The NSG was created following the explosion in 1974 of a nuclear device by a non-nuclear-weapon State, which demonstrated that nuclear technology transferred for peaceful purposes could be misused.
The driving force behind the NSG is the Bretton Woods Bandits and their vassals; and the driving principle of the NSG is white supremacist and therefore monotheist – What I am, no one else should be; what I have, no one else should have.
Cutting through the maze of information and disinformation, the real issues surrounding the Koodankulam nuclear power project are –
- America’s desperation to halt the project for geopolitical reasons
- India is in partnership with Russia (the Generic Church’s persistent anti-Christ) to develop the Koodankulam site (several placards at the protest gathering were anti-Russia and not anti-nuclear power)
- If not stopped now Koodankulam may emerge as one of India’s largest nuclear plants with the capacity to generate 9200 MWe or 9.2 GW of power
- India has already closed the fuel cycle at Kalpakkam and in the near future may yet render the NSG mafia irrelevant to national requirement for reactors and reactor fuel
- If India tides over the current deficit of overall national power requirement through short-term and interim arrangements by taking the less travelled light water, enriched uranium road, while simultaneously pursuing its indigenous nuclear programme via the heavy water, plutonium and thorium, fast-breeder path, the NSG may become almost certainly irrelevant to India’s nuclear programme, civilian or military
- Therefore lure India into the Indo-US nuclear deal to cut ice with the NSG mafia, lure India away (hopefully) from her purely indigenous, wholly self-reliant nuclear programme with the promise of short-term benefits of uninterrupted supply of enriched uranium; promises which can and will be broken going by President Obama’s letter to the US Congress seeking approval for the Indo-US Nuclear deal where the American President stated that American assurances of fuel supply to India are not legally binding (meaning when, not if, America reneges on its contract to supply India with reactor fuel, India will have no case or avenues for redress)
- The idea behind leading India down the proverbial garden path to make this prohibitively expensive detour is to delay progress (again hopefully) on the fast breeder reactor (FBR) front
- Will buy America and other members of the NSG time to create and instigate a violent anti-nuclear front in the local villages around Koodankulam; the PIL filed by the anti-nuclear mafia in the Supreme Court calling for a total halt to India’s civil nuclear programme, which will also halt all work on the fast-breeder front, thus perfectly serves the American agenda
- The ominous trend of foreign-funded Christian padris and churches jumping into the anti-nuclear campaign and descending hordes of foreign environmental and anti-nuclear activists is a pointer in the direction of geopolitical machinations by the Bretton Woods Bandits
- Senior officials from Koodankulam (Station Director, Site Director and Chief Engineer) indicated as much during the course of a press meet in Chennai last month when they made a passing reference to significant dislocation (perhaps permanently) of Russian and Ukrainian scientists, engineers and other personnel working on the site leading to cost overrun and further delay in commissioning the reactors
The inference was unambiguous; if there is no end to the standoff at Koodankulam in the near future and if the sub-text of the standoff is actually anti-Russian and not anti-nuclear, then Russia may well opt out of Koodankulam altogether and not build the four reactors, each with the capacity to generate 1000 MW of power, agreed upon in the 2008 Memorandum of Intent signed by both countries.
As America and Europe sink deeper and deeper into recession and economic depression, the naked desperation of the Bretton Woods Bandits to evict Russia from Koodankulam is becoming too obvious to be missed.

The French reactors which will come up in Jaitapur in Maharashtra also come with fuel supply guarantee for 25 years. The Russian reactors already up and waiting to become critical in Koodankulam too comes with fuel supply guarantee for 20 years.
Currently, America is nowhere in the picture – either as builder of reactors or as fuel supplier from the enriched uranium NSG cartel. The last minute, stage-managed protests at
Koodankulam are therefore only
last-ditch attempts by the Bretton Woods Bandits to coerce the Indian government to give them a share in the Indian nuclear pie on their terms.

America wants India to amend/dilute/bend/circumvent/ the Civilian Liability for Nuclear Damage Act 2010; altering a comma or a full-stop in effect nullifies the Act and Dr. Manmohan Singh stated as much to US President Obama in Bali in November 2011 when they met on the sidelines of the India-ASEAN and East Asia Summits.
The Prime Minister made it clear to the American President that any changes to the Act will have to be done within the defined parameters of the Act as passed by Parliament, and that the government had no power to amend it without parliament sanction.
And so the poor dog had none.
The Civilian Liability for Nuclear Damage Act 2010 thus remains intact. In the event of an accident involving nuclear reactors either because of faulty design, faulty technology or any other cause, the Indian parliament sagaciously refused to cap the extent of liability that will be borne by foreign companies selling nuclear reactors and associated technology to India.
Chapter 2, Insurance and financial security –
(1) The operator shall take out an insurance policy or financial security or a combination of both in accordance with section 8 of the Act.
(2) The financial security referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be irrevocable and shall continue till removal of all spent fuel from the spent fuel storage pool nuclear of the installation after removal thereof from the reactor core.
(3) Shares or bonds or instruments constituting financial security shall be pledged to Central Government and remain so pledged till decommissioning of the plant and a security margin of 1:1.33 be maintained during pledge and in the event of any shortfall in security so calculated shall be immediately made good by the operator by providing insurance or additional financial security to the extent of shortfall.
(4) Nothing in this rule shall prevent a group of operators to enter into a joint arrangement of financial security providing for contribution towards such security in proportion to their individual installed capacity in thermal megawatts.
(5) The provisions of this rule shall not apply to a nuclear installation owned by the Central Government. (Notification of Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Rules, Issued Gazette of India Extraordinary, November 11, 2011. http://www.dae.gov.in/rules/liab_rules.pdf)

India’s Civilian Liability for Nuclear Damage Act 2010 refused to treat nuclear reactors like washing machines and refused to treat nuclear liability like a product warranty for a fixed time and also refused to place a cap on financial liability.
Russia’s Atomstroyexport came to India long before the CNLD Act 2010 and subsequent to the Act, placed no new conditions upon India. Besides Russia, France is the only country with which India has signed a contract for developing nuclear plants in the country. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh signed an agreement on December 6, 2010 for the French industrial conglomerate Areva SA to construct two reactors at Jaitapur, Maharashtra.
Considering that Areva’s 1600 MW reactor in Olkiluoto, Finland, has still not been completed and is already suffering huge cost and time over-runs, the Indian government’s decision to allow France to take a bite from the Indian nuclear pie is intriguing, not to say questionable. Did France twist India’s arms?
According to an article, titled “Mass Leak of Client Data Rattles Swiss Banking” by David Gauthier-Villars and Deborah Ball (The Wall Street Journal, July 2010), two employees of HSBC — Herve Falciani and Georgina Mikhael — had sent emails more than two years ago to tax authorities across Europe.
Accordingly, they claimed that they could provide a large list of clients of a Swiss-based private bank. The emails were sent to Germany and the French investigating authorities.

Swiss authorities are reportedly investigating whether these two employees stole bank records and violated banking secrecy laws in Switzerland.
Interestingly, the French got the data when its police raided Falciani’s residence at the behest of the Swiss authorities who had, in turn, launched an investigation into the alleged violations of banking secrecy back in Switzerland.
Crucially, the French sent copies of the data to Switzerland, but kept back the original files to pursue possible tax cheats.
Expectedly, the French authorities found thousands of accounts and bank-transfer details. Sifting the data, apparently the file contained data on about 79,000 clients and 20,000 companies!
The list includes more than 8,000 French, about 1,500 Americans and as many British residents.
Subsequently, the French have reportedly made available this data to governments across the world for possible pursuits of their tax cheats.
If press reports are to be believed that included the Indian government too as there were allegedly several hundred Indian names in the list.

This is the real story behind the so-called people’s protests in Koodankulam. The first unit should have been commissioned in December 2009 and the second in March 2010; the current projections, if Jayalalithaa through divine intervention sees the light of wisdom, is between March and June 2012.

Unasked questions –
1. Why is Jayalalithaa placing the entire onus of responsibility to allay some of the genuine fears of the local populace only on the central government?
2. Worse, why have the scientists, engineers, experts and other workers in Koodankulam been left to fend for themselves as if it is they who have everything to win or lose?
3. If despite extensive interactions by the committee constituted by the central government and the scientists at Koodankulam with the residents and people in the local villages, the protests have not ended does it not mean that the continuing protests have little to do with genuine fears and more to do with extraneous considerations?
4. Why did the state government not instruct the police to provide security to the workers at Koodankulam and in fact exposed them to violence unleashed by the protestors against them and prevented them from entering the site?
5. Does this not imply that Jayalalithaa by refusing to provide security to the workers, sent them the signal that if they valued their life, they should not attempt to enter the Koodankulam site for work?
6. Does this also not imply that Jayalalithaa has made common cause with the Church and brought all work at Koodankulam to a grinding halt which only serves American geopolitical interests?
7. What exactly is the nature of the common interest or nexus between Jayalalithaa, the Church and the US-led NSG?

If paralysing the Madras High Court in the name of Sri Lankan Tamils and for LTTE chief Prabhakaran for the better part of 2008 and 2009 was the Brown Church’s first major public political success, bringing all work at Koodankulam to a grinding halt and holding the people of Tamil Nadu and the central government hostage to their blackmail is the Church’s second major political success.
The same forces – Brown Church, Dravidian splinter parties, some infamous film personalities, the same human rights organizations and activists who also don the cap of anti-nuclear propagandists – which propagate the cause of Tamil Eelam and destructive Tamil chauvinism are also behind the anti-Koodankulam nuclear power protests.
And behind them all is the furtive, lurking presence of the White Generic Church – American and European churches, governments and international organizations.
Military might, and economic prosperity deriving from consistent economic growth and stability, determines national clout in world affairs, and meeting growing domestic and industrial energy requirements is the key for any growing economy. Some experts maintain that the economy has to grow 10% every year for 8% growth in GDP.
India needs 1, 00,060 MWe of power while we are generating only 1, 00, 034 MWe. Of this –
- 60% is Thermal power which uses coal, diesel and natural gas as fuel
- 25% is Hydro
- 7% is from non-conventional sources like solar, wind and bio-gas; and
- 2.9% is nuclear
World average for nuclear power is 20%
- 75% of all France’s power requirements is met by nuclear energy
- 20% US
- 18% UK
- 12% Germany; and
- 5% China
In addition to its already existing and functioning nuclear reactors, China has 20 new nuclear reactors at an advanced stage of development while another 15 are in the offing. India’s GDP and nuclear capability – nuclear power generation and nuclear defence arsenal will play a critical role in deciding India’s place in global geopolitics.
All this is well-known to Jayalalithaa, just as she knows how much power Tamil Nadu needs and how much power Tamil Nadu has and the extent of the deficit. The question that the media and the nuclear establishment, particularly the garrulous M.R. Srinivasan, are not asking Jayalalithaa and therefore not compelling her to respond, is why is she denying the people of Tamil Nadu their energy requirement by calling for all work at Koodankulam to be stopped.
It is imperative that all facts about civilian nuclear programme around the world and India’s energy requirements be placed before the nation in terms of hard numbers.
Per capita power consumption
- National per capita consumption – 503 units
- China – 2500 units
- America – 13,000 units
- Tamil Nadu – 900 units
India’s nuclear reactor history so far
- India has 20 nuclear power plants
- Kaiga, Karnataka – 4
- Kakrapar, Gujarat – 2
- Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu – 2
- Narora, Uttar Pradesh – 2
- Rawatbhatta, Rajasthan – 6
- Tarapur, Maharashtra – 4
- Total power generated from 20 nuclear reactors – 4780 MW
Nuclear units under construction – 9
- Kalpakkam – 1
- Koodankulam – 2
- Kakrapar – 2
- Rawatbhatta – 2
- Banswara, Rajasthan – 2
- Total power that will be generated upon completion – 6700 MW
Facts about Tamil Nadu’s energy requirements and power generating capabilities
- Tamil Nadu needs – 12000 MW
- Tamil Nadu generates – 7000 MW
- Power from central grid – 2825 MW
- Deficit in meeting state requirement – 5000 MW

The Generic Church does not want India’s nuclear programme – civil and military to be indigenous, independent and self-reliant. It would ideally like India’s indigenous nuclear programme, particularly the fast breeder reactor centric nuclear programme to be stalled permanently, and there are elements within India’s nuclear scientific community and elements in our bureaucracy which shamefully want the same. These have to be isolated and marginalised.
The US wants India to buy reactors and enriched uranium from the NSG so that it can send the intrusive IAEA into India for inspection, verification and control; we can ill afford to forget Hans Blix or Mohammed El-Baradei.
India’s Brown Church (Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, New Life and every other denomination and cult) will do exactly what the White Church wants. The people of Tamil Nadu have the right to know how Jayalalithaa perceives her role in the Generic Church scripted plot to evict Russia from Koodankulam.
Two Reactors and Too Many Actors.
ReplyDeleteSo sad that not too many people have the insight to identify it as the part of a ‘chruch plot’ to do away with a ‘Russian’ installation.
The people are squarely to be blamed. Coke & Pepsi indulge in an open commercial war against eachother and everyone of us takes side with either of these brands. None wakes up to realise that together they fooled us all.
To put it short, we have just two clear stands in every issue…..the YES group and the NO group. YES, the dam will survive……NO, the dam will collapse……….. YES, the power plant is safe………NO, the plant will break. And same is the case that applies with every issue.
The fact that a church priest, hardly of any consequence or significance takes the whole country to ransom is a fact impossible to digest. Fishermen who have nothing to do whatsover with the setting up of a nuclear power plant are dragged to the streets as the foot soldiers. And the governments both at the state and the centre are bending down to negotiate on these illogical demands.
An ordinary citizen of this country would shiver to walk along the compound wall of a nuclear installation. But here, every tom, dick and harry are demanding a copy of the detailed installation diagram and blue prints of the proposed installation. Anyhow, the government bows to their demand because those who demand are tom, dick and harry and not Ram, Lakshman and Shiva.
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