. Refer to Ireland archbishop admits child abuse report 'will shock us all' and Dublin archbishop: Sex abuse report will shock (1,000's of children sexualy abused)
"Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it." - Charles Dickens (1812-1870).
" A creed religion like Christianity... is constantly competing against all other religions — and, what is more, doing so on their own home grounds. Its success is measured in terms of the number of converts it makes."
- Michael Arnheim author of Is Christianity True (Skeptic's Bookshelf Series).
Conversion: A Fraud on Humanity - Religious Colonialism?
Are majority religions by the power of their numbers and economic clout going to smother Vedic religions?
Among the major religions, Christianity and Islam actively seek converts. The missionaries believe that only people who accept Jesus as Savior will be saved and go to heaven. The doctrine of racial superiority that the Europeans used to justify their colonial rule is gone, but the attitude of Christian religious superiority continues. Such religious exclusivism is backward and prejudicial, just like racism
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was among India's most fervent nationalists, fighting for Indian independence from British rule.

Mahatma Gandhi called religious conversions a fraud on humanity. He wrote:
" Every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less but also an enemy the more." - Swami Vivekananda

The West has the most brutalized indigenous populations in the world.
Concerns for missionary aggression are not unique to India, but are universally experienced by native communities struggling to withstand assault from organized evangelism. In 2001, the World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity met in New Delhi and discussed the problems of indigenous faiths, especially in the light of the inadequacy of protection afforded by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1948.
Proselystization destroyed innumerable cultures and depleted the wisdom of the human race. Deploring unwholesome practices to encourage conversions, the World Congress noted that organizations, like the Church Planting Movement, had set up aggressive targets for the conversion of Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. In one region of India, the number of churches rose from 547 in 1996 to 2000 in 1998, and more than 55,000 persons were converted to Christianity in just seven years. The World Congress asserted that such massive conversions could not be entirely voluntary, and that they necessarily resulted in animosity and retaliation among religious groups.
The World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity resolved, inter alia, that proselythizing a person living in a community with a particular religious tradition is an act of violence against the person, the community and the religious tradition; that individuals and groups have the legitimate right to defend their religious tradition against proselytization; that it is imperative to preserve religious diversity and foster mutual respect for all religions through appropriate legislation and that a person converted from an indigenous tradition, culture, faith and belief has a right to return to his or her traditional belief.
The incessant pressure on surviving indigenous groups compelled the UN General Assembly to a late but timely recognize the worldwide loss of cultural diversity due to centuries of unwholesome physical and cultural annihilation of indigenous communities by politically organized religious groups. Eventually, the decade of 1995-2004 was dedicated as the International Decade of Indigenous Peoples, following global acknowledgement that native communities, estimated at around three hundred million worldwide, suffer extreme hardships as they struggle to retain their distinct cultural and religious traditions and lifestyles. UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali had said that indigenous had been pushed to ‘the margins of national and international life.’
On 13 September 2007, after more than twenty years of negotiations between nation states and indigenous peoples, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with an overwhelming majority of 143 votes in favor, four against (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States), and eleven abstentions.
It is not without irony that the countries that voted against the declaration have the most brutalized indigenous populations in the world, and an unedifying history of genocide and almost unending atrocities. Australia and Canada have offered apologies for their treatment to the aborigines. (Australia – Stolen generations, Canada – residential school for aborigines). Neither the United States nor New Zealand have so far apologized, or signaled intent to do so.
(source: Evangelical Intrusions - By Sandhya Jain Rupa Publications p. 1 - 11).
Respect for religious freedom and its promotion "must not in any way make us indifferent towards truth and goodness. Indeed love impels the followers of Christ to proclaim to all the truth which saves", the 19-page document said. Similar proclamations by the Vatican that the Roman Catholic Church believes its message to be the "truth" and that its mission is to make converts, has angered leaders of other Christian and non- Christian faiths. But the Vatican 's top Indian-born cleric, Cardinal Ivan Dias, said he believed the "vast majority" of Hindus - the largest religious group in India - would welcome the document.

Pitrim Sorokin (1889-1968) Russian-American sociologist of Harvard University has said:

Refer to Victims of Christian Faith and Christianity's Criminal History - By Karlheinz Deschner.
Exhibits of non-western peoples were first organized by zoos, apparently on the grounds that with exotic animals went matching people, and probably making use of the same trade connections. In Germany such exhibits were organized by the Hamburg animal trader and zoo director Carl Hagenbeck. In his memoirs he refers to them as “anthropological-zoological exhibits”. Groups of Laps, Nubians, Eskimos, Kalmuks, BellaCoola Indians, Sinhalese, Ethiopians, Somalis and so on followed one another in a motley parade from the 1870s onward. LaGrange in Paris followed suit in 1881 and staged ethnographic shows in the Jardin d'Acclimatation of the Bois the Boulogne . Godefroy brought an ethnographic collection from Angola to the Netherlands in 1888 with a group of 23 slaves, selected in such a way that they would be “wild customers”. Thus during the heydays of imperialism many exhibits of peoples were organized: against payment the public were shown negroes, Indians, Asians, situated in their own dwellings. In colonial ethnography the colonized were turned into objects of knowledge, in the colonial exhibit they were turned into spectacles. The peoples on display were the trophies of victory.

Indologist Koenraad Elst (1959 -) Dutch historian, born in Leuven, Belgium, on 7 August 1959, into a Flemish (i.e. Dutch-speaking Belgian) Catholic family. He graduated in Philosophy, Chinese Studies and Indo-Iranian Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven. He is the author of several books including The Saffron Swastika, Decolonising The Hindu Mind - Ideological Development of Hindu Revivalism and Negationism in India: Concealilng the Record of Islam.
Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-1899) Well known post civil war American political speechmaker and Secular-Humanist. Among his admirers were president James Garfield, poet Walt Whitman, General Ulysses S. Grant, industrialist-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, inventor Thomas Edison, and Mark Twain.
“Christian proselytism has done irretrievable harm to native races by disintegrating their culture and by the unrest and antagonism the process evokes. “
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) a liberal Christian President of the US, recognized very early the deleterious impact of religion on a pluralistic America which was then getting established. Writing about religion, he said that its negative potential “has been severely felt by mankind, and has filled the history of ten or twelve centuries with too many atrocities not to merit a proscription from meddling with government" - In the Notes on Virginia he has observed:
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) American Statesman said:
Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1774) France's greatest writers and philosophers, was atheist, and a bitter critic of the Church, which he looked upon as the instigator of cruelty, injustice, and inequality, wrote, in a letter to Frederick the Great (1712–86):
Sigmund Freud in his book, Moses and Monotheism, reasoned that a militant and exclusive God Jehovah was
Alistair Crowley (1875-1947) British occultist:
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher:
Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French novelist:
Richard Dawkins (1941 - ) Is the eminent British ethologist evolutionary theorist, and popular science writer who holds the Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. He is the author of The God Delusion.
Hans Henning Atrott (1944 - ) is the founder and first president of the German society for Humane Dying and former secretary (executive director) of the "World Federation of Right to Die Societies. He has written:
Charles Francois Dupuis (1742 –1809) French scholar, a professor (from 1766) of rhetoric at the Collège de Lisieux, Paris, anti-clerical, branded Christianity as a religion of terror, in contrast to simple, beautiful pagan religions.
Robert Taylor (1784 - 1844) in his book Syntagma of the Evidences of the Christian Religion p. 32 (1828) wrote:
Helen Ellerbe a researcher, writer, and public speaker, has observed in her book, The Dark Side of Christian History that:
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas of Elijah Ministries and Assistant Director of Operation Save America has written in his book, The Kingdom Leadership Institute Manual:
"Whether we like it or not, ours is a bloody religion," "Beginning with God slaying the animals to cover Adam and Eve after the fall…to the final sacrifice by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one theme rings true. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins."
(source: Christian Bootcamp Seeks to Arm Home-Schooled Youths for "Spiritual Warfare" -
"The Bible account of the creation of Eve is a preposterous fable."
Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931 - ) is a South African cleric and activist who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. Tutu was the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
Brenda Ralph Lewis , English author has remarked:
Dr Charles Sabillon ( ?) author of several books, has observed in his article Christianity and Islam: Which is the Worst?
Swami Aksharananda ( ) an Indian of Caribbean origin and holds a Ph.D. degree in Hindu Studies from the University of Madison, Wisconsin (USA) has observed:
"Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His Virgin Birth and in His Resurrection in the body-the irreducible minimum of the Christian faith-will go to heaven. Those who deny any or all of these tenets will be lost-they will go to hell" ... "We have got to smoke them out," cried the reverend.
James Gillispie Birney (1792 - 1857) in 1842 wrote his pamphlet on American slavery. It was entitled: The American Churches: The Bulwarks of American Slavery.
“I have to inform you that the religion of the southern states, at this time, is the great supporter, the great sanctioner of the bloody atrocities to which I have referred. While America is printing tracts and Bibles; sending missionaries abroad to convert the heathen; expending her money in various ways for the promotion of the Gospel in foreign lands, the slave not only lies forgotten--uncared for, but is trampled under foot by the very churches of the land.
Vine Deloria author of the book, Red earth: White lies observes:
Bill Maher On The Catholic Church And the $2 Billion Given To Victims of Pedophile Priests:
Gore Vidal (1925 - ) well known American writer, the eminent historian, and a public figure for over fifty years, in his Lowell Lecture at Harvard University given April 20, 1996 observed:
As John Lennon (1940 - 1980) once said, “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue with that; I’m right, and I will be proved right.”
As author Norman Lewis (1908 - 2003) notes:
Patrick J Buchanan Presidential candidate at the 1992 Republican National Convention said:
Tom DeLay, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) at the First Baptist Church of Pearland, Texas, on April 12, 2002 said:
Jerry Lamon Falwell (1933 - ) American fundamentalist Baptist pastor. He also founded of the Moral Majority movement in 1979 and Liberty University in 1971 has said:
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon (1920 - ) the owner of the Washington Times and the head of the well-funded Unification Church, said that
“we must have an autocratic theocracy to rule the world. So we cannot separate the political field from the religious. My dream is to organize a Christian political party including the Protestant denominations, Catholic and all religious sects. We can embrace the religious world in one arm and the political world in the other.”
Gary North of the Institute for Christian Economics has said:
Jay Grimstead of the Coalition on Revival said:
Bailey Smith expressed that:
Joseph Morecraft of the Chalcedon Presbyterian Church, "Biblical Role of Civil Government" speech delivered on August 21, 1993 at the Biblical Worldview and Christian Education Conference.
Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin noted:
Randall Terry (1959) Christian activist and Reconstructionist, founder of the radical anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, recently told a gathering in Washington that he wants to build a Christian nation.
Ronald Reagan President of the United States remarked:
Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521), Portuguese explorer said:
George Orwell (1903-1950), British author:
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French philosopher:
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France :
God Wars: The triumph of the Jealous Gods
Sir John Woodroffe (1865-1936) the well known scholar, Advocate-General of Bengal and sometime Legal Member of the Government of India. He served with competence for eighteen years and in 1915 officiated as Chief Justice. He had predicted in his book, Is India Civilized: Essays on Indian Culture p. xlviii, that:
“In every way, the coming assault on Hindu civilization will be the greatest which it has ever had to endure in the whole course of its long history.”

Karl Kautsky (1854 – 1938) the leading Marxist thinker of the Second International, defined imperialism as the political domination of underdeveloped countries by developed nations.
(source: Evangelism and the Future of Christianity – by Alister McGrath p. 163).
Refer to Dissecting Christianity’s mind-snaring system and Victims of Christian Faith
While commenting upon Biblical Science, George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) the famous playwright, critic and essayist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925, observes:
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970) English logician and philosopher, best known for his work in mathematical logic and for his social and political campaigns, including his advocacy of both pacifism and nuclear disarmament. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.He wrote in 1954,
In the midst of all the media hoopla surrounding the suicides of 39 members of the "Heaven's Gate" cult, Bill Maher, American comedian made a very sensible comment on the night of "Good Friday," 1997. He said, quite truthfully and bravely, that Christianity had started out with the name cult and had kept that name until it attracted enough followers to become respectable.
American writer and journalist Mark Twain, (1835-1910) also known as Samuel Clemens, one of the most widely loved and celebrated American writers since his first books were released in the late 1860s.
Sister Nirmala, the Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity, who pretends to respect secularist values, clearly explained their approach towards other religions in the following words:
Helen Keller (1880-1968) American activist and lecturer:
W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), English playwright and novelist:
Jewish Leader blasts Evangelical "zealots" - Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, said "religious right" leaders believe "unless you attend my church, accept my God and study my sacred text you cannot be a moral person."
"What could be more bigoted than to claim that you have a monopoly on God?"
The Reverend Jerry Falwell founder of the Moral Majority & Liberty University, and a prominent Conservative activist. He teaches that Jesus is “the way” and that people who do not accept Jesus as their Lord are in danger of failure and eternal damnation:
In 1984, the then Episcopal Bishop of Newark (NJ), John Shelby Spong visited India and wrote the following:

Another Cry in the Wilderness - By Rani Gaidinliu
Rani Gaidinliu (1915 – 1993) was born at the Nangkao village in Manipur, was an active freedom fighter of India who joined the agitation at the age of 13. She spearheaded an inspiring socio-political movement to cast the British out from the Manipur and Naga belts. It was in 1932 at the age of 16 that Rani Gaidinliu was arrested and put behind bars for life. She could be freed from the jail only after India 's independence in 1947.
Ours is said to be a secular country, though it is not clear how it is. In the name of secularism, thousands and lakhs of my Hindu brethren and children are converted to Christianity by hook or crook. This has been going on especially at a greater tempo after India attaining Independence , and in the name of Secularism while if one humbly calls himself, when asked, as just a Hindu, he is dubbed communal and anti-secular, and even obscurantist. As if this is not enough in our secular country if I call myself a Hindu in my own house the aggressive Christians have the audacity to call me a Satan’s slave in my own house. Today the situation is such that we cannot discuss our Santan Dharma in our house. The churches habitually employ fraudulent means in their behavior in Nagaland and elsewhere in the whole of Purvanchal organizing protest day against ‘The freedom of Religion Bill.’ The whole political adventurism had the leading politico-religious elements among the ruling circle (who are well known for their anti Indian stance and were earlier underground fighting with the army for many years).
Friedrich Max Muller (1823-1900) German philologist and Orientalist. He repeatedly drew attention to the uniqueness of the Vedas and awakened interest in Indology among educated people. He did more than any other scholar to popularize philology and mythology, e.g., his lectures Science of Language. Muller is best known for his series Sacred Books of the East.
Charles Francois Dupuis (1742 –1809) French scholar, a professor (from 1766) of rhetoric at the Collège de Lisieux, Paris, anti-clerical, branded Christianity as a religion of terror, in contrast to simple, beautiful pagan religions.
Reverend John Hagee, (1940 - ) a Texas televangelist of Cornerstone Church, who has called the Catholic Church "the great whore" and a "false cult system."
In the book, Hagee cites material from the Jewish tradition (Jeremiah 9:13-16; 44:2-4, 15-17) to justify this view.
In 2008, in response to a question about this matter, he differentiated between his interpretation of the Bible and his understanding of modern history: "I learn from the Bible that the children of Israel were punished by God for their iniquities. But I do not presume to explain Jewish suffering in modern times. I only seek to alleviate it."
Pat Robertson American Christian evangelists on his 700 Club was recently asked:
Refer to Bush-sponsored Evangelisation of India -I - By V Sundaram
Refer to Bush-sponsored Evangelisation of India -II – By V Sundaram
Refer to Bush-sponsored Evangelisation of India -III – By V Sundaram
Refer to Holy warriors in the US armed forces and Christian embassy and Officers Christian fellowship and Ambassadors for Christian Dominion in Uniform
Refer to Religious Freedom Report as a Political Weapon - According to the report, there seems to be mainly one discriminated minority in India : the Christian missionaries. Refer to Persecution complex - Evangelical lawmakers behind creation of USCIRF. Refer to Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud - By Greg Szymanski June 6, 2007. Refer to Catholic Church sells Tickets to Heaven and Christianization of Andhra Pradesh. Refer to Amen - an autobiography of a nun and Mote and the beam - By Sandhya Jain.
Pastor Rod Parsley (1957 - ) the leader of a 12,000-member congregation World Harvest Church, has written several books outlining his fundamentalist religious outlook, including the 2005 Silent No More.

Dr Charles Sabillon ( ?) author of several books, has observed in his article Christianity and Islam: Which is the Worst?
Dr. Koenraad Elst (1959 -) Dutch historian, born in Leuven, Belgium, on 7 August 1959, into a Flemish (i.e. Dutch-speaking Belgian) Catholic family. He graduated in Philosophy, Chinese Studies and Indo-Iranian Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven.
Islam (aka. Religion of Peace - with its Jehad) - Mohammed, who used to travel to the Christian city of Damascus as an agent of his wife Khadija’s company, brought monotheism and prophet hood to Arabia. He divided humanity into two, the believers and unbelievers. He divided the world into two: the Muslim-ruled countries, or Dar-ul-Islam, and the rest, called Dar-ur-Harb, the land of strife.
Refer to Jihad Watch.
Marxism - is the latest and shortest-lived offshoot of this lineage of closed and aggressive creeds. Its God is history, which is one-dimensional version of the Christian-Islamic doctrine of “God’s plan unfolding in history. It divided humanity into two: the progressive forces, who have history on their side (today: the proletariat), and the rest, who will be wiped out of history soon. It divides the world into two: the Socialist Republics where the proletariat is in power and does its redeeming work of establishing classless society, and the rest, where revolution is yet to take place.
But what goes up, must come down. Religions that are not sanatana, (eternal) ingrained in human nature and therefore age-old, religions that have a beginning, are also bound to end.
It was their claim that Christianity is all about love and compassion for humanity! They did not think of the African as a human being. The church propagated that the black men were the sons of the Devil.
Inequality, said Martin Luther, author of the Reformation, is a “natural order.” It still is a natural order to the West. Ask Wall Street!
The Semitic faiths were marked for their blindness and cruelty. This is no reflection on Christ. He was truly a man of God. The fault lay with the church. Today it is back again to its aggressive posture.
W E H Lecky (1838 -1903) the great Irish historian of Europe , writes:
Some might say that Christianity is a bit like this.
Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist knows that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of Asia . In China today Christianity is growing so fast that they can hardly build the churches quick enough to hold all the new converts. The gentle hill tribes people of Thailand and Laos are falling prey to the missionaries one by one.

"The Bhagavad Gita, with a clear grasp of the historical, warns us against taking away the psychological comfort of people by unsettling their faith."
According to the Bhagavad Gita, even those who worship other gods (anyadevatah), ancestral deities, elemental powers, if they do so with faith, then their faith is justified, for the Divine accepts every form conceived by the worshipper.
Toleration is the homage, which the finite mind pays to the inexhaustibility of the Infinite.
(source: Eastern Religions & Western Thought - By Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan p.316 - 328). Refer to The Future of Christian-Hindu Conflict: The Theology of Conversion - By Krishna Kirti Das. Refer to In Rome , Goddess Durga is not welcome - By Kanchan Gupta and Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict
Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout, India and Watch The Bible is Bullshit - Penn & Teller examine the Bible. Refer to Christian Saints for Sale - By C I Isaac -
Destroying Nepal's Ancient culture - Refer to Former Hindu kingdom gets its first bishop
Refer to Petition: Christians against proselytism and Watch Christian Evangelists Denying Scientific Evidence - A British scientist interviewing Rev Ted Haggard. Refer to Hinduism under Threat. Refer to Catholic Church sells Tickets to Heaven and Christianization of Andhra Pradesh. Refer to Ireland archbishop admits child abuse report 'will shock us all' and Dublin archbishop: Sex abuse report will shock (1,000's of children sexualy abused)
"Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it." - Charles Dickens (1812-1870).
" A creed religion like Christianity... is constantly competing against all other religions — and, what is more, doing so on their own home grounds. Its success is measured in terms of the number of converts it makes."
- Michael Arnheim author of Is Christianity True (Skeptic's Bookshelf Series).
"Onward Chartered Soldiers, on to heathen lands,
Prayer books in your pockets, rifles in your hands.
Take the glorious tidings where trade can be done,
Spread the peaceful gospel --- with a Maxim gun.
Tell the wretched natives, sinful are their hearts,
Turn their heathen temples into spirit marts.
And if to your teaching they will not succumb,
Give them another sermon with the Maxim gun...
When the Ten Commandments they quite understand,
You their Chief must hocus, and annex their land;
And if they misguided call you to account,
Give them another sermon --- with a Maxim from the Mount."
Prayer books in your pockets, rifles in your hands.
Take the glorious tidings where trade can be done,
Spread the peaceful gospel --- with a Maxim gun.
Tell the wretched natives, sinful are their hearts,
Turn their heathen temples into spirit marts.
And if to your teaching they will not succumb,
Give them another sermon with the Maxim gun...
When the Ten Commandments they quite understand,
You their Chief must hocus, and annex their land;
And if they misguided call you to account,
Give them another sermon --- with a Maxim from the Mount."
- When Cecil Rhodes embarked on war with Lobengula in Matebele, his troops used a new "secret weapon:" the Maxim which could fire 500 rounds a minute. In 1893, in the battle of Shangani River , 1,500 Matebele warriors were killed while only four British died. The English Liberals penned a bitter satire on the victory, which Rhodes ' men the Chartered Company Volunteers then cynically adopted as their anthem.
The Myth of St. Thomas in India
In Catholic universities in Europe, the myth of the apostle Thomas going to India is no longer taught as history, but in India it is still considered useful. Even the Vatican has confirmed this fact.
Christianity's arrival in India - please refer to The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple.
Conversion: A Fraud on Humanity - Religious Colonialism?
Are majority religions by the power of their numbers and economic clout going to smother Vedic religions?
"Evangelical Christianity, born in England and nurtured in the United States, is leaving home."
- Paul Nussbaum, author of Evangelical Christianity shifting outside West - Philadelphia Inquirer Feb 20, 2006. Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity. Refer to Also refer to USA - What does the Constitution say about religion? - 8 December, 2007. Watch this moving Video America's native prisoners of war - By Aaron Huey -
***Among the major religions, Christianity and Islam actively seek converts. The missionaries believe that only people who accept Jesus as Savior will be saved and go to heaven. The doctrine of racial superiority that the Europeans used to justify their colonial rule is gone, but the attitude of Christian religious superiority continues. Such religious exclusivism is backward and prejudicial, just like racism

He was a Hindu to the core.
He said:
" I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth living."
Watch video - Brahmins in India have become a minority
"Hindu Dharma is like a boundless ocean teeming with priceless gems. The deeper you dive the more treasures you find."
(source: The Essence of Hinduism - By M. K. Gandhi p. 205). Refer to Christian Atrocities and Inquisitions - The Burning Cross and Insults to the Mahatma, ignored by India - Refer to Protests against Sonia Gandhi representing Mohandas Gandhi
Endorsed by Forum for saving Gandhi Heritage consisting of Mahatma Gandhi International Foundation, Indo Caribbean Council, Kashmir Pandits Association, Bangalore Initiative for Religious Dialogue (Christian against Proselytization) & Foundation of Nepalis in America & others. Refer to Petition: Christians against proselytism. Watch The Bible is Bullshit - Penn & Teller examine the Bible. Refer to Vindicated by Time: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities Introduction - By Sita Ram Goel - Watch Hand of God movie: A must-see film on church sex scandal - - New Hampshire Public TV on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 at 10 p.m.
Refer to Pointers on Witnessing to Hindus - By Gurudatt Shiwdat and Jared Jenkins - Watch Christians Reconvert Back to Hinduism - Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity. Refer to Think tank alleges British MPs involved in promoting evangelism in India - Watch Benny Hinn examined - Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout , India
"Hinduism has made marvelous discoveries in things of religion, of the spirit, of the soul.
"Hinduism is a relentless pursuit of Truth. "Truth is God" and if today it has become moribund, inactive, irresponsive to growth, it is because we are fatigued; and as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will burst upon the world with a brilliance perhaps unknown before.”
(source: Young India, 24/11/1924 p. 390-396 and The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru. Oxford University Press. 1995. pg 75). Watch An Invasion through Conversion -
(source: Young India, 24/11/1924 p. 390-396 and The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru. Oxford University Press. 1995. pg 75). Watch An Invasion through Conversion -
" I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism."
(source: Outlines of Hinduism - By T. M. P. Mahadevan - p. foreword). Destroying Nepal's Ancient culture - Refer to Former Hindu kingdom gets its first bishop. Refer to Religious conversion is God’s work, but is it? - By Hilda Raja and This Church is a Cruel Joke - By George Augustine

The Christian Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee was appointed by a Resolution of the Government of Madhya Pradesh No. 318-716-V-Con., dated the 14th of April, 1954.Dr. M. B. Niyogi, M.A., LL.M., LL.D. (Hon.), Kt., C.I.E.,
Chairman, Christian Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee, Nagpur, Madhya Pradesh.“Evangelisation in India appears to be part of uniform world policy to revive Christendom for re-establishing western supremacy and is not prompted by spiritual motives. The objective is apparently to create Christian minority pockets with a view to disrupt the solidarity of Non-Christian societies and the mass conversions of a considerable section of Adivasis with this ulterior motive is fraught with danger to the security of the state.”Refer to Niyogi Committee Report and CIA Recruitment and the Church.Refer to Stop converting the Hindus; stop USCIRF and US and the USCIRF – no end to impertinence. Refer to Hinduism under Threat. Refer to Ireland archbishop admits child abuse report 'will shock us all' and Dublin archbishop: Sex abuse report will shock (1,000's of children sexualy abused). Watch An Invasion through Conversion - Refer to Christian Saints for Sale - By C I Isaac - vijayvaani.comRefer to Oppose Christian Missionaries and Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq . Watch video - Christian Missionary Misdeeds in India. Refer to Vindicated by Time: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities Introduction - By Sita Ram Goel - Refer to Shame to humanity: Vatican defends 'right and duty' to convert members of other faiths . Refer to Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - By Kevin Annett and documentary Unrepentant and Canada's Genocide. Refer to Survivors Network of those Abused by Christian Priests. Refer to Tear Down That Wall -***
Defining his attitude to a prominent Indian Christian, Kali Charan Banerjee (1847-1902) he said:
"I am unable to identify with orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount....I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita."
"I am unable to identify with orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount....I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita."
(source: The Collected Works - By M. K. Gandhi Volume 27, New Delhi, 1968 p. 434-435 and India and World Civilization By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 258).
This is what Gandhi wrote about the Bhagavad Gita:
"The Geeta is the universal mother. I find a solace in the Bhagavadgeeta that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount. When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there , and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies - and my life has been full of external tragedies - and if they have left no visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavadgeeta."
About the Bhagawad-Gita, Gandhi, says: “Today the Gita is not only my Bible or my Koran, it is more than that—it is my mother... When I am in difficulty or distress I seek refuge in her bosom.”
(source: Harijan 24-8-1934).
(source: Harijan 24-8-1934).
Gandhi, the author of the Quit India movement was inspired by the teachings of Krishna in the Gita.
(source: On Secularism in India - By S Gurumurthy). For more refer to chapter on European Imperialism. Refer to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities - Christianity Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956 and The Sunshine of Secularism. Refer to Crimes of Christianity - By G W Foote and J M Wheeler Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America. Refer to Christian Atrocities and Inquisitions - The Burning Cross. Refer to Refer to Hyper link to Hindu Phobia – Online Hatred, Extremism and Bigotry against Hindus
Refer to Christian persecution against the Hellenes - Refer to The Aztec Account of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth. Refer to Christian Preacher claims Hinduism and Buddhism is Satanic - Also refer to Christian Evangelists Denying Scientific Evidence - and Evangelical Right. For how Native Canadians were treated refer to Hidden From History: Canadian Holocaust. Refer to The Canadian Christian Right. Watch Hand of God movie: A must-see film on church sex scandal - - New Hampshire Public TV on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 at 10 p.m. Watch An Invasion through Conversion -

"If I had power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing". "I resent the overtures made to Harijans." "Stop all conversion, it is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth." Poverty doesn't justify conversion.
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 46. p.110 and Volume 61, p. 46-47 volume 64, p. 37 and 400 New Delhi 1968). For more refer to Mahatma Gandhi on The Christian Missionary Menace - Compiled by Swami Aksharananda).
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 46. p.110 and Volume 61, p. 46-47 volume 64, p. 37 and 400 New Delhi 1968). For more refer to Mahatma Gandhi on The Christian Missionary Menace - Compiled by Swami Aksharananda).
Refer to I was born Catholic, Now a follower of Hinduism - By David Cardozo aka Vivek Bharat
He also considered Christian missionaries as "a clear libel on Indian humanity."
(source: "A Repudiation," Young India, 4 March 1926, in Collected Works, vol. 30 (1968), 70). Refer to Insults to the Mahatma, ignored by India - Refer to India - State wise Christian population - 2000 AD - Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout , India
Watch Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour Watch video. Watch Indian Catholic priest who is a practicing Hindu. The interview was conducted inside the Vatican as the ... How can Rev. Patrick Pinto believe in Veda's and bible and how can he believe in Karma..?
Watch Soul winning mission in India - Spreading the gospel in Southern India. Refer to A Ph.D. thesis on Church planting movements in India – By Dane Winstead Fowlkes – East Texas Baptist University. Refer to Refuting Evolution in USA and Christian Fascism - By Carolyn Baker.
It was Mahatma Gandhi who characterized religious conversions as "pure commerce". And Swami Vivekananda termed religious conversion as "religious perversion"
"This proselytization will mean no peace in the world. Conversions are harmful to India. If I had the power and could legislate I should certainly stop all proselytizing.''
"It pains me to have to say that the Christian missionaries as a body, with honorable exceptions, have actively supported a system which has impoverished, enervated and demoralized a people considered to be among the gentlest and most civilized on earth...."
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 24, p. 476). Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel. Watch An Invasion through Conversion -
He claimed: "I am a proud staunch Sanatani Hindu." and when asked what was the contribution of Christianity to the national life of India? Gandhiji remarked:
"Aye, there lies the rub. Unfortunately, Christianity in India has been inextricably mixed up for the last one hundred and fifty years with materialistic civilization and imperialistic exploitation by the stronger white races of the world. Its contribution to India has been therefore largely of a negative character."
(source: Christian missions in the eyes of Gandhiji - Jagarana Prakashana p. 5). For more refer to chapter on European Imperialism and Christian Aggression
Mahatma Gandhi writes: " In the matter of religion I must restrict myself to my ancestral religion; that is, the use of my immediate surroundings in religion. If I find my religion defective, I should serve it by purifying it of defects."
He told the Christian missionaries "it is no part of your call, I assure you, to tear up the lives of the people of the East by the roots."
(source: Mahatma Gandhi's His Life and Ideas - By C. F. Andrews, p. 96).
He told the Christian missionaries "it is no part of your call, I assure you, to tear up the lives of the people of the East by the roots."
(source: Mahatma Gandhi's His Life and Ideas - By C. F. Andrews, p. 96).

British Missionary William Carey baptizing an Indian village.
It was Mahatma Gandhi who characterized religious conversions as "pure commerce". And Swami Vivekananda termed religious conversion as "religious perversion"
For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby
Refer to Hindus missing the wood for the trees - By Dr Gautam Sen- Refer to Catholic Church sells Tickets to Heaven and Christianization of Andhra Pradesh. For more refer to chapter on First Indologists and European Imperialism. Refer to Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - By Kevin Annett and documentary Unrepentant and Canada's Genocide
Refer to Hinduism under Threat
Watch video - Christian Missionary Misdeeds in India. Refer to Oppose Christian Missionaries and Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq . Pope Benedict Solves Mystery of Pedophile Priests . . . Sort of - By Robert Weitzel. Refer to Evangelizing the Jews: The New Techniques -
Gandhi had tried to put the Christian missions in a tight spot by proclaiming that proselytisation was morally wrong and spiritually sterile, if not counter-productive. He had also appealed to the missions to employ their enormous resources for rendering humanitarian services to the poor without any motive for proselytisation.
Further he asks, "How can the conversion achieved through such unethical means be called religious in its true sense?" Mahatma Gandhi once told his friend, the missionary E. Stanley Jones, “Don’t attempt to propagate your faith; just live it."
Gandhi wrote to an American Missionary who claimed that the Christian way is the best of all: "You assume knowledge of all people which you can do only if you were God. I want you to understand that you are laboring under a double fallacy. That what you think best for you is really so; and that what you regard as the best for you is the best for the whole world. It is an assumption of omniscience and infallibility. I plead a little humility."
(source: Religion and Culture - By S. Radhakrishnan South Asia Books 1994 ISBN 8122200125 p. 64). Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel. Refer to Christian Atrocities and Inquisitions - The Burning Cross.
He wrote in My Experiments With Truth: "It was impossible for me to believe that I could go to heaven or attain salvation only by becoming a Christian." All religions were equally capable of leading the follower to salvation.
Gandhi said:
Gandhi said:
"If instead of confining themselves purely to humanitarian work such as education, medical services to the poor and the like, they would use these activities of theirs for the purpose of proselytising, I would certainly like them to withdraw. Every nation considers its own faith to be as good as that of any other. Certainly the great faiths held by the people of India are adequate for her people. India stands in no need of conversion from one faith to another.
(source: Foreign Missionaries, Young India, April 23, 1931.)
Gandhi chided the Christian missionaries for misrepresenting Hinduism.
"You, the missionaries," he said, "come to India thinking that you come to a land of heathens, of idolators, of men who do not know God. One of the greatest Christian divines, Bishop Heber, wrote the two lines which have always left a sting with me: 'Where every prospect pleases, and man alone is vile.' I wish he had not written them. My own experience in my travels through out India has been to the contrary. I have gone from one end of the country to the other, without any prejudice, in a relentless search for truth, and I am not able to say that here in this fair land, watered by the great Ganga, the Brahmaputra, and the Jamuna, man is vile. He is not vile. He is as much a seeker after truth as you and I are, possibly more so.."
He further commented: "I have read several missionary publications and they are able to see only the dark side and paint it darker still. The famous hymn of Bishop Heber's - 'Greenland's icy mountains' - is a clear libel on Indian humanity. I was favored with some literature even in the Yervada prison by well-meaning missionaries, which seemed to be written as if merely to belittle Hinduism."
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Vol. 27 New Delhi 1968 p.436). Refer to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities - Christianity Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956 and The Sunshine of Secularism.Refer to Can Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica? - By Alex Pomero. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America.
Gandhi was equally wary of the Church and its missionaries. Writing in Harijan (March 13, 1937) he said: "My fear is that, though Christian friends nowadays do not say or admit it that Hindu religion is untrue, they must harbour in their breast that Hinduism is an error and that Christianity, as they believe it, is the only true religion. So far, as one can understand the present (Christian) effort, it is to uproot Hinduism from her very foundation and replace it by another faith." He took great care to distinguish between his work and that of the Church: "The first distinction I would like to make...between your missionary work and mine is that while I am strengthening the faith of the people, you (missionaries) are undermining it."
(source: Young India, March 1927).
Swami Vivekeanada speaking about what damage Christian missionaries have done to India, he says in a lecture reported in the Detroit Free Press (February 21, 1894):
"They come to my country and abuse my forefathers, my religion, and everything; they walk near a temple and say 'you idolators, you will go to hell', but they dare not do this to the Mohammedans of India, for the sword will be out but the Hindu is too mild."

"They come to my country and abuse my forefathers, my religion, and everything; they walk near a temple and say 'you idolators, you will go to hell', but they dare not do this to the Mohammedans of India, for the sword will be out but the Hindu is too mild."
As is clear from the Mahatma's polemic against the Christian missionaries, he was first and foremost a Hindu, who opposed all designs to destroy Hindu culture. And it was because he loved and served Hindu society, that he could take the freedom to criticize it. Those who criticize Hindu society and its defenders today, not as its well-wishers but as its enemies, and who do not hesitate to invoke the Mahatma's authority to prop up their Hindu-baiting designs before a population with an increasingly hazy Mahatma's message.
(source: Ayodhya and After - By Koenraad Elst Voice of India Issues Before Hindu Society SKU: INBK2650 p. 272).
For interesting article on missionaries - refer to The problem of Christian missionaries - By Koenraad Elst ).
For interesting article on missionaries - refer to The problem of Christian missionaries - By Koenraad Elst ).
For more refer to The War against Hinduism - By Stephen Knapp and Christian Aggression. Refer to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities - Christianity Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956 and The Sunshine of Secularism. Refer to Can Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica? - By Alex Pomero. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel. Refer to Crimes of Christianity - By G W Foote and J M Wheeler Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America. Refer to Christian Atrocities and Inquisitions - The Burning Cross and Insults to the Mahatma, ignored by India - Refer to Benny Hinn examined - and Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.
Refer to Pointers on Witnessing to Hindus - By Gurudatt Shiwdat and Jared Jenkins - Refer to Himachal Pradesh passes anti-conversion legislation - Watch Christian Evangelists Denying Scientific Evidence - A British scientist interviewing Rev Ted Haggard.

Christian missionaries - Their sole objective: Conversion
Countless cultures, rich spiritual traditions and ancient way of life have been destroyed and tramped upon in the name of the “One Jealous God” of Monotheism.
Refer to Hinduism under Threat and Christian Saints for Sale - By C I Isaac -
Watch video - Christian Missionary Misdeeds in India
(image source: Harvesting Our Souls - Missionaries, their design, their claims - By Arun Shourie).
(image source: Harvesting Our Souls - Missionaries, their design, their claims - By Arun Shourie).
Refer to Christianity’s criminal history – By Karlheinz Deschner. Refer to Religious Freedom Report as a Political Weapon - According to the report, there seems to be mainly one discriminated minority in India : the Christian missionaries. Refer to Persecution complex - Evangelical lawmakers behind creation of USCIRF. Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity. Refer to Survivors Network of those Abused by Christian Priests and Amen - an autobiography of a nun. Refer to Refuting Evolution in USA and Christian Fascism - By Carolyn Baker. Refer to Watch An Invasion through Conversion - and Watch Christians Reconvert Back to Hinduism - Refer to The Aztec Account of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. Refer to Refer to India - State wise Christian population - 2000 AD - Refer to Slokas On The Mount – ‘Christianisation of India ' - Outlook India Magazine May 12, 2008. Refer to Tear Down That Wall -
Gandhi and Harijans
Gandhi was pained by the missionary work with the Harijans. He said: "Lots of people will come and tell you that your Hindu religion is all wrong, as you are not allowed to go to school or enter the temple. To such people you should say, 'We shall settle accounts with our Hindu brothers; you may not come between us as you may not intervene in quarrel between father and son or among relatives." And you should remain steadfast to your religion...Why should I give up my religion. Hinduism is meant for me and my soul.."
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 26, New Delhi, 1967 p. 8-9).
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 26, New Delhi, 1967 p. 8-9).
David Frawley has pointed out:
"Opposite to secularism, both in ideas and in practice, is missionary activity, which is the attempt to convert the world to a single religious belief... Christianity is today, and has historically been, an anti-secular religion. Christian churches may tolerate the laws of living in secular countries, but they have not yet adopted a secular acceptance that many religious and spiritual paths can be valid and that no one religion has the last word."
Mask of White Religious Imperialism?
Dr. M. B. Shankar Niyogi who was appointed by the Government of Madhya Pradesh in 1954. In the Niyogi Committee Report he states :
“Evangelization in India appears to be apart Of uniform world policy to revive Christendom for re-establishing western supremacy and is not prompted by spiritual motives. The objective is apparently to create Christian majority pockets with a view to disrupt the solidarity of the non-Christian societies, and the mass conversion of a considerable section of Adivasis with this ulterior motive is fraught with danger to the security of the State.”
(source: Report of the Christian Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee, Madhya Pradesh - By Justice Dr. M.B. Niyogi 1956, Vol. I, p. 132). Also refer to Holy Vedas and Holy Bible - By Kanayalal M. Talreja and History of Hindu-Christian Encounters - By Sita Ram Goel.
Christianity Destroying innumerable culturesThe West has the most brutalized indigenous populations in the world.
Concerns for missionary aggression are not unique to India, but are universally experienced by native communities struggling to withstand assault from organized evangelism. In 2001, the World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity met in New Delhi and discussed the problems of indigenous faiths, especially in the light of the inadequacy of protection afforded by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1948.
Proselystization destroyed innumerable cultures and depleted the wisdom of the human race. Deploring unwholesome practices to encourage conversions, the World Congress noted that organizations, like the Church Planting Movement, had set up aggressive targets for the conversion of Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. In one region of India, the number of churches rose from 547 in 1996 to 2000 in 1998, and more than 55,000 persons were converted to Christianity in just seven years. The World Congress asserted that such massive conversions could not be entirely voluntary, and that they necessarily resulted in animosity and retaliation among religious groups.
The World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity resolved, inter alia, that proselythizing a person living in a community with a particular religious tradition is an act of violence against the person, the community and the religious tradition; that individuals and groups have the legitimate right to defend their religious tradition against proselytization; that it is imperative to preserve religious diversity and foster mutual respect for all religions through appropriate legislation and that a person converted from an indigenous tradition, culture, faith and belief has a right to return to his or her traditional belief.
The incessant pressure on surviving indigenous groups compelled the UN General Assembly to a late but timely recognize the worldwide loss of cultural diversity due to centuries of unwholesome physical and cultural annihilation of indigenous communities by politically organized religious groups. Eventually, the decade of 1995-2004 was dedicated as the International Decade of Indigenous Peoples, following global acknowledgement that native communities, estimated at around three hundred million worldwide, suffer extreme hardships as they struggle to retain their distinct cultural and religious traditions and lifestyles. UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali had said that indigenous had been pushed to ‘the margins of national and international life.’
On 13 September 2007, after more than twenty years of negotiations between nation states and indigenous peoples, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with an overwhelming majority of 143 votes in favor, four against (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States), and eleven abstentions.
It is not without irony that the countries that voted against the declaration have the most brutalized indigenous populations in the world, and an unedifying history of genocide and almost unending atrocities. Australia and Canada have offered apologies for their treatment to the aborigines. (Australia – Stolen generations, Canada – residential school for aborigines). Neither the United States nor New Zealand have so far apologized, or signaled intent to do so.
(source: Evangelical Intrusions - By Sandhya Jain Rupa Publications p. 1 - 11).
Destroying Ancient Cultures in the Name of Religion
Hindus will welcome says Vatican Indian Henchmen Cardinal Ivan Dias
Hindus will welcome says Vatican Indian Henchmen Cardinal Ivan Dias
Vatican City , - The Vatican on Friday defended the "right and duty" of Catholics to do missionary work aimed at converting people from other religions and other Christian denominations. The assertion came in a document titled "Doctrinal Note on some aspects of Evangelization", issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, the Vatican's department in charge of matters of church orthodoxy.

(source: Shame to humanity: Vatican defends 'right and duty' to convert members of other faiths -
Cannibalizing Cultures - Pests from the West
Religion, money and armed might, the unholy trinity of Neo-Imperialism.
Religion, money and armed might, the unholy trinity of Neo-Imperialism.
Sesha Samarajiwa ( ? ) from Sri Lanka is interested examining foreign religious agents’ role as Fifth Columnists of neocolonialism/neoimperialism. He has written:
"Evangelists belong to a long line of pests from the West who have come and keep coming like locusts to colonize our souls and cannibalize our cultures.
The latest incursions are merely a continuation of the 500-year-old sorry saga of Asia, Africa and South America , which began with the arrival of the Portuguese and the Spaniards. Some have never recovered from the machinations of their priests and the savagery of their conquistadors. The baton of imperialism has passed from the Europeans to the Americans. That is not to say that the rest of the West has dropped out. They have not. They are very much in the game. It’s just that the Americans are in the lead, the new Romans on the rampage.

"Evangelists belong to a long line of pests from the West who have come and keep coming like locusts to colonize our souls and cannibalize our cultures."
(Image source: Democratic
Refer to Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools and Terror behind locked door. Refer to Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - By Kevin Annett and documentary Unrepentant and Canada's Genocide
Refer to Oppose Christian Missionaries and Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq. Refer to How do we know that Christians are delusional? and Survivors Network of those Abused by Christian Priests. Also refer to Church in Kerala is rocked by sex scandals – By George Iype in Kochi and Clergy abuse
Like Tobacco industry - Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist knows that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of Asia . Refer to Planning the Demise of Buddhism - Lankaweb
We know well how the Europeans won the West. They won it through mass genocide of the native populations in North and South America . In South America , hundreds and thousands of natives who resisted conversion were garroted. There is a poignant painting depicting such conversions. It shows armored Spanish soldiers garroting native priests, while a Spanish priest holds up a large cross. More terrified natives await their turn. On the side, another Spanish priest feeds stacks of ancient gold-leaf books of the Mayans into a fire. On the face of the Mayan priests, a look of utter sadness mixed with resignation.
In places like India and Sri Lanka , they were no better. They too faced abject horrors. In his book, Christianity's scramble for India , Navaratna Rajaram says that “the Christian Missionary is neither a Christian nor a missionary. In fact, he is a racist and a white supremacist in priestly guise.” Their Buffalo Bills and their Wild Bills, their Custers and their Cortezes, and the long line of predators and priests made sure that the sorry remainder of once-proud nations would remain so, while they ruled the roost in lands drenched with native blood. Many weaker cultures succumbed to the relentless onslaught from the West. They either slaughtered those who resisted or they sowed the seeds of abjection and their eventual self-destruction. Even today, we see the pathetic dregs of once-noble nations staggering around native reservations and barrios in North and South America, in Australia , in Canada , in New Zealand . They have lost their spirit. They have lost their will to live. They seem embarrassed to be alive. They are self-destructing. At best, they are performing monkeys titillating whites with a thirst for the exotic. These are abject peoples, vanishing tribes. Now, not satisfied with ruling their large chunk of raided real estate, they are hell-bent on extending their hegemony over the whole world. They howl in protest when the natives resist. Human misery is happy hunting grounds for these spiritual cartels. They strike when their targets are at their weakest or bomb them to submission to make sure they are at their weakest. Thus softened up, they are susceptible to inducements and brainwashing. They are canny. To ‘convert’ people, you must first make them despise and reject what had sustained their people for millennia. So they vilify their faith or convince them it is a spent force or dark superstition. In so doing, they make us spit on our heritage."
(source: Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing - By Sesha Samarajiwa - Asian Tribune October 9, 2007).
Pope Benedict Solves Mystery of Pedophile Priests ?
On April 19, 2005, in an arcane rite of “transubstantiation” known only to the College of Cardinals, the rabid Rottweiler Ratzinger became, with a puff of white smoke, the kindly, thoughtful Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th Bishop of Rome and leader of one billion Catholics worldwide.
During Benedict’s million-dollar-a-day junket to the United States , a trip that the Vatican admits is a P.R. opportunity to change a German Rottweiler into an American Golden Retriever, the mystery of pedophile priests was cleared up . . . sort of. According to Benedict, it is America ’s “increasingly secular and materialistic culture” that caused priests to fondle and rape children. Keep in mind that the “materialistic” remark is coming from a guy who has been seen sporting a pair of custom-cobbled red shoes, Gucci sunglasses, ceremonial gowns by Gamarelli, and listening to an iPod Nano while tens of millions of Catholics worldwide struggle to feed their families, much less put shoes on their feet or sunglasses on their faces.
(source: Pope Benedict Solves Mystery of Pedophile Priests . . . Sort of - By Robert Weitzel).
Evangelism or World Domination?
" I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations."
- Exodus 20:5 - The Holy Bible

"During the past few centuries the most belligerent, the most aggressive, the most rapacious, the most power-drunk section of humanity has been precisely, the Christian Western world.
During these centuries western Christendom had invaded all other continents; its armies followed by priests and merchants have subjugated, robbed or pillaged most of the non-Christians. Native Americans, African, Australian, Asiatic populations have been subjugated to this peculiar brand of Christian "love" which has generally manifested itself in pitiless destruction, enslavement, coercion, destruction of the cultural values, institutions, the way of life of the victims and the spread of alcoholism, venereal disease, commercial cynicism and the like."
(source: History of Hindu-Christian Encounters - By Sita Ram Goel South Asia Books July 1990 ISBN 9990049173 p. 370). For more refer to chapter on European Imperialism. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel and and Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth. Refer to Christian persecution against the Hellenes - Refer to Hindus missing the wood for the trees - By Dr Gautam Sen-
Human Zoos - Racists Theme parks to Europe's Colonists?
Whither Liberty, Equality and Fraternity? Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1789?
Whither Liberty, Equality and Fraternity? Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1789?
"I know their game, explained the Ethiopian Emperor Tewodros II (1818 - 1868) shortly before he was defeated by a British invasion and committed suicide. First traders and missionaries, then ambassadors, then the cannon. It's better to get straight to the cannon."

Ota Benga (1881- 1916) A Congolese pygmy shared a cage with an orangutan in the Bronx Zoo as late as 1906.
Age, 23 years. Height, 4 feet 11 inches. Weight, 103 pounds. Brought from the Kasai River , Congo Free State, South Central Africa , by Dr. Samuel P. Verner. Exhibited each afternoon during September.
There was an Australian aborigine in London Zoo in the 19th century.
Christian Love? Whither Human Rights and Human Dignity?
The belief of European Christians that other races were inferior, led to colonisation and large scale abuse. Both Catholic and Protestant Churches encouraged colonialism.
Clearly, the exhibition of Africans in European zoos helped to convince the spectators that they were members of a superior race with a superior culture.
Christianity gave the world the Inquisition, Witchcraft, Slavery, Colonialism, Two World Wars - another is waiting to happen… Islam has given Conquest, Terrorism, and Jihad. Both are today tied in deadly embrace over the globe for supremacy.
In spite of this record the sheer audacity of Western Intellectuals/Politicians and Christian missionaries to lecture India on the abuse of the caste system is mind boggling.
Refer to Victims of Christian Faith and Christianity's Criminal History - By Karlheinz Deschner.
The belief of European Christians that other races were inferior, led to colonisation and large scale abuse. The extirpation of native peoples in the Americas , in Australasia , and elsewhere around the world was of little consequence since these peoples were only pagans and might not even possess souls. They were slaves by nature. God had made them like that. Christian scholars and pseudo-scientists concurred. Sample non-Christians were kept in western Human zoos - Racist theme parks for Europe ’s colonists in the nineteenth century. There was an Australian aborigine in London Zoo.
A Congolese pygmy named Ota Benga (1881- 1916) shared a cage with an orang-utan in the Bronx Zoo as late as 1906 .
Colonisation by European powers was seen as a God given opportunity for spreading the gospel to the heathen. It was a Christian duty, even when it led to the deaths of millions. God encouraged colonisation. He showed the way. He spoke to churchmen. He cleared the path for colonialists. His Churches were keen to convert or replace native heathen populations. Both Catholic and Protestant Churches encouraged colonialism. Typically, in Africa , missionaries would advance into new territories. Sooner or later they would sow discord, encouraging rebellion against unsympathetic local rulers. When bloodshed followed the Churches would appeal to European governments to intervene, and another territory would be annexed. This process seems to have accounted for more than half of the European colonies in Africa . Churches were often guilty of complicity in massacres and atrocities resulting from colonial policy. For example King Leopold was granted control of the Congo in 1885 explicitly to bring Christianity to the benighted heathen. The atrocities perpetrated by his government in the Belgian Congo - the extensive use of slave labour and assorted murderous practices - were first concealed, then minimised by the Roman Church.
Colonization was regarded by almost all Christians as wholly good, divinely sanctioned and necessary, well into the twentieth century.
Exhibits of non-western peoples were first organized by zoos, apparently on the grounds that with exotic animals went matching people, and probably making use of the same trade connections. In Germany such exhibits were organized by the Hamburg animal trader and zoo director Carl Hagenbeck. In his memoirs he refers to them as “anthropological-zoological exhibits”. Groups of Laps, Nubians, Eskimos, Kalmuks, BellaCoola Indians, Sinhalese, Ethiopians, Somalis and so on followed one another in a motley parade from the 1870s onward. LaGrange in Paris followed suit in 1881 and staged ethnographic shows in the Jardin d'Acclimatation of the Bois the Boulogne . Godefroy brought an ethnographic collection from Angola to the Netherlands in 1888 with a group of 23 slaves, selected in such a way that they would be “wild customers”. Thus during the heydays of imperialism many exhibits of peoples were organized: against payment the public were shown negroes, Indians, Asians, situated in their own dwellings. In colonial ethnography the colonized were turned into objects of knowledge, in the colonial exhibit they were turned into spectacles. The peoples on display were the trophies of victory.
African intellectuals who criticized the European clichés in the twenties and thirties made several arguments. (1) European conquest itself was barbaric . There was wide agreement about the barbarism of the “civilizing hordes”, from the West African essayist Tovalou Houénou to Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore ….
On A Neglected Aspect Of Western Racism
For more than half a century - from the beginning of the 1870s to the end of the 1930s - the exposition of so-called exotic peoples in zoological gardens and international expositions attracted a huge public eager to be fascinated by the unfamiliar and the unknown. Throughout Western Europe travelling exhibits of non-European natives were recurring features of zoological gardens where they eclipsed the drawing power of the more usual animal exhibits. Both exhibits were isolated by fences that variously protected sometimes the animals and more often the public; but in the cases of the human exhibits the main purpose of the fences seems to have been to stress the distinction between them and us. All explanations had one common goal: to provide conclusive evidence for the inherent superiority of the victors. The "human zoos" became one piece of evidence in the search for that goal. In addition they were seen as providing evidence for the then familiar family tree that illustrated man's origins from monkeys and apes, through various stages of development, to the Europeans at the top of the tree. Clearly, the exhibition of Africans in European zoos helped to convince the spectators that they were members of a superior race with a superior culture.
(source: Christianity, Apartheid and Racialism - and The parade of the vanquished and On A Neglected Aspect Of Western Racism – By Kurt Jonassohn. Watch Robertson Says All Other Religions Worship Demonic Powers - Also refer to The Dark Bible - Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity.

Civilizing the Heathens? An Englishman getting a pedicure from his Indian servants.
"The British have set themselves up as the master race in India. British rule in India is fascism, there is no dodging that."
"It is in India, of all places on the earth, that the superiority of the white over the colored races is most strikingly demonstrated."
"It is in India, of all places on the earth, that the superiority of the white over the colored races is most strikingly demonstrated."

He has pointed out:
"Hindu Society has been suffering a sustained attack from Islam since the 7th century, from Christianity since the 15th century, and this century also from Marxism. The avowed objective of each of these three world-conquering movements, with their massive resources, is the replacement of Hinduism by their own ideology, or in effect: the destruction of Hinduism.
This concern is not at all paranoid (as the spokespersons of these aggressors would say), even if the conversion squads are remarkably unsuccessful in India. Consider the situation in Africa: in 1900, 50 % of all Africans practiced Pagan religion; today Christian and Islamic missionaries have reduced this number to less than 10 %. "
That is the kind of threat Hinduism is up against.
(source: Negationism in India - By Koenraad Elst p 78 - 79). Refer to VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities - Christianity Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee 1956 and The Sunshine of Secularism.

"Christianity did not come with tidings of great joy, but with a message of eternal grief. It came with the threat of everlasting torture on its lips. It meant war on earth and perdition hereafter." - A Christmas Sermon 1891.
Elaine Pagels writes in 'The Origin of Satan': "Christians have taught - and acted upon-the belief that their enemies are evil and beyond redemption.”
"Popes maimed & were maimed, killed & were killed... Without question, these pontiffs constitute the most despicable body of leaders, clerical or lay, in history. They were, frankly, barbarians. Ancient Rome had nothing to rival them in rottenness."
– Peter de Rosa - Vicars of Christ p 48.
– Peter de Rosa - Vicars of Christ p 48.

- Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers (1827 - 1900) anthropologist, The Clash of Culture and Contact of Race p. 240.
Also refer to Our Druid Cousins and Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth. Refer to
Thomas Jefferson said: "I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.”
“Christian nations have produced, and indeed in the name of Christianity, things even more hateful than the pariah village of India."
- Nicol Macnicol (1870 - 1952) Professor and author of Is Christianity Unique p. 52.

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth."
Jefferson said: "I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.”
He also objected to religious conversions rather strongly when he said that:
“were the Pope, or his allies, to send in mission to us some thousands of Jesuit priests to convert us to their orthodoxy, I suspect that we should deem and treat it as a national aggression on our peace and faith."
(source: Proselytization In India: An Indian Christian's Perspective - By C. Alex Alexander). Watch video - United States of Jesus - By Pat Conell of UK and Hello America

"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma."
From the pulpit of Calvary Baptist Church, the Reverend W. L. Pettingill (1886 - 1950) said this in 1923:
"Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His Virgin Birth and in His Resurrection in the body-the irreducible minimum of the Christian faith-will go to heaven. Those who deny any or all of these tenets will be lost-they will go to hell" ... "We have got to smoke them out," cried the reverend.
"Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His Virgin Birth and in His Resurrection in the body-the irreducible minimum of the Christian faith-will go to heaven. Those who deny any or all of these tenets will be lost-they will go to hell" ... "We have got to smoke them out," cried the reverend.

"Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion that has ever infected the world." "Where is the prince sufficiently educated to know that for seventeen hundred years the Christian sect has done nothing but harm?'
"Every sensible man, every honorable man, must hold the Christian sect in horror."
“You will notice that in all disputes between Christians since the birth of the Church, Rome has always favored the doctrine which most completely subjugated the human mind and annihilated reason.”
“As you know, the Inquisition is an admirable and wholly Christian invention to make the pope and the monks more powerful and turn a whole kingdom into hypocrites.”
In his 'Philosophical Dictionary', Voltaire gave a time-defying verdict:
"Pagan religion shed very little blood, while ours flooded the earth with it. Christianity has deluged the earth with blood for the sake of sophisms'."
About the atrocities committed by the Roman Catholic Church in Goa in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, Voltaire in his 'Fragments of India's History' observed: 'Goa is sadly famous for its Inquistion, which is contrary to humanity as much as to commerce. The Portuguese monks deluded us into believing that the Indian populace was worshipping the Devil, while it is THEY who served him'.
(source: Letter to Frederick the Great, quoted in the Encyclopedia of Unbelief, Prometheus Books, 1985, p. 715 and The Burningcross and Letter to Frederick the Great, quoted in the Encyclopedia of Unbelief Prometheus Books, 1985, p. 715).

“suited to a people who were starting out to occupy new homeland by forces,“ and who promised them “a land flowing with milk and honey,” while urging them to exterminate its inhabitants “with the edge of the sword.”
In Deut. 7.1-6, Jehovah says: “Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them..thou shalt destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their grooves…For thou art an holy people unto the Lord.”
Denis Diderot, (1713-84) he was a prominent French figure in what became known as The Enlightenment, and was the editor-in-chief of the famous Encyclopédie. He was also a novelist, satirist, and dramatist. Diderot was enormously influential in shaping the rationalistic spirit of the 18th century. He wrote:
"Missionaries come 'with crucifix in one hand and dagger in the other, to cut your throats or force you to accept their customs and opinions."

"If one were to take the bible seriously one would go mad. But to take the bible seriously, one must be already mad. "

"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct for revenge for which no expedient is sufficiently poisonous, secret, subterranean, petty-I call it the one mortal blemish of mankind.
In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point."
(Addressing anti-semitic Christians) You who hate the Jews so, why did you adopt their religion?
One does well to put on gloves when reading the New Testament. The proximity of so much uncleanliness almost forces one to do this.
Two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity.
The Christian faith from the beginning, is sacrifice: the sacrifice of all freedom, all price, all self-confidence of spirit; it is at the same time subjection, self-derision, and self-mutilation...

"Hell is an outrage on humanity. When you tell me that your Deity made you in his own image, I reply that he must have been very ugly."
There is in every village a torch-the teacher; and an extinguisher-the clergyman."
Thomas Huxley (1825-1895), English biologist:
"The Bible account of the creation of Eve is a preposterous fable.
The dogma of the infallibility of the Bible is no more self-evident than is that of the infallibility of the popes."

He has called the New Testament "St Paul's nasty, sado-masochistic doctrine of atonement for original sin." He has observed:
“The God of the Old Testament has got to be the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it, petty, vindictive, unjust, unforgiving, racist, an ethnic-cleanser urging his people on to acts of genocide.”
(source: The Root of All Evil - and

"In ancient Rome , there were only five per cent Christians when, backed by a Christian Emperor ( Constantine), this organized criminal group raped 95 per cent of the Romans to accept Christianity. This is what the fake religion of Christians (now making 6 per cent of Indian population) is going to perpetrate in India after the so-called “Mother Theresa” played the Trojan Horse and Sonia Gandhi is ready to play “Emperor Constantine” for the criminal spread of Christianity in India. The desperate Pope had partly admitted the criminality of Christianity in March 2000 for the first time. Demonstrably, the Christians needed about two millennia to admit their crimes … partly!"
In Europe, the Christian hypocrites persuade the people to remain Christians by admonishing them to preserve the (purported Christian) cultural roots of Europe while trying to destroy the ones of India …(source: Jesus' Bluff - The universal Scandal of the World - By Hans Hanning Atrott). Watch Hans Henning Atrott -

With anti-clerical fervor typical of the Enlightenment, Dupuis castigated Christianity for its attempt to monopolize universal mythology — that is, to hijack the script for the human species. He argued that pagans were closer to the reality of the world because they saw divinity in the forces of natures and read the book of nature, and particularly the Zodiac, like a divinatory text.

“If eleven hundred years are justly called the Dark Ages — how can mankind be said to have been enlightened by the Gospel?”
(The Catholic Church is responsible for the Dark Ages. The Church systematically burned all books of knowledge, including the burning of entire libraries, and forbad people from teaching anything other than Church doctrine, burning at the stake anyone who taught anything else. Within a generation all knowledge had been wiped out).
(The Catholic Church is responsible for the Dark Ages. The Church systematically burned all books of knowledge, including the burning of entire libraries, and forbad people from teaching anything other than Church doctrine, burning at the stake anyone who taught anything else. Within a generation all knowledge had been wiped out).
(source: Much Maligned Monsters: A History of European Reactions to Indian Art - By Partha Mitter p. 104 and Ancient Rants). Refer to
During the Spanish Inquisition, a latecomer to the scene in 1478, the mass burning of heretics at the auto da fe (act of faith), became a public entertainment complete with the Mass, processions, the full pageantry of the religious and civic authorities and hundreds, sometimes thousands of spectators. The authorities of the Spanish Inquisition were always pleased to see a large crowd. In their estimation, there was nothing like an auto da fe to instill the fear of God and dread of the Devil into the faithful.
(source: The Dark History of the Popes - By Brenda Ralph Lewis p. 120). Refer to the Dark History of the Vatican.
Also refer to Christian video game draws anger - - It's about religious warfare. The way to win is to convert or kill. You have both the Inquisition and the Crusades.

"There has been no more organized effort by a religion to control people and contain their spirituality than the Christian Inquisition. Developed within the Church’s own legal framework, the Inquisition attempted to terrify people into obedience.
As the Inquisitior Francisco Pena stated in 1578, “We must remember that the main purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to achieve the public good and put fear into others.”
The Inquisition took countless human lives in Europe and around the world as it followed in the wake of missionaries.
“that anyone who attempted to constitute a personal view of God which conflicted with Church dogma must be burned without pity.”
Natives who did not convert to Christianity were burned like any other heretic. The Inquisition spread as far as Goa, India, where in the late 16th and early 17th centuries it took no less than 3,800 lives.
” If the image of God venerated in a foreign land was not Christian, it was simply not divine. "
(source: The Dark Side of Christian History - By Helen Ellerbe p. 76 - 92).

"Whether we like it or not, ours is a bloody religion," "Beginning with God slaying the animals to cover Adam and Eve after the fall…to the final sacrifice by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one theme rings true. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins."
(source: Christian Bootcamp Seeks to Arm Home-Schooled Youths for "Spiritual Warfare" -
Refer to Holy Terror: The Black Bequest of the Inquisition and The Inquisition and A History of The Malleus Maleficarum - Throughout the middle Ages and the entire period of the witchcraft hysteria, the Malleus Maleficarum was the most influential guide used for the persecution and torture of witches and heretics.
"Christianity was the first creed in history to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love."
- Kenneth Humphreys - Also refer to The Dark Bible -
- Kenneth Humphreys - Also refer to The Dark Bible -
"The barren and lumbering theology of the Church crowded out the Muses from their earthly walks, and the world became a prison after having been the home of man. One by one the great lights went out; Athens was no more, Rome was dead. The bloom had vanished from the face of the earth, and in its place there fell upon it the awful shadow of a future hell."
- Mangasar Magurditch Mangasarian (1859 - 1943) - The Rationalist, May 1915.

"The dogma of the infallibility of the Bible is no more self-evident than is that of the infallibility of the popes."
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) English biologist.
"The Christian resolve to find the world evil and ugly, has made the world evil and ugly."
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher.

"It was Christians, you know, not Pagans, who were responsible for the Holocaust.
It was Christians, not Pagans, who lynched people here in the South, who burned people at the stake, frequently in the name of this Jesus Christ"
(source: Famous Quotes -

“The darkest days of the papacy was when Christendom was gripped by a hysterical fear of witchcraft or any dissent from the path of ‘true’ religion as ordained by the popes and the Catholic Church. Some of the most heinous crimes ever committed in the name of religion – all of them with papal sanction occurred during the five centuries or so during which a ferocious struggle waged over Europe to eliminate ‘error’: any belief, practice or opinion that deviated from the official papal line. Virtual genocide, for example, eliminated the Cathars, an ascetic sect centered around the southwest of France , who believed that God and the Devil shared the world. In 1231, the first Inquisition was introduced to deal with them. Inquisitors used horrific tortures such as the rack and thumbscrew to extract confessions. The end was often death in the all-consuming flames of the stake. As well as heretics, thousands of supposed witches, wizards, sorcerers and other ‘agents’ of the Devil died in the same horrific way.”
“During the so-called ‘Papal Pornocracy’ of the early tenth century, popes were being manipulated, exploited and maneuvered for nefarious ends by mistresses who used them as pawns in their own power games. With some justification, this era was also called the Rule of the Harlots.”
(source: A Dark History of Popes – By Brenda Ralph Lewis p. 1 - 9).
"All that is not eternal is eternally out of date." - C S Lewis (1898 - 1963).

"The origins of both religions are based on the claims of two men, Jesus and Mohammed, and both men proved equally incapable of demonstrating their divine mandate. From that perspective, the two creeds are equally based on false propositions and can be classified as nothing more than lies.
Mohammed ordered his followers to do it by the sword, and that is what they did once he died. They launched into one of the most enthusiastic conquering ventures the world has ever seen and forged an empire that extended from Central Asia to the southwest of Europe.
Nations were ruthlessly converted to Christianity by the sword just like Islam converted Arabia, Central Asia, and Africa by the sword. With his armies, Charlemagne preached the Gospel of the cross to the Saxons, the Germans, the Bohemians, and the Hungarians.
This was not the only evangelizing military operation. There were also the infamous Crusades from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, the Inquisition, and the conquest of the American continent from the sixteenth century onwards. Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe, the Christian Church was the most militarily powerful organization in that continent. Being the largest landowner and the biggest tax collector provided the Pope with huge amounts of money, which were used to solidify his power by establishing a potent armed force. However, Christianity has had a more pernicious effect on progress than Islam for it has hindered more the advance of science. Since Christianity is the religion of the West and Christianity has systemically opposed, silenced and killed scientists, it is thus the creed most accountable for having hindered progress.
(source: Christianity and Islam: Which is the Worst? - By Charles Sabillon - Refer to Christianity’s criminal history – By Karlheinz Deschner

"The concept that “All religions are one” as propagated by Gandhi incessantly is the most destructive concept that is affecting us all. It is not only silly but dangerous fallacy to propagate the idea that all religions are one. Hindus, who are under severe attacks every day by the same forces of Allah and Christ. Hinduism and other religions can’t be equated and called same because “religions” of the world have been born in the environment of hostility.
(source: All religions are not same - By Swami Aksharanand -
From the pulpit of Calvary Baptist Church, the Reverend W. L. Pettingill (1886 - 1950) said this in 1923:
"Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His Virgin Birth and in His Resurrection in the body-the irreducible minimum of the Christian faith-will go to heaven. Those who deny any or all of these tenets will be lost-they will go to hell" ... "We have got to smoke them out," cried the reverend.
(source: The Bible Unmasked - By Joseph Lewis - Watch video - Islam vs Christianity
Why this war on Hinduism?
These two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because they are not based on human experience but on spurious and fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.
Refer to From De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation and Missionary's Dark Legacy and Dutch Christians Target Hindus for Conversion. Refer to Who Killed Our Culture? We Did - By Youki Kudoh - May 3 1999. Refer to Indian Identity in American Schools - By C Alex Alexander - and Christianity Dying In The West? - By M S N Menon -

He told his English audience: “The extent to which most of the Churches in America are involved in the guilt of supporting the slave system is known to but a few in this country.”
Frederick Douglas (1818 - 1895), was an American abolitionist, editor, orator, author, statesman and reformer. Called "The Sage of Anacostia" and "The Lion of Anacostia", Douglass is one of the most prominent figures in African-American history and United States history.
He said:

Douglas said the most difficult obstacle to end slavery was how closely Christians had connected it to their religion.
“The church and the slave prison stand next to each other; the groans and cries of the heartbroken slave are often drowned in the pious devotions of his religious master. The church-going bell and the auctioneer’s bell chime in with each other; the pulpit and the auctioneers’s block stand in the same neighbourhood; while the blood-stained gold goes to support the pulpit covers the infernal business with the garb of Christianity. We have men sold to build churches, women sold to support missionaries, and babies sold to buy Bibles and communion services for the churches.”
(source: Slavery and Christian Mythology -
"Christianity was not designed to explain anything about this planet or the meaning of human life. Every single ceremonial act of the Christian tradition is based on the belief that history was coming to an end, that the believers would be taken up to heaven, a place radically different from this Earth, and that everything about the Earth – and about human society and societies – was evil. Since the expectations of a dramatic judgment day have not been fulfilled, and since Western technology had done a pretty decent job of creating heaven here on Earth, Christian preachers can no longer instill fear into people.
Christianity has been the curse of all cultures into which it has intruded. It has offered eternal life somewhere else and produced social and individual disintegration. Catholic priests prey on their parishioners; televangelists engage in fraudulent financial practices or are seen in the seedy parts of town on sexual escapades. Throughout American history we have all suffered because of the European religious heritage. Shortly after the discovery of the Western Hemisphere the Protestant Reformation began, initiating a period of intense religious bigotry and intolerance that crested with the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem witch hunts. Systematic torture of unbelievable pain was visited upon anyone suspected of harboring heretical thoughts. "
(source: Red earth: White lies – By Vine Deloria p. 1 - 11).
India will be a Christian nation says James H. Rutz Columnist, WorldNetDaily
"Oh, and when Christians offer them the Gospel, they love to bring legal charges: "paying people to convert" or "forcing people to convert"! These charges are insane, of course; no Indian evangelist would think of doing such a stupid, counterproductive thing. But because their own religion is so bankrupt and hollow, Hindus just cannot imagine anyone converting to a different religion for any other reason than bribery or force!

(Editor's Note: Perhaps Mr. Rutz needs to read the history of Christianity and Western Civilization - and effects on the rest of the world. Christianity gave The Crusades, The Inquisition, Anti Semitism, Witch burning, Slavery, destruction of Mayans, Australian aborigines, African, Colonialism, Two World Wars - another is waiting to happen…Has attacked Iraq under false pretense.. the List goes on! Which religion is more bankrupt?. Maybe he should ponder on these facts?).
Hindus have no arguments that make much sense. Their 330 million gods (yes, that's the accepted number) are totally imaginary. And none of them love the Indians!
That's why probably over 2 million Indians became Christians in 2005 – and the numbers are growing so fast that they haven't been able to count 2006. But as I said in "Megashift," (page 15), as soon as word gets out that the brand new (since 1995) Indian house-church movement is a family-friendly, community-friendly, India-friendly network of friendships (not a Western institution), at least 70 million who now secretly admire Jesus in their hearts will become Christians overnight.
And that's only the beginning. Longer term, India will be a Christian nation ... and that will turn out to be a vast blessing to them – spiritually, culturally and economically. "
(source: Hinduism has hit rock bottom - By James H. Rutz Columnist, WorldNetDaily. Refer to chapter on European Imperialism and Christian Aggression. Refer to Refer to The Bible Unmasked. Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican -
Refer to Tear Down That Wall -

"I wonder what those people think when they see that their money got spent on buying the privilege of touching and fucking kids."
(source: The Business of the Catholic Church – By Bill Maher - Huffingtonpost). Refer to The Bible Unmasked

“When the white race broke out of Europe 500 years ago,… inspired by a raging sky-god, the whites were able to pretend that their conquests were in order to bring the One God to everyone, particularly those with older and subtler religions. ………
“From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three antihuman religions have evolved --Judaism, Christianity, Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal --God is the omnipotent father-- hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years. The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family home."
“Evangelical Christian groups have traditionally drawn strength from the suppressed. African slaves were allowed to organize heavenly sky-god churches, as a surrogate for earthly freedom. White churches were organized in order to make certain that the rights of property were respected and that the numerous religious taboos in the New and Old Testaments would be enforced, if necessary, by civil law.”
“When the white race broke out of Europe 500 years ago,… inspired by a raging sky-god, the whites were able to pretend that their conquests were in order to bring the One God to everyone, particularly those with older and subtler religions. ……… what prosperity we have ever enjoyed in the past was usually based on slave or near slave labor."
“I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam -- good people, yes, but any religion based on a single, well, frenzied and virulent god, is not as useful to the human race …” “More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other name in the history of the world.”
"Christianity is such a silly religion."
(source: Monotheism and its discontents - By Gore Vidal and Lowell Lecture at Harvard University given - By Gore Vidal - April 20, 1996 and and Gore Vidal, in Time magazine, September 28, 1992, p. 66, from James A Haught, ed., 2000 Years of Disbelief.
For The Rise of Christian Nationalism in USA - Refer to Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism - By Michelle Goldberg and Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth - By Lauren Sandler and God And Country: How Evangelicals Have Become America's New Mainstream - By Monique El-Faizy and The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right's Plans for the Rest of Us - By James Rudin and Divine Destruction: Dominion Theology and American Environmental Policy - By Stephenie Hendricks.

(source: Christianity’s Imminent Downfall - By Jason Long).
Refer to Chief Minister Samuel Reddy - An Appeal to Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Ferdinand August Bebel (1840-1913), German socialist leader:
"Christianity is the enemy of liberty and of civilization. It has kept mankind in chains."
H. G. Wells (1866-1946), British author:
"The greatest evil in the world today is the Christian religion."
(source: What Some Famous People Have Said About Christianity). Refer to Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud - By Greg Szymanski June 6, 2007
Since first arriving in the New World, resource-hungry invaders have been systematically persecuting indigenous tribal peoples – all in the name of God.

“The great human tragedy of the missionary conquest of the Pacific is being repeated now in all ‘untouched’ parts of the world. In another thirty years no trace of aboriginal life anywhere will have survived. Many Christian missionaries have perpetrated the destruction of native cultures through their ruthless and relentless practices – from the stripping of forests and theft of land to the wholesale enslavement of populations."
(source: The Missionaries: God Against the Indians – By Norman Lewis - back cover). For more refer to Christian Missionaries. Refer to Crimes of Christianity - By G W Foote and J M Wheeler Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887. Refer to Christianity’s criminal history – By Karlheinz Deschner. Refer to A Ph.D. thesis on Church planting movements in India – By Dane Winstead Fowlkes – East Texas Baptist University. Refer to Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress - By Howard Zinn. Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.
Matthew McDaniel of Friends of People close to Nature
“Conversion as practiced by Christian Missionaries IS violence, there is no other accurate definition for it. Missionaries discuss the violent nature of their work in terms like "extraction theology", meaning to tear people out of their culture, communities, alienate them.”
(source: Compare and Contrast Jihadi Islam and Evangelical Christianity -
Christian plurality is sometimes merely a statement of tolerance, and nothing more: 'Love thy neighbor' but do not forget that this neighbor will be going to hell, unless you can save him from his backwardness. Despite a freedom-loving outer lifestyle, Western civilization largely fails to pursue spirituality with freedom.
"Christians have taught - and acted upon-the belief that their enemies are evil and beyond redemption.”
“Conversions became a central preoccupation, a violent, tortured drama in which the "sinner" and his spiritual director "wrestled" for his soul. …..The heavy emphasis on hell and damnation combined with an excessive self-scrutiny led many into clinical depression: suicide seems to have been prevalent. Puritans attributed this to Satan, who seems as powerful ….as God..…. The Puritans God inspired anxiety and a harsh intolerance of those who were not among the elect".
Indrani Rampersad, a woman activist in Trinidad writes:
“Christians see it as their duty to save the soul of the non-believer, who is seen as inferior. Such religions are inherently predatory and destructive of the cultural systems that they encounter in their role as the aggressor.”
(source: The Ethics of Proselytizing - By Rajiv Malhotra). Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America.
Refer to Christian Preacher claims Hinduism and Buddhism is Satanic -
Politics of Disaster?
From Apocalypse to Disaster , America Is Obsessed with the Prospect of Bad News
From Apocalypse to Disaster , America Is Obsessed with the Prospect of Bad News
Going back to the 17th century, religious ideas were important to the formation of thinking about disaster. The Puritans in New England were especially weighted with this Calvinist sense that trial through suffering is the thing that leads you to God. A culture like that is going to be absorbed in catastrophic events because they're always looking for those testing times.
From the very beginning of European settlement in the 17th century, there was intense fascination with hurricanes, fires and earthquakes. The religious dimension imposed a narrative on these moments of destruction, and the narrative is that settlers are sinners, god speaks to them primarily through disasters, and when a disaster happens, that's god telling them how to correct your evil ways and get back on the track of salvation and virtue.
From Apocalypse to Disaster
Why Evangelicals have intense fascination with hurricanes, fires and earthquakes?
Watch An Invasion through Conversion -
For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby. Refer to Survivors Network of those Abused by Christian Priests
Like Tobacco industry - Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist knows that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of Asia . Refer to Planning the Demise of Buddhism - Lankaweb
Bible Burning Row Ignites Israeli Jews - Orthodox Jews have burned hundreds of New Testaments in the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in Israel. Proselytizing is frowned upon in Israel. New Testament seeks to convert all non-Christians, not just Jews. Proselytizing is illegal, trying to change Jews into being Christians is illegal, to hand out bibles is illegal. This theft of Jewish souls by Christian missionaries can lead to genocide, loss of Judaic culture and religion or the extinction of a race.
Increase Mather (1639 - 1723) He was a Puritan minister who was involved with the government of the colony and administration of Harvard College, and most notoriously, the Salem Witch Hunt. A Puritan divine in the late 17th century, a very influential figure. For him, a disaster was specifically useful for bringing people back to the path of God.
The Evangelical Christian revival of the last few decades has been nursed on images of catastrophe, books, movies, all talking about the horrible catastrophes that are to come unless we change our ways.
(source: From Apocalypse to Disaster , America Is Obsessed with the Prospect of Bad News - alternet.og).

"Our culture is superior to other cultures, superior because our religion is Christianity."
(source: Dialog on Whiteness Studies - By Rajiv Malhotra - to The Bible Unmasked. For more on Christian Intolerance refer to chapters on The Goa Inquisition, European Imperialism, and First Indologists.
Threat to Secularism in America
Christian Nationalism – For more watch Silhouette city - a new documentary by Michael Wilson that investigates apocalyptic Christian nationalism. The film tracks the rise of this religious fervor over the last three decades, from fringe Christian survivalist groups of the 1970's to today's mainstream movement. As you can see from this clip, the current leaders of apocalyptic Christian nationalism include Rev. Rod Parsley and Rev. John Hagee.
(source: Apocalyptic Christian Nationalism at Its Scariest -
American Taliban?

"Ladies and gentlemen, Christianity offers the only viable, reasonable, definitive answer to the questions of 'Where did I come from?' 'Why am I here?' 'Where am I going?' 'Does life have any meaningful purpose?' Only Christianity offers a way to understand that physical and moral border. Only Christianity offers a comprehensive worldview that covers all areas of life and thought, every aspect of creation. Only Christianity offers a way to live in response to the realities that we find in this world -- only Christianity."
David Chilton (1951 - 1997) in The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation (1984).
"The god of Judaism is the devil. The Jew will not be recognized by God as one of His chosen people until he abandons his demonic religion and returns to the faith of his fathers - the faith which embraces Jesus Christ and His Gospel."
"The god of Judaism is the devil. The Jew will not be recognized by God as one of His chosen people until he abandons his demonic religion and returns to the faith of his fathers - the faith which embraces Jesus Christ and His Gospel."

“I hope I live to see the day, when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again, and Christians will be running them.” and “AIDS is the wrath of God against homosexuals”

“we must have an autocratic theocracy to rule the world. So we cannot separate the political field from the religious. My dream is to organize a Christian political party including the Protestant denominations, Catholic and all religious sects. We can embrace the religious world in one arm and the political world in the other.”
Watch Fraud at Unification Church - Korean Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder, leader & self-proclaimed ’Messiah’ to the Unification Church & the world.

"This is God's world, not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs, not non-Christians."

"We are to make Bible-obeying disciples of anybody that gets in our way."

"With all due respect to those dear people, my friend, God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew."

"Nobody has the right to worship on this planet any other God than Jehovah. And therefore the state does not have the responsibility to defend anybody's pseudo-right to worship an idol."

“George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States , he was appointed by God.”

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
"Our goal must be simple. We must have a Christian nation built on God's law, on the Ten Commandments. No apologies."
“Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by god to conquer this country”

"For the first time ever, everything is in place for the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ."
(source: Quotes from the The American Taliban).

"The Church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church."

"Recently I was reading somewhere or other about an Italian curio-dealer who attempted to sell a 17th century crucifix to J.P. Morgan. Inside it was concealed a stiletto. What a perfect symbol of the Christian religion."

"Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence. Its spirit is so favorable to tyranny that it always profits such a regime. True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not mind; this short life counts for too little in their eyes."

"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get."
William E. H. Lecky (1838-1903), Irish Historian:
" There is no wild beast so ferocious as Christians who differ concerning their faith. "
“The Duke had always thought of Missionaries as tiresome men who interfered with the established religion of the natives and generally made a nuisance in countries where they were not wanted.”
- quoted from The River of Love – By Barbara Cartland (1901 - 2000) was one of the most successful writers of romance novels of all time, specializing in historical love themes.
Refer to Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud - By By Greg Szymanski June 6, 2007
God Wars: The triumph of the Jealous Gods
The Battle for Humanity's Soul
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... “ - Matthew 10:34-35
Crass Intrusion into Native Cultures?
Today, there is an unfair bias in the contest of conversions because the two largest, best-financed and most widespread faiths—the "Jealous-God" religions of Christianity and Islam—got that way by conquest and persecution. The monopoly that Christianity has on the Americas, Australia, and much of sub-Saharan Africa and Europe is a strength for that faith—they can keep these areas free of competition with little effort while pouring their propaganda and "charity" into targeted regions where other religions struggle to emerge and recover from the impact of European colonialism and forced conversions. Islam’s dominance of the Middle East, Indonesia, and North Africa is a similar fortress.
(source: God Wars: The triumph of the jealous Gods). For more refer to chapter on European Imperialism and Christian Aggression.

“In every way, the coming assault on Hindu civilization will be the greatest which it has ever had to endure in the whole course of its long history.”
Ibn Warraq put it, "Historically speaking, Monotheism has often shown itself to be ferociously intolerant, in contrast to polytheism on behalf of which religious wars have never been waged."

“In every way, the coming assault on Hindu civilization will be the greatest which it has ever had to endure in the whole course of its long history.”
Refer to The Bible Unmasked - by Joseph Lewis. Refer to Christianity’s criminal history – By Karlheinz Deschner. Refer to Searching for “God” in the Catholic Church - By Krishen Kak. Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican - Refer to Survivors Network of those Abused by Christian Priests and Amen - an autobiography of a nun
Laxminarayan Sarma – author of Will the next Pope be an Indian Roman Catholic? writes:
"It is a fact that White colonialism and Christian evangelism are two sides of the same coin. Sword in one hand and the Bible in the other, the white nations sent out marauders into the civilised Orient to enslave, exploit and loot the nations and send the booty home to feed their impoverished populations. And to maintain their stranglehold, the clerics accompanying the marauders converted the colonised populations wholesale, and alienated them from their social, religious and cultural roots. The brain washed and mentally shackled the unconverted sections through their educational institutions, creating a cadre of pro western elite who kept the colonial wheels turning. Circumstances arising out of World War II compelled the white Christian powers to take to their heels leaving behind ruined, impoverished colonies, A large number of former colonies remained backward and impoverished due to the seeds of dissension the colonisers had sown between ethnic groups and communities.

Christian mission is merely the religious component of a general program of domination by the West.
(source: Evangelism and the Future of Christianity – by Alister McGrath p. 163).
Refer to Dissecting Christianity’s mind-snaring system and Victims of Christian Faith
Over seventy years ago, Mahatma Gandhi stated that: “proselytizing under the cloak of humanitarian work is unhealthy, to say the least. It is most resented by people here."
(source: Gandhi, Mohandas K: In Young India, April 23, 1931).

“Bible is hopelessly pre-evolutionary; its descriptions of the origin of life and morals are obviously fairy tales; its astronomy is terracentric; its notions of the starry universe are childish; its history is epical and legendary: in short, people whose education in these departments is derived from the Bible are so absurdly misinformed as to be unfit for public employment, parental responsibility, or the franchise.”
(source: voice of dharma).
The World Christian Encyclopaedia, Vol. I, 2nd edition, 2001, p. 366 of OUP, New York reads on India as follows: “Christians and Muslims will probably both find room to grow in the mosaic of India’s peoples so that by 2025, Christians account for 7.4 per cent and Muslims for 12.2 per cent while Hindus decline under 73 per cent [down from 80 per cent in 1900]... With sustained growth over the next few decades, Christianity could grow to nearly 10 per cent of India’s population by a.d. 2050. Hindus will potentially decline as a percentage of India’s population as other religions continue to win adherents over the next few decades.”

"Christianity has been distinguished from other religions by its greater readiness for persecution. “The whole contention that Christianity has had an elevating moral influence can only be maintained by wholesale ignorance or falsification of the historical evidence.”
(source: Arrogance of Faith - By Forrrest G Wood p. 26). Refer to Crimes of Christianity - By G W Foote and J M Wheeler Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887.
"Christianity is completely and radically anti-democratic; it is committed to a spiritual aristocracy."
White Supremacy and Human Rights
The invisibility of white supremacy masks how violence and the threat of violence guarantee its durability.
White people assert their moral right to use violent force whenever their group interests are threatened. People of color have no equivalent moral right to defend themselves against European aggression, especially when such aggression is done in the name of "law and order" [and nowadays, in the name of "human rights."]
This paradoxical belief has been a powerful weapon with which to steal and exploit land and other natural resources, to defend slavery and racism, to condemn lesbians and gays, and to deride all who are not Christian. Those who are not white or Christian are expected, at best to merge into the dominant culture and political system, or worst, to remain invisible and not to challenge white Christian hegemony.
(source: Dialog on Whiteness Studies - By Rajiv Malhotra -

(source: Cult Behavior -
Refer to America's Moral Decline and the Rise of False Christianity - by Karen Horst Cobb - Evangelical Christians are organizing and conspiring to manipulate governments to use weapons if necessary to kill some of God’s children so that prime real estate goes to people whom they believe God likes best.
Refer to The Dumbing Down Of The American Mind - For example.. the belief that Christianity, fundamentalist Christianity, is the right religion and every other religion in the world is wrong, and will therefore lead people to go to Hell.
World conquest ?
Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ - to have dominion in the civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion that we are after. Not just a voice
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after.
Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after.
Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less.
One of the tasks of Christians is to replace Judaism with Christianity. According to David Chilton:
"The god of Judaism is the devil. The Jew will not be recognized by God as one of His chosen people until he abandons his demonic religion and returns to the faith of his fathers--the faith which embraces Jesus Christ and His Gospel."
David Chilton, "The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation", Dominion Press, Ft. Worth, TX (1984), P. 127. (source: World Conquest - Words of Christian Reconstructionists).
Refer to Martin Luther's Deadly Legacy - Martin Luther - Jews and their Lies 1543 and John Calvin - The most infamous persecution for which Calvin was responsible was the trial and subsequent burning alive of the noted theologian, mathematician, scientist and biblicist, Michael Servetus, whose martyrdom was the impulse which sparked the founding of the Unitarian Movement and fanned the flames of freedom in the hearts and minds of thousands in subsequent centuries.

"The Bible is a mass of fables and traditions, mere mythology." -wrote Mark Twain in Mark Twain and the Bible
"Measured by our Christianity of to-day, bad as it is, hypocritical as it is, empty and hollow as it is, neither the Deity nor His Son is a Christian, nor qualified for that moderately high place. Ours is a terrible religion. The fleets of the world could swim in spacious comfort in the innocent blood it has spilt."
"Christianity was the first creed in history to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love."

“Christianity is the only religion which is totally true; the other religions are true only partially.”
" The poor should remain poor ... Without them, we will lose our jobs."
It is interesting to see that Francis Xavier, who was responsible for the establishment of the ‘Holy Inquisition of Goa’, in which Hindu women were raped and immolated alive and Hindu places of worship were desecrated, has been elevated to sainthood, and Christian educational institutions in India are being established in his name. The same Francis Xavier wrote to his monastic authorities at Portugal about his ‘heroic deeds’ in India in the following words: “I order everywhere the temples to be pulled down and idols broken. I know not how to describe in words the joy I feel before the spectacle of pulling down and destroying the idols.”
(source: Kanayalal M. Talreja: Holy Vedas and Holy Bible, p. 18].

"There is so much in the bible against which every instinct of my being rebels, so much so that I regret the necessity which has compelled me to read it through from beginning to end. I do not think that the knowledge I have gained of its history and sources compensates me for the unpleasant details it has forced upon my attention."
Ferdinand August Bebel (1840-1913) German socialist leader:
Christianity is the enemy of liberty and of civilization. It has kept mankind in chains.

"...I couldn't but surmise that the devil, looking at the cruel wars that Christianity has occasioned, the persecutions, the tortures Christian has inflicted on Christian, the unkindness, the hypocrisy, the intolerance, must consider the balance sheet with complacency. And when he remembers that it has laid upon mankind the bitter burden of the sense of sin that has darkened the beauty of the starry night and cast a baleful shadow on the passing pleasures of a world to be enjoyed, he must chuckle as he murmurs: give the devil his due."
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), English poet:
"The same means that have supported every other popular belief, have supported Christianity. War, imprisonment, assassination, and falsehood: deeds of unexampled and incomparable atrocity have made it what it is."
(source: What Some Famous People Have Said About Christianity -
Monopoly over God?

"What could be more bigoted than to claim that you have a monopoly on God?"
(source: Jewish Leader blasts Evangelical "zealots" - Also refer to Dinosaurs, evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC). Refer to The War of Religions and The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Refer to Crimes of Christianity - By G W Foote and J M Wheeler Progressive Publishing Co. London. 188.
Bible Burning Row Ignites Israeli Jews - Orthodox Jews have burned hundreds of New Testaments in the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in Israel . Proselytizing is frowned upon in Israel. New Testament seeks to convert all non-Christians, not just Jews. Proselytizing is illegal, trying to change Jews into being Christians is illegal, to hand out bibles is illegal. This theft of Jewish souls by Christian missionaries can lead to genocide, loss of Judaic culture and religion or the extinction of a race.
Also refer to Poll: Christians 'addicted to pornography'

“If you are not a Christian, it is truly a sad thing. It is sad because one day you will meet God, unprepared, and spend eternity in hell.”
A cult frequently attempts to instill fear into their followers. The followers are taught constantly that salvation comes only through the cult. “If you leave us, you will lose your salvation” they say.
(source: Fundamentalism: Hazards and Heartbreaks – By Rod L Evans and Irwin M Berent p. 17 – 18). Refer to Crimes of Christianity - By G W Foote and J M Wheeler Progressive Publishing Co. London. 1887. Refer to Insults to the Mahatma, ignored by India - Refer to The Bible Unmasked - by Joseph Lewis. Refer to
Spiritual Imperialism ?
Western obsession for promoting religious conversions under the aegis of India's Constitutional guarantee of religious freedom.
John Shelby Spong, Episcopal Bishop of Newark (NJ) in 'Why Christianity Must Change or Die' writes:
“The familiar Christian God acknowledged by almost all of our European ancestors not only blessed the imperialistic and colonial expansion of those nations in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries but also declared that this colonialist domination of the underdeveloped peoples of the world was the very will of the Christian deity. So under the banner of Christ, native population in what we today call the third world were subjugated and converted, while the resources of those conquered nations were being extracted from their soil to bring wealth to the Europeans".

“what I learned about Hinduism enhanced my appreciation for this ancient religious tradition. I saw a beauty in it that was enviable, and I found many points where Christians and Hindus are seeking to deal with the same human needs in remarkably similar ways”.
He admired the absence of the “spirit of missionary imperialism” in Hinduism and questioned whether or not the “Christian claims to possess infallibility or ultimate truth are not signs of a brittle pettiness that cannot endure”.
(source: Proselytization In India: An Indian Christian's Perspective - By C. Alex Alexander).
According to Sri Aurobindo, in his book, India's Rebirth (ISBN 2-902776-32-2) page 141, says:
"The mentality of the West has long cherished the aggressive and quite illogical idea of a single religion for all mankind, a religion universal by the very force of its narrowness, one set of dogmas, one cult, one system of ceremonies, one array of prohibitions and injunctions, one ecclesiastical ordinance. That narrow absurdity prances about as the one true religion which all must accept on peril of persecution by men here and spiritual rejection or fierce eternal punishment by God in other worlds. This grotesque creation of human unreason, the parent of so much intolerance, cruelty, obscurantism and aggressive fanaticism, have never been able to take firm hold of the free and supple mind of India".
"The mentality of the West has long cherished the aggressive and quite illogical idea of a single religion for all mankind, a religion universal by the very force of its narrowness, one set of dogmas, one cult, one system of ceremonies, one array of prohibitions and injunctions, one ecclesiastical ordinance. That narrow absurdity prances about as the one true religion which all must accept on peril of persecution by men here and spiritual rejection or fierce eternal punishment by God in other worlds. This grotesque creation of human unreason, the parent of so much intolerance, cruelty, obscurantism and aggressive fanaticism, have never been able to take firm hold of the free and supple mind of India".

The Rig Veda mantra of eakam sat vipra bahuta vadanti (Truth is one but the wise call it by many names) became the basis of the Hindu approach to other faiths.
"The mentality of the West has long cherished the aggressive and quite illogical idea of a single religion for all mankind, a religion universal by the very force of its narrowness, one set of dogmas, one cult. This grotesque creation of human unreason, the parent of so much intolerance, cruelty, obscurantism and aggressive fanaticism, have never been able to take firm hold of the free and supple mind of India".
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan did not consent with the Christian notion of true and false religion. In fact, he went so far as to say that the idea of one single religion for the humankind is illogical:
"The illogical idea of one single religion for all mankind, one set of dogmas, one cult, one system of ceremonies which all individuals must accept on pain of persecution by the people and punishment by God, is the product of unreason and intolerance. A religion represents the soul of the people, its peculiar spirit, thought, and temperament. It is not a mere theory of the supernatural which we can put on or off as we please. It is an expression of the spiritual experience of the race, a record of its social evolution, an integral element of the society in which it is found [Radhakrishnan 1969:81-82]."
Sri Ramakrishna is recorded to have made the same point about the variety of paths:
“God can be realised through all paths. It is like your coming to Dakshineswar by carriage, by boat, by steamer or on foot. You have chosen the way according to your convenience and taste; but the destination is the same. Some of you have arrived earlier than others, but all have arrived” (cited in Neufeldt 1987:67). And he also presented the claim that all religions are true as the equivalent of this point: “God can be realised through all paths. All religions are true. The important thing is to reach the roof. You can reach it by stone stairs or wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole” (cited in Neufeldt 1987:68).
(source: The Question of Conversion in India - By Sarah Claerhout, Jakob De Roover).
Conversion tactics in NagalandAnother Cry in the Wilderness - By Rani Gaidinliu

It was from this moment onwards that the responsibility of directing the agitation in the Manipur and Naza hill regions fell on Rani's shoulders. Following this incident, Rani Gaidinliu immediately went underground. Though the British announced a reward of Rs 500 to anybody who would inform them about her whereabouts, the entire village stood together in support of Rani. But she was finally hunted own in October 1932. Rani Gaidinliu was put under life imprisonment for waging war against the British. The following is the part of the letter sent by Rain Gaindinliu, to the President and the former Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai in 1978. This excerpt give the idea of what was happening in some of the North-Eastern regions of India .
Honorable Sir,

The State Government which is ruled by the American Baptist Church at present made no attempt whatsoever to regularize the closure of the office that day. Entire Nagaland was held ransom by the puppet churches of the day. It is significant that among about 60 to 70 different slogans, there were such treacherous ones ‘Hindu Raj or Secular India’, ‘Freedom of Religion Bill crushes Christian faith’ and ‘No ban on cow slaughter’. It was a historical example of how with the help of powerful resources and immense publicity media at their command, the churches can fool all the people all the time by repeating a lie a thousand times, and by sheer political blackmail.
Christian missionaries network objectives are all directed at separatism and de-nationalization of peoples. As it is, these are definitely subversive and anti-Indian Radios established at the cost of the Hindu taxpayers to crush Hinduism and break up the country. This further shows how our Central Government lacks co-ordination in functioning whereby the Prime Minister is firmly opposed to Conversion of minors and his own Radio is busy doing the same. I am however, glad to hear the church’s henchmen among the Kohima A. I. R. staff are unable to remove the ‘Bande Mataram’ and the relay of All India News from Delhi as they are not with in their powers, despite their trying to remove them too. My gratefulness to God for at least something Indian we can hear from the Indian Radios.
With high regards,
Yours sincerely,
Rani Gaindinliu
Kohima, Nagaland.
Yours sincerely,
Rani Gaindinliu
Kohima, Nagaland.
World conquering Creeds - By Koenraad Elst
Chosen and non-Chosen People (Heathens/Pagans and Infidels).
Chosen and non-Chosen People (Heathens/Pagans and Infidels).

"Christianity is a missionary religion, converting, advancing, aggressive, encompassing the world; a non-missionary church is in the bands of death."
"All that is not eternal is eternally out of date." - C S Lewis (1898 - 1963).
"Evangelical Christianity, born in England and nurtured in the United States, is leaving home."
- Paul Nussbaum, author of Evangelical Christianity shifting outside West - Philadelphia Inquirer Feb 20, 2006.
James Foley in (September 23 2006) has observed:
"In the world today, one ancient religious ideology, monotheism, stands out as especially dangerous, repressive and loony. Monotheism insists there is but one god, a man of course, alone in the universe for all eternity. Even as a child, I found this to be a crazy idea."
The Greeks and Romans, the Hindus, and the Egyptians all imagined many different gods who hang out together, the way people throughout the world do. But monotheism posits one omnipotent, lonely sucker all by himself -- "the sky god" as Gore Vidal once called him. The historic battles within monotheism are legendary: Hebrews vs. Christians, Sunnis vs. Shiites, Catholics vs. Protestants, Lutherans vs. Calvinists, Church of England vs. dissenters, Puritans vs. Baptists, and so many others. Now, in our global warming, nuclear bomb-loaded world, especially in the United States and the Middle East, we face an older, far more popular and durable ideology: the angry god as mandate and role model."
Ugwu is an intern with The Tide - Nigeria wrote:
"Wearing the mask of evangelism and the Bible as an instrument to deception, they (European colonial master) ravaged our mother land (Africa) beyond repair."
(source: How Europeans underdeveloped Africa -
(source: How Europeans underdeveloped Africa -
Rev. Hans Ucko, a representative from the nearly 350-member World Council of Churches, has observed:
"The Quran, Bible and other sacred books should come with a warning label," "It should say, 'These books may contain passages that can be interpreted for violence and intolerance.'
(source: Refer to Proving that Bible is Repulsive video -

With anti-clerical fervor typical of the Enlightenment, Dupuis castigated Christianity for its attempt to monopolize universal mythology — that is, to hijack the script for the human species. He argued that pagans were closer to the reality of the world because they saw divinity in the forces of natures and read the book of nature, and particularly the Zodiac, like a divinatory text.

During the same September 18, 2006, edition of National Public Radio's Fresh Air, Hagee said Hurricane Katrina was an act of God, punishing New Orleans for "a level of sin that was offensive to God." He referred to a "homosexual parade" held on the date the hurricane struck and this was proof "of the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans ."
It was the disobedience and rebellion of the Jews, God's chosen people, to their covenantal responsibility to serve only the one true God, Jehovah, that gave rise to the opposition and persecution that they experienced beginning in Canaan and continuing to this very day... Their own rebellion had birthed the seed of antisemitism that would arise and bring destruction to them for centuries to come.... it rises from the judgment of God upon his rebellious chosen people. In the book, Hagee cites material from the Jewish tradition (Jeremiah 9:13-16; 44:2-4, 15-17) to justify this view.
In 2008, in response to a question about this matter, he differentiated between his interpretation of the Bible and his understanding of modern history: "I learn from the Bible that the children of Israel were punished by God for their iniquities. But I do not presume to explain Jewish suffering in modern times. I only seek to alleviate it."
(source: McCain's "Spiritual Guide" Wants America to Destroy Islam - and
Bible Burning Row Ignites Israeli Jews - Orthodox Jews have burned hundreds of New Testaments in the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in Israel . Proselytizing is frowned upon in Israel. New Testament seeks to convert all non-Christians, not just Jews. Proselytizing is illegal, trying to change Jews into being Christians is illegal, to hand out bibles is illegal. This theft of Jewish souls by Christian missionaries can lead to genocide, loss of Judaic culture and religion or the extinction of a race.

A viewer wrote in to ask Pat Robertson a question:
Why [do] evangelical Christians tell non-Christians that Jesus (God) is the only way to Heaven? Those who are Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, etc. already know and have a relationship with God. Why is this? It seems disrespectful.
Robertson replied that it is not all disrespectful because all other religions really just worship “demonic powers.”
No. They don’t have a relationship. There is the god of the Bible, who is Jehovah. When you see L-O-R-D in caps, that is the name. It’s not Allah, it’s not Brahma, it’s not Shiva, it’s not Vishnu, it’s not Buddha. It is Jehovah God. They don’t have a relationship with him. He is the God of all Gods. These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure they’re demons. There are many demons in the world.
Why [do] evangelical Christians tell non-Christians that Jesus (God) is the only way to Heaven? Those who are Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, etc. already know and have a relationship with God. Why is this? It seems disrespectful.
Robertson replied that it is not all disrespectful because all other religions really just worship “demonic powers.”
No. They don’t have a relationship. There is the god of the Bible, who is Jehovah. When you see L-O-R-D in caps, that is the name. It’s not Allah, it’s not Brahma, it’s not Shiva, it’s not Vishnu, it’s not Buddha. It is Jehovah God. They don’t have a relationship with him. He is the God of all Gods. These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure they’re demons. There are many demons in the world.
(source: Watch the video - Robertson Says All Other Religions Worship Demonic Powers” - Refer to Why The Christian Right Should Want To Ban The Bible - By Denise Noe. Refer to Also refer to Christmas’ pagan origins - By Kelly Wittmann EastTexas Review December 21, 2006).
He shouts his belief that the Muslims are heathen from the rooftops. In a 2003 speech in Israel, he said:
"Make no mistake - the entire world is being convulsed by a religious struggle. The fight is not about money or territory; it is not about poverty versus wealth; it is not about ancient customs versus modernity. No - the struggle is whether Hubal, the moon god of Mecca, known as Allah, is supreme, or whether the Judeo-Christian Jehovah God of the Bible is supreme."
(source: Fundaresentalism - By Spengler - Refer to Rosie O'Donnell: Radical Christianity is just as threatening as Radical Islam - and Robertson unhinged over new female Bishop. Watch video - Islam vs Christianity -
Refer to What Every "Ugly American" Must Know about the "Civilized British - and USA - What does the Constitution say about religion? - Refer to The Future of Christian-Hindu Conflict: The Theology of Conversion - By Krishna Kirti Das
Refer to The Dead Sea Scrolls - An Eastern View of a Western Crisis - By N. S. Rajaram - Refer to Refer to Refuting Evolution in USA and Christian Fascism - By Carolyn Baker. Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout, IndiaRefer to Bush-sponsored Evangelisation of India -I - By V Sundaram
Refer to Bush-sponsored Evangelisation of India -II – By V Sundaram
Refer to Bush-sponsored Evangelisation of India -III – By V Sundaram
Refer to Holy warriors in the US armed forces and Christian embassy and Officers Christian fellowship and Ambassadors for Christian Dominion in Uniform
Refer to Religious Freedom Report as a Political Weapon - According to the report, there seems to be mainly one discriminated minority in India : the Christian missionaries. Refer to Persecution complex - Evangelical lawmakers behind creation of USCIRF. Refer to Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud - By Greg Szymanski June 6, 2007. Refer to Catholic Church sells Tickets to Heaven and Christianization of Andhra Pradesh. Refer to Amen - an autobiography of a nun and Mote and the beam - By Sandhya Jain.

Parsley targets a profound threat to the United States : the religion of Islam. In a chapter titled "Islam: The Deception of Allah," Parsley warns there is a "war between Islam and Christian civilization."
Parsley is not shy about his desire to obliterate Islam. In Silent No More, he notes—approvingly—that Christopher Columbus shared the same goal: "It was to defeat Islam, among other dreams, that Christopher Columbus sailed to the New World in 1492… Columbus dreamed of defeating the armies of Islam with the armies of Europe made mighty by the wealth of the New World . It was this dream that, in part, began America ." He urges his readers to realize that a confrontation between Christianity and Islam is unavoidable: Parsley is not shy about his desire to obliterate Islam. In Silent No More, he notes—approvingly—that Christopher Columbus shared the same goal: "It was to defeat Islam, among other dreams, that Christopher Columbus sailed to the New World in 1492… Columbus dreamed of defeating the armies of Islam with the armies of Europe made mighty by the wealth of the New World . It was this dream that, in part, began America ." He urges his readers to realize that a confrontation between Christianity and Islam is unavoidable.
(source: McCain's "Spiritual Guide" Wants America to Destroy Islam - Watch video - McCain's "Spiritual Guide" Wants America to Destroy Islam -

Clash of monotheism? Islam vs. Christianity. In the world today, one religious ideology, monotheism, stands out as especially dangerous, repressive and loony.
For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby
What is the difference between evangelical Christianity (so called religion of love) and Jihadi Islam (so called religion of peace)?
Missionaries are rarely caught because their agents are at the highest echelons of power and also have the best public relations campaign in the world. For this reason evangelical violence on Ancient cultures is hard to detect.
Bible Burning Row Ignites Israeli Jews - Orthodox Jews have burned hundreds of New Testaments in the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in Israel . Proselytizing is frowned upon in Israel. New Testament seeks to convert all non-Christians, not just Jews. Proselytizing is illegal, trying to change Jews into being Christians is illegal, to hand out bibles is illegal. This theft of Jewish souls by Christian missionaries can lead to genocide, loss of Judaic culture and religion or the extinction of a race.
From the pulpit of Calvary Baptist Church, the Reverend W. L. Pettingill (1886 - 1950) said this in 1923:
"Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His Virgin Birth and in His Resurrection in the body-the irreducible minimum of the Christian faith-will go to heaven. Those who deny any or all of these tenets will be lost-they will go to hell" ... "We have got to smoke them out," cried the reverend.
"Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His Virgin Birth and in His Resurrection in the body-the irreducible minimum of the Christian faith-will go to heaven. Those who deny any or all of these tenets will be lost-they will go to hell" ... "We have got to smoke them out," cried the reverend.
(source: The Bible Unmasked - By Joseph Lewis - Watch video - Islam vs Christianity.

"The origins of both religions are based on the claims of two men, Jesus and Mohammed, and both men proved equally incapable of demonstrating their divine mandate. From that perspective, the two creeds are equally based on false propositions and can be classified as nothing more than lies.
Mohammed ordered his followers to do it by the sword, and that is what they did once he died. They launched into one of the most enthusiastic conquering ventures the world has ever seen and forged an empire that extended from Central Asia to the southwest of Europe.
Nations were ruthlessly converted to Christianity by the sword just like Islam converted Arabia, Central Asia, and Africa by the sword. With his armies, Charlemagne preached the Gospel of the cross to the Saxons, the Germans, the Bohemians, and the Hungarians.
This was not the only evangelizing military operation. There were also the infamous Crusades from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, the Inquisition, and the conquest of the American continent from the sixteenth century onwards. Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe, the Christian Church was the most militarily powerful organization in that continent. Being the largest landowner and the biggest tax collector provided the Pope with huge amounts of money, which were used to solidify his power by establishing a potent armed force. However, Christianity has had a more pernicious effect on progress than Islam for it has hindered more the advance of science. Since Christianity is the religion of the West and Christianity has systemically opposed, silenced and killed scientists, it is thus the creed most accountable for having hindered progress.
(source: Christianity and Islam: Which is the Worst? - By Charles Sabillon -

He is the author of several books including The Saffron Swastika, Decolonising The Hindu Mind - Ideological Development of Hindu Revivalism and Negationism in India: Concealilng the Record of Islam
He has observed this about World conquering Creeds :
" Moses taught the Hebrew people a religion, which divided humanity into two: Chosen People and the rest. It divided space into two: the Promised land and the rest. It divided time into two: the time before the Covenant (between Yahweh and His People) and the unfoldment of God’s plan staring with the Covenant. Fortunately, in later centuries when the Jews had no political power left, they transformed their self-righteous religion into a strongly ethical religion with a mystical dimension and a pluralistic culture of Scripture interpretation through intellectual discussion. However, the seed of Moses was still there, and it was taken up by Christianity.

Christianity (aka. Religion of Love -with its Crusades and The Inquisition) - again divided humanity into Christians (saved ones) and Pagans (doomed ones). This automatically divided space into two: the Christian countries and the Pagan countries. But while the Jews had limited ambition to the Promise Land, Christianity wanted to convert the whole world. As the New Testament had said, in seeming innocence:
“Go and teach all the peoples”. It also divided time into two: the time when the original sin reigned supreme, and the era of Jesus Christ, the Saviour, our Lord (marked as AD, Anno Domini, year of the Lord).
Watch An Invasion through Conversion - and
Watch An Invasion through Conversion - and

Refer to Jihad Watch.

The one thing these three world-conquering creeds have in common, is their boundless self-righteousness in overrunning, the societies of the non-chosen peoples. They have respected nothing of what was sacred to the Pagan, often not even their lives.
(Note: A rare use of "Pagan" is to describe a person who does not follow an main Abrahamic religion. That is, their faith does not recognize Abraham as a patriarch. The individual is neither Christian, Muslim, nor Jew. This includes Agnostics, Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Humanists, Taoists, etc. About 45% of the people of the world are Pagans, by this definition.
Heathen is the derogatory term used to define Non-christians just as the word Kafir is used to define Non-muslims.
What is the missionary definition of Heathen? - The heathen are spirituality lost, wicked, willful sinners, without Christ, having no hope and without God in the world. Their moral conditions are reeking with filthy and degrading habits& They are marked by abject poverty, wretched homes and unremitting. (source: The Progress of World Wide Mission - By R. Glovers, ed. H. Kane, (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1960).
Where these have come in conflict with each other, they have not spared each other either, witness the Crusades and the Spanish Reconquista, the treatment meted out to the Christians in Muslim countries, the Armenian genocide the wholesale persecution of (an already softened) Christianity in the Soviet block, the confrontations between the Chinese and the Uighurs, the persecution of the communists in Khomenini’s Iran. Each one of them, in its prime, has (had) the unshakable conviction that it is bound to conquer the world, and that ultimately no opponent would survive to give testimony against its outrageous crimes.

There was no Christianity before Christ, no Islam before Mohammed, no Marxism before Marx: therefore the creeds of Christ, Mohammed and Marx are bound to end. So if Hindus wait long enough, these thousands of mosques built on destroyed temples will all fall back into their lap. They will be abandoned, or Muslim-born people will convert them into Pagan establishments themselves."
(source: Ayodhya and After: Issues Before Hindu Society - By Koenraad Elst p 32 - 34). Refer to Conversion of the Bulgarian people to the Christian Faith and South American native cultures destroyed by missionaries and Demonizing African Culture in the Name of Christianity and List of African cultures destroyed by christian Conquest
(Note: What is the difference between evangelical Christianity and Jihadi Islam?
There is not much difference in their thought as they are competitors trying to outrun each other. Modern day Evangelical missionaries inflict 90% psychological and 10% physical violence whereas jihadis inflict 10% psychological and 90% physical violence. Missionaries are rarely caught because their agents are at the highest echelons of power and also have the best public relations campaign in the world. For this reason evangelical violence is hard to detect.
Refer to Compare and Contrast Jihadi Islam and Evangelical Christianity -
Is this the " Superior " western civilization?
A spectre is haunting our earth—the spectre of Revenge. Revenge for the crimes of nations and peoples in the past. Time has not requieted it; nor has it suffered from amnesia. Like an evil spirit, it hovers over the earth.
The anger is directed against the West. The West has been leading the world for three long centuries. It wants now to make its rule a hereditary right. But what is its record? What is its reputation? How does it deserve this great honour?
The last slave ship left the African coast in 1807. Nearly two centuries have passed. And yet the soul of Africa remains restless. It is not pacified. Africa cries for revenge and reparation for the worst crimes in human history.
The Chinese too want their revenge. They have not forgotten the opium wars thrust upon them by Britain . And India ? It was made into a wasteland by the invaders. We can never forget it. May be, revenge is not what we want. We want our honour restored.
And the Jews? There is nothing comparable to the holocaust in barbarism. They have been subject to the longest hate and persecution in history.
The world is full of horrible memories of high injustices—of unjust wars, colonial plunder and oppression, imperial conquests, racial atrocities. These have left deep scars on the racial memory of peoples. They cannot forget. How can the Red-Indians ever forget the genocide of their race and the destruction of the Aztec, Inca and Maya civilisations? Writes an authority on the Mayas: “The great men of Athens would not have felt out of place in a gathering of Maya priests and rulers.”
How can the original inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand forget the decimation of their peoples? Every nation, which was colonised, has a bitter tale to tell. And the Christian church was at the bottom of it all—providing the real inspiration. It has given its blessing to every Christian enterprise inspired by the Devil.
The anger is directed against the West. The West has been leading the world for three long centuries. It wants now to make its rule a hereditary right. But what is its record? What is its reputation? How does it deserve this great honour?
The last slave ship left the African coast in 1807. Nearly two centuries have passed. And yet the soul of Africa remains restless. It is not pacified. Africa cries for revenge and reparation for the worst crimes in human history.
The Chinese too want their revenge. They have not forgotten the opium wars thrust upon them by Britain . And India ? It was made into a wasteland by the invaders. We can never forget it. May be, revenge is not what we want. We want our honour restored.
And the Jews? There is nothing comparable to the holocaust in barbarism. They have been subject to the longest hate and persecution in history.
The world is full of horrible memories of high injustices—of unjust wars, colonial plunder and oppression, imperial conquests, racial atrocities. These have left deep scars on the racial memory of peoples. They cannot forget. How can the Red-Indians ever forget the genocide of their race and the destruction of the Aztec, Inca and Maya civilisations? Writes an authority on the Mayas: “The great men of Athens would not have felt out of place in a gathering of Maya priests and rulers.”

Dr. S Radhakrishnan writes:
“The history of Christianity illustrates the tragic effects of a unique intolerant and exclusive truth.”
Resentment is building up like a volcano. It is bound to erupt. Terrorism is the first major outbreak of the pent up anger. America has come to know how it is to live in constant fear. But injustices continue to thrive. Why? Because those who perpetrate the evils even today believe that they can get away with murder. That is what the white hunters thought when they hunted for the black men in the jungles of Africa . They never thought that the spirit of African will rise one day and demand reparation. And yet these men who hunted other men were “Christians”.
Resentment is building up like a volcano. It is bound to erupt. Terrorism is the first major outbreak of the pent up anger. America has come to know how it is to live in constant fear. But injustices continue to thrive. Why? Because those who perpetrate the evils even today believe that they can get away with murder. That is what the white hunters thought when they hunted for the black men in the jungles of Africa . They never thought that the spirit of African will rise one day and demand reparation. And yet these men who hunted other men were “Christians”.

Inequality, said Martin Luther, author of the Reformation, is a “natural order.” It still is a natural order to the West. Ask Wall Street!
The Semitic faiths were marked for their blindness and cruelty. This is no reflection on Christ. He was truly a man of God. The fault lay with the church. Today it is back again to its aggressive posture.

“What strikes us most in considering the medieval tortures is not so much their diabolic barbarity…(but) the artistic skill they displayed.”
And the Inquisition was at the back of this art! In every prison, the crucifix and the rack (a torture instrument) stood side by side!
Torture was abolished in the teeth of opposition from the church, but most of the atrocities came back in full force with the blessings of the church during the colonial period. Although empires have gone, the predatory instinct of Western civilisation is still around.
Today the church wants to convert we Hindus—we who have never done a harm to a foreign nation in our history—into Christianity! Why? Because, says the church, we live in “darkness”! Because our gods are devils!
Torture was abolished in the teeth of opposition from the church, but most of the atrocities came back in full force with the blessings of the church during the colonial period. Although empires have gone, the predatory instinct of Western civilisation is still around.
Today the church wants to convert we Hindus—we who have never done a harm to a foreign nation in our history—into Christianity! Why? Because, says the church, we live in “darkness”! Because our gods are devils!
This is the record of Christianity! And it calls itself “superior!”
(source: Is this the " Superior " western civilisation? - By M S N Menon ).
Christian Church and the old Roman Empire
Democracy and Human Rights
Democracy and Human Rights
"In the bullshit department, nobody can hold a candle to a clergyman."
Christian Church and all its manifestations is the new face of the Old Roman Empire. Their quest is not about Peace and Goodwill to all mankind. It is about the power that the Christian Church can wield in the world. It has substituted moral enslavement in place of physical enslavement. The new converts and their progeny are the most reactionary and they are a great boon to the proselytizers.
Democracy and Human Rights - These are the smoke screen distracters used to create confusion in third world countries. These ideals are there to mislead and make third world countries look small, inferior and guilty in the eyes of the world. No country including the so-called 5 star democracies in the world respect human rights or democracy when all the chips are down and direct action is called to deal with difficult situations such as Terrorism. (Refer to abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and victims of Katrina).
The NGOs and INGOs are the 'cats paws' of the Western World and the Christian Church. Although outwardly on humanitarian missions, their ulterior motives are clearly seen by their evangelizing and globalizing actions. With the above mentioned forces operating in the background, it is possible to understand the happenings in Sri Lanka and by extension in Asia . The western world in their rush to grab resources of developing countries is seeking to balkanize mega countries like India , China , Indonesia , Pakistan and Burma and others for this purpose. China put paid to their efforts with a fully orchestrated bloody show in Tiananmen Square . They killed nearly 100 dissenters and stopped the dismemberment of China . This in perspective served a larger cause than the massacre of Branch Davidians in the US at Waco , Texas in 1993 for a much lesser offense. They failed with China and succeeded with the Soviet Union ; but the unceasing efforts go on relentlessly. Fortunately for Russia , President Putin is doing his best to stop the balkanization of what is left of the old Soviet Union , Russia . Democracy and human rights can wait; political and economic independence and dignity of Mother Russia are more important.
Minority Christians well placed, are used to subvert power; India and Sri Lanka are good examples. The Church and the Western powers are trying hard for India and already cracks are opening with Christian led insurgencies in North East India. Ealam is only the stepping stone for their agenda for India . Christian Church's involvement with proselytization is about power over the converted and not about the welfare of the converted. They are not there to look after the poor Christians in Latin America and in Africa . Do we see the Vatican sending millions to those affected by the Typhoon Durian in the Phillipines, a very Catholic country? The world Christian Churches and the Western Powers are in a symbiotic relationship and profit from each other. The Church provides moral enslavement; western powers the economic exploitation. Together they share the bounty.
Cigarette, Drug Companies and Christianity
Unable to sell their wares in the West - All head to The Third World
Some Western drug companies spend millions of dollars developing and marketing a new drug only to have the health authorities later discover that it has dangerous side-effects and then ban it. Needing to recover their investment and unable to sell their drug in the West some of these companies try to market their dangerous products in the Third World where public awareness of health issues is low and indifferent governments can be brought off. Some might say that Christianity is a bit like this.
Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist knows that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of Asia . In China today Christianity is growing so fast that they can hardly build the churches quick enough to hold all the new converts. The gentle hill tribes people of Thailand and Laos are falling prey to the missionaries one by one.
But does Christianity really do a better job of solving social problems? The evidence that it does is very thin. Christianity failed miserably to bring peace to northern Ireland, in fact, it was the main cause of the problem. Germany 's long tradition of Catholicism and Protestantism did not prevent Nazism taking root there. South Africa 's Dutch Reformed Church was an ardent supporter of apartheid and all its oppression and cruelty. The prevalence of evangelical Christianity in the southern United States , the so-called 'Bible Belt,' has not prevented it being the poorest and most raciest part of that country. And the racial segregation in the south is never more obvious than on Sunday morning when black and white people still go to separate churches; 'Hallelujha and praise the Lord but worship him in your own church!'
(source: Planning the Demise of Buddhism - By Allen Carr -
Civilizational Graveyards?
Christianization of Alaska
Christianization of Alaska
European colonization of the Americas - A massive European colonization of the Americas started in 1492 when Columbus decimated the populations and cultures of the Native Americans. During the 15th through 19th centuries, their populations were ravaged by displacement, disease, warfare with the Europeans, and enslavement.
In 1890 there probably was not a single Christian Inupiaq (sing.) Eskimo. Twenty years later, there was scarcely an Inupiaq who was not a Christian. Among Alaska natives, the 20-to-29 age group had the most suicides, 39 percent of the total, while that age group ranked seventh nationwide. Roughly 80 percent of all Alaska suicide victims are male. Suicide among natives is commonly linked with depression and mental illness, which often goes untreated in rural areas, as well as with alcoholism and cultural and economic stress.
“They’ve lost their culture, they don’t have a way to support their family, and then what we see is a lot of alcohol and drug use, particularly alcohol,” said Diane Casto, the section manager for prevention and early intervention for the state’s division of behavioral health. “There’s such a feeling of hopelessness, particularly for young men.” Christian missionaries, followed by government bureaucracy and modern technology, have long since transformed villages on the tundra into places where seal meat is hung out to dry in the shadow of steeples, public schools and satellite dishes. Many natives still hunt and fish for staples even as the outside culture promotes materialism.
(source: In Native Alaskan Villages, a Culture of Sorrow -
The Persecution Industry: What are the stakes?
Human rights issues have the power to bring nations to their knees in the International arena by forcing major policy changes. Evangelical groups worldwide are abusing this issue to achieve their selfish goals by turning human rights into a game called ‘Persecution’ and making it an essential ingredient of their evangelism plan.
Evangelical groups claim that they are persecuted ‘everywhere for practicing their beliefs’ (i.e. , in all the 238 countries around the globe). In summary, the group that is targeted for conversion by the evangelicals in every country is de fined as the offender.
Persecution Complex?

The Myth of Christian oppression? The carefully nurtured image of oppression of Christians in India by the media and Human Rights groups in the West.
Refer to Religious conversion is God’s work, but is it? - By Hilda Raja and This Church is a Cruel Joke - By George Augustine
John Dayal bleats “persecution” to tarnish India abroad - This should hardly be news. But, how does John Dayal live with himself after spreading such diabolical falsehoods day in and day out? Conversions through force, fraud and allurement is a fundamental right? Denigrating an ancient civilization to advance an imperialistic cult is freedom of religion?
Christianity is the world largest religion with more than 2 billion followers.
The 2005 edition of the World Christian Database ( says that India is now 6% Christian.
Why is it that only the evangelicals have problems with others?
The answer is in the Bible itself, which the missionaries believe to be the inerrant, uncompromising word of God.
As quoted by Frank G. Huling:
There are the two groups in the world, children of God " those who have received Christ (John 1:12)", and the children of the devil "those who reject Christ (John 8:44)."
Persecution stories are flashed daily across evangelical news sources.
If the report says it is an accident, the missionary news networks are not going to publish any correction because the original newsflashes served their purpose to depict Christians as targets of abuse by other religious groups. Sadly, not just Hindus but a common man around the world wouldn’t understand these lies and the reasons behind such propaganda.
One of the main purposes behind the falsehoods is to create stories that arouse sympathy for Christians, which in turn yield more financial support from the West. Every missionary fundraiser in the West uses these stories as part of their fundraising campaigns. The message contained in the stories is made up of three essential ingredients:
- Christian missionaries are being persecuted;
- The new converts to Christianity are not going to bow down to threats from other religions; and
- They need your financial support.
These messages have a profound impact in America ’s Bible Belt
Secondly, these stories often lacking scrutiny, silence, demonize and preempt any potential opposition to the missionary activity in their host countries by internationalizing any issue, including law enforcement cases, as human rights issues. Any Hindu in India opposing missionary activity is defined a "Hindu militant". A majority of Western media, which revere the evangelical Christian news sources, pick up such articles which are then picked by Indian media. US State Department often influenced by such manufactured news writes negatively about Hindus in its annual reports. As a result, Hindus become divided into two categories: the ‘Good Hindu’, who shuts his eyes, ears and mouth in reaction to any anti-Hindu activity; and a Hindu militant, who is likely to raise voice to evangelical activity happening around them.
The evangelical groups are using the issue of human rights to play a dangerous game with public sympathies and international law, a game that actually hurts other Christians as a result. People are increasingly being aware of these manufactured news stories. When true attacks against Christians do happen, they may not be taken seriously because of all the false stories that came before.
(source: The Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? - By Ramapriya Abraham -
Under the guise of AIDS awareness camps – Conversion in Thanjavur by Americans!
Police enquiry into religious conversion. Foreigners vacate hotel and run away
From USA, a group composed of 30 came to Thanjavur. They stayed in over 25 rooms rented from a hotel close to Thanjavur railway station. They registered to stay until March 18 in the hotle rooms.
They announced that they would go to villages surrounding Thanjavur to promote HIV-AIDS awareness camps and organize many such camps. They also paraded on cycle rickshaws in Thanjavur city. Thanjavur BJP functionaries learnt that the foreigners were indulging in evangelization and religious conversions in the guise of AIDS awareness camps. Following this lead, yesterday night, BJP City President Vinayakam, Kumbakonam VHP Jt. Secretary Swaminathan, Advocate Santanakrishnan, RSS Suresh, Balaji conveyed the information to Thanjavur SP Anand Kumar. On the orders of the SP, Thanjavur Police Inspectors Shivabhaskar, Murugavel and many policemen rushed to the star hotel and started investigations. The foreigners informed the police that they went around many villages in Thanjavur region to create AIDS awareness and did not indulge in evangelization.
They announced that they would go to villages surrounding Thanjavur to promote HIV-AIDS awareness camps and organize many such camps. They also paraded on cycle rickshaws in Thanjavur city. Thanjavur BJP functionaries learnt that the foreigners were indulging in evangelization and religious conversions in the guise of AIDS awareness camps. Following this lead, yesterday night, BJP City President Vinayakam, Kumbakonam VHP Jt. Secretary Swaminathan, Advocate Santanakrishnan, RSS Suresh, Balaji conveyed the information to Thanjavur SP Anand Kumar. On the orders of the SP, Thanjavur Police Inspectors Shivabhaskar, Murugavel and many policemen rushed to the star hotel and started investigations. The foreigners informed the police that they went around many villages in Thanjavur region to create AIDS awareness and did not indulge in evangelization.

Under the guise of AIDS awareness camps – Conversion in Thanjavur by Americans.
Following police investigation, Foreigners vacate hotel and run away!
After the police conducted their investigations in the hotel and left, in the middle of the night around 1 AM, the 30 foreigners vacated their hotel rooms in a hurry and left in the van they had hired. The hotel rooms had been boked upto 18 March; following the police investigations the midnight scoot by the foreigners has created anxiety and tension in Thanjavur.
(source: Under the guise of AIDS awareness camps – Conversion in Thanjavur by Americans!-
(source: Under the guise of AIDS awareness camps – Conversion in Thanjavur by Americans!-
Greek Christian Clergymen, Father Efstathios Kollas calls Paganism "degenerate dead religion"
Zeus devotees worship in Athens
Zeus devotees worship in Athens
(Note: Father Efstathios Kollas, the leader of this organisation, has said: “Homosexuality is dangerous. Before Jesus Christ came to earth he had sent out an angel to kill homosexuals!”).
A clutch of modern pagans honored Zeus at a 1,800-year-old temple in the heart of Athens on Sunday -- the first known ceremony of its kind held there since the ancient Greek religion was outlawed by the Roman Empire in the fourth century. A clutch of modern pagans honored Zeus at a 1,800-year-old temple in the heart of Athens on Sunday -- the first known ceremony of its kind held there since the ancient Greek religion was outlawed by the Roman Empire in the fourth century.
"Our message is world peace and an ecological way of life in which everyone has the right to education," said Kostas Stathopoulos, one of three "high priests" overseeing the event, which celebrated the nuptials of Zeus and Hera, the goddess of love and marriage. To the Greeks, ecological awareness was fundamental, Stathopoulos said after a priestess, with arms raised to the sky, called on Zeus "to bring rain to the planet." A herald holding a metal staff topped with two snake heads proclaimed the beginning of the ceremony before priests in blue and red robes released two white doves as symbols of peace. A priest poured libations of wine and incense burned on a tiny copper tripod while a choir of men and women chanted hymns. Ellinais was founded last year and has 34 official members, mainly academics, lawyers and other professionals. It won a court battle for state recognition of the ancient Greek religion and is demanding the government register its offices as a place of worship, a move that could allow the group to perform weddings and other rites.
Christianity rose to prominence in Greece in the fourth century after Roman Emperor Constantine's conversion. Emperor Theodosius wiped out the last vestige of the Olympian gods when he abolished the Olympic Games in A.D. 394. Several isolated pockets of pagan worship lingered as late as the ninth century. "The Christians shut down our schools and destroyed our temples," said Yiannis Panagidis, a 36-year-old accountant at the ceremony. Most Greeks are baptized Orthodox Christians, and the church rejects ancient religious practices as pagan. Church officials have refused to attend flame ceremony re-enactments at Olympia before the Olympic Games because Apollo, the ancient god of light, is invoked.
(source: Zeus makes a comeback in Greece - and Refer to Intolerance of Christians to Yoga in India - Don’t impose religious practices, Indian archbishop says of yoga measure -
Genocide of Asia's Ancient Cultures
Gospel for Asia intrudes and trespasses at India's Ardh Kumbh Festival
Gospel for Asia intrudes and trespasses at India's Ardh Kumbh Festival
Police arrested six Gospel for Asia missionaries for trespassing at Ardh Kumbh festival. Scores of Gospel for Asia leaders and missionaries camped at the Ardh Kumbh location to "offer the pilgrims an alternative to the traditional rituals by introducing them to Jesus".
Some pilgrims got into an argument with some missionaries who were denigrating Hindu gods. Police sensed trouble and asked missionaries to leave the place as it is against law to denigrate other religions. The women's team retreated while the men's team was belligerent. Police arrested the leaders and released them a day after. The missionaries claimed that they had talked about Christianity to over 200,000 pilgrims.
Some pilgrims got into an argument with some missionaries who were denigrating Hindu gods. Police sensed trouble and asked missionaries to leave the place as it is against law to denigrate other religions. The women's team retreated while the men's team was belligerent. Police arrested the leaders and released them a day after. The missionaries claimed that they had talked about Christianity to over 200,000 pilgrims.
(source: GFA missionaries arrested at Ardh Kumbh -
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