Who is aBrahm, iBrahm, Brahma and Brahmins?:
Many learned scholars believe that there is a strong relationship between aBrahm, iBrahm, Brahma and Brahmins. I came across several articles on the net to support this theory. So, i thought of writing this blog as a single source of reference for dfferenet sites and i can update any new links, as and when i come across.
Many learned scholars believe that there is a strong relationship between aBrahm, iBrahm, Brahma and Brahmins. I came across several articles on the net to support this theory. So, i thought of writing this blog as a single source of reference for dfferenet sites and i can update any new links, as and when i come across.

Maqam-e-iBrahm. Foot print of Prophet iBrahm(pbuh). During the pre-islamic period, Brahmins worshiped it for 2500 years which is known as "Pada Pooja-feet worship". Allah ordered Muslims to do 2 rakaath Namaz in front of Maqam-e-iBrahm, as part of Hajj ritual.

Ihram - Similar dress code for Brahmin priest and Hajj pilgrims. There is RAM in IhRAM.

Muslims kiss the black stone Hajar al aswad because Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) kissed it. He said this stone is from paradise. Brahmins worshiped this stone for 2500 years. Even today, similarly shaped black stone is part of their Shivlingam.
Khalifa Umar came near the Black Stone, kissed it and said "NO DOUBT, I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND CAN NEITHER BENEFIT ANYONE NOR HARM ANYONE. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you, I would not have kissed you."
Khalifa Umar came near the Black Stone, kissed it and said "NO DOUBT, I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND CAN NEITHER BENEFIT ANYONE NOR HARM ANYONE. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you, I would not have kissed you."
Qurayshis of Kaaba and Brahmins are one and the same:
Let me reproduce certain key points from my own independent research.
5000 years back, Prophet Ibrahm's(aws) father made his living by making idols for temples. Prophet Ibrahm(aws) opposed idol worship and left his home. Later he received orders from Allah to build holy Kaba. 1400 years back, Kaba was under the control of Quraishi tribes(Brahmins) and they worsipped 360 idols inside Kaba.
5000 years back, Prophet Ibrahm's(aws) father made his living by making idols for temples. Prophet Ibrahm(aws) opposed idol worship and left his home. Later he received orders from Allah to build holy Kaba. 1400 years back, Kaba was under the control of Quraishi tribes(Brahmins) and they worsipped 360 idols inside Kaba.
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was born in the family of idol worshiping Brahmins(Qurayshis) who worshiped 360 idols inside Kaaba for 2500 years. In fact, all the first four great Caliphs "Abu Baker, Umar, Usman and Ali" are Brahmins.
1. BrahmMin:
"Min" means "from" in Arabic.
Thus Brahm+Min = "From Brahm".
2. The Sanskrit BrahmAna:
"Ana" means "I am" in Arabic.
Brahm+Ana = I am Brahm
This proves "Brahm" is the family name inherited by descendants of iBrahm.
3. Striking similarities in the rituals performed by Muslims during Hajj and the rituals performed by Brahmins during Tirupathi pilgrimage.
* Shaving head
* Wrapping the body with unstiched cloth - Ihram
* 7 times circum ambulation
* Throwing 7 pebbles on the pillar - Throwing flowers on deity - "Archana"
* Drinking holy water zam zam - Theertham
4. Wife of iBrahm(aws) is "Sara" and wife of Brahma is "Sara"swati. Swati means "The pure". She was referred as "Sara the pure".
4. Wife of iBrahm(aws) is "Sara" and wife of Brahma is "Sara"swati. Swati means "The pure". She was referred as "Sara the pure".
5. The pilgrimage circuit of Kaaba has foot print of Prophet iBrahm(aws) called Maqam-e-Ibrahim preserved in a metal enclosure. Brahmins worshiped this sacred foot print for 2500 yrs which later became Pada Puja (Feet Worship).
6. Above all, there is no temple for Brahma and there is no Brahma pooja either. It's truly astonishing to realize that despite having so many Gods, it's forbidden in Brahminic Dharm to build a temple and worship iBrahm who opposed idol worship.
7. AGRAHARAM : Muslims refer Kaaba as "Haram" which means forbidden because fighting, killing and all evil acts are forbidden here. Thus it implies a sacred place.
AGRAHA means holding firmly. Thus Agraharam means "Holders of the sacred place" which refers to Qurayshi Brahmins who held Kaaba for 2500 years.
Slaughtering of animals is prohibited in Haram area. This may be the strong reson, why Brahmins of "Kaaba" Agraharam became vegetarian.
Kaba is known as house of Allah. Since Muslims are following the faith which came "from iBrahm", all Muslims rightfully deserve the title iBRAHMINS(From iBrahm).
Vedic Past Of Pre-Islamic Arabia:
Vedic Past Of Pre-Islamic Arabia:
Many centuries before prophet Muhammad and the advent of Islam, Arabia or Arabistan was an extremely rich and glorious center of Vedic civilization. In this article, I will prove to you point by point that pre-Islamic Arabia was in fact a flourishing civilization which revered Vedic culture.
In learning about this most ancient heritage, let's begin with the word Arabistan itself. Arabistan is derived from the original Sanskrit term Arvasthan which means The Land of Horses. Since time immemorial proponents of the Vedic culture used to breed exceptional horses in this region. Thus eventually the land itself began to be called Arva (Horses) -Sthan (place).
The ancient Vedic scripture Harihareswar Mahatmya mentions that Lord Vishnu's footprints are consecrated in Mecca. An important clue to this fact is that Muslims call this holy precint Haram which is a deviation of the Sanskrit term Hariyam, i.e. the precint of Lord Hari alias Lord Vishnu. The relevant stanza reads:
"Ekam Padam Gayayantu MAKKAYAANTU Dwitiyakam Tritiyam Sthapitam Divyam Muktyai Shuklasya Sannidhau"
Maqam-E-Ibrahim or more appropriately the pedestal of Brahma. Muslims from all over the world pay homage to this shrine. This shrine is actually the pedestal of Brahma. Notice that the word, Ibrahim is actually a corruption of the word, Brahma. The octogonal grill which is a Vedic design, protects the holy footprints which represent the start of the creation nearly 2000 million years ago. Before it was captured by the Muslims it was an international shrine of the Vedic trinity. In fact the names of the holiest of Muslim cities Mecca and Medina come from the Sanskrit words Makha-Medini which means the land of Fire-Worship.
Brahmins are descendants of Abrahm:
Voltaire was of the opinion that Abraham descended from some of the numerous Brahman priests who left India to spread their teachings throughout the world; and in support of his thesis he presented the following elements: the similarity of names and the fact that the city of Ur, land of the patriarchs, was near the border of Persia, the road to India, where that Brahman had been born.
Brahmins are descendants of Abrahm:
Voltaire was of the opinion that Abraham descended from some of the numerous Brahman priests who left India to spread their teachings throughout the world; and in support of his thesis he presented the following elements: the similarity of names and the fact that the city of Ur, land of the patriarchs, was near the border of Persia, the road to India, where that Brahman had been born.
The name of Brahma was highly respected in India, and his influence spread throughout Persia as far as the lands bathed by the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. The Persians adopted Brahma and made him their own. Later they would say that the God arrived from Bactria, a mountainous region situated midway on the road to India. (pp. 46-47.)
Bactria (a region of ancient Afghanistan) was the locality of a prototypical Jewish nation called Juhuda or Jaguda, also called Ur-Jaguda. Ur meant "place or town." Therefore, the bible was correct in stating that Abraham came from "Ur of the Chaldeans." "Chaldean," more correctly Kaul-Deva (Holy Kauls), was not the name of a specific ethnicity but the title of an ancient Hindu Brahmanical priestly caste who lived in what are now Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Indian state of Kashmir.
"The tribe of Ioud or the Brahmin Abraham, was expelled from or left the Maturea of the kingdom of Oude in India and, settling in Goshen, or the house of the Sun or Heliopolis in Egypt, gave it the name of the place which they had left in India, Maturea." (Anacalypsis; Vol. I, p. 405.)
"He was of the religion or sect of Persia, and of Melchizedek."(Vol. I, p. 364.)
"The Persians also claim Ibrahim, i.e. Abraham, for their founder, as well as the Jews. Thus we see that according to all ancient history the Persians, the Jews, and the Arabians are descendants of Abraham.(p.85)
...We are told that Terah, the father of Abraham, originally came from an Eastern country called Ur, of the Chaldees or Culdees, to dwell in a district called Mesopotamia. Some time after he had dwelt there, Abraham, or Abram, or Brahma, and his wife Sara or Sarai, or Sara-iswati, left their father's family and came into Canaan. The identity of Abraham and Sara with Brahma and Saraiswati was first pointed out by the Jesuit missionaries."(Vol. I; p. 387.)
Hebrews And Vedic Brahmins:
Hebrews And Vedic Brahmins:
The Mahabharata, meaning “Great India” was written down @ 540 to 300 BC, but has a much older oral history, it has been attributed to the sage Vyasa. They record “the legends of the Bharatas, one of the Aryan tribal groups.”
To understand the significance of this one must understand that Bharata was not a nation. Bharata was a collection of nations. India is the modern name of the land once called by its indigenous peoples Bharata - not in the context of a nation or country but as a collection of independent semi-cooperative individual nations just as Europe is a collection of nations.
Consider the word Bharata. This word is formed from the Sanskrit root ‘Bhara’, which under the sway of the rule of vowelization, may assume the form ‘Ibhar’, ‘Iber’, ‘Ibhray’, ‘Ibhri’, ‘Ibri’, ‘Ibrini’ etc. Words which all have been equated with the term Hebrew.
Further discussion of the term ‘Hebrew’: Another meaning of the term Savitr (the Sanskrit form of the term Hebrew) is Brahmana. Now let us consider the word ‘Brahmana’. If the suffix ‘mana’ is removed from this word, then it becomes ‘Brah’. Through time and usage this would give us the word, ‘Habra’ which is nearer to the word ‘Hebrew’. Also that, both these words, written without vowel signs, would give ‘BRH’ and ‘HBR’ respectively. The similarity is evident.
It is of interest to note another Sanskrit word, ‘Vipra’ (a synonym of ‘Brahmana’) in the same connection. The word ‘Vipra’ becomes ‘Ipar’ in colloquial Marathi. Now consider the word ‘Ipar’. This word may assume the forms ‘Iber, Ibri, Ibhray, Ibrani’ etc, - other forms of the word Hebrew. This leads to the conclusion that the Hebrews can be identified unhesitatingly with these Indian Brahmins who had migrated from India in the very early dawn of the Vedic period.
A strong point for a common Brahmin-Jewish origin is the fact that both communities have been endogamous priests from the earliest times of their recorded history. It may also be observed in this respect that the Hebrews, as well as their Indian counterparts, Brahmins, consider themselves as the “Chosen People of God”. The Hebrews started their career in history as a “Kingdom of Priests” (Exodus/19/6). Likewise, the Brahmins have also been a “Community of Priests” since the dawn of their history.
The cult of Brahm (Hinduism) was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups About 1900 BC, after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, ever changing the courses of the Indus and Saraswathi rivers.
The classical geographer Strabo tells us just how nearly complete the abandonment of Northwestern India was. “Aristobolus says that when he was sent upon a certain mission in India, he saw a country of more than a thousand cities, together with villages, that had been deserted because the Indus had abandoned its proper bed.” (Strabo’s Geography, XV.I.19.)
The drying up of the Saraswathi around 1900 BCE, led to a major relocation of the population centered around and in the Sindhu and the Saraswathi valleys, causing a migration westward from India. It is soon after this time that the Indic element begins to appear all over West Asia, Egypt, and eventually, even Greece.
Judaism and Vedas:
The idea that Judaism and Vedanta have common roots raises some eyebrows. The antiquity of possible commonalities may make definitive proof, one way or the other, impossible. Outwardly, in many ways, the two traditions are quite different - iconoclastic Judaism's rejection of deist imagery contrasts sharply with Hinduism's polytheism and rich panoply of God-forms and their images. These surface characteristics conceal similarities in the underlying core concepts.
Both terms, "Judaism" and "Hinduism," are blanket words that describe huge collections of varying "dialects" within each religion. Comprehensive parallels may be impossible to draw, so prominent, selected threads will be compared, leaving final conclusions as an open choice.
Abraham and the Brahmins:
Genesis 25:6:
"And to the concubine children who were Abraham's, Abraham gave gifts; then he sent them away from Isaac his son, while he was still alive, eastward, to the land of the east."
These were the children of Hagar, Sarah's handmaiden with whom Abraham fathered Ishmael, the progenitor of the Islamic strand of Abraham's ethical monotheism. Hagar was also called Ketura, which means "incense." Did these journeyers-to-the-east children of Abraham's become the Brahmins? The timing would be right, Abraham lived around 2100 B.C.E., and the Upanishads and Rig Veda emerged in India in about 1500 B.C.E. The similarity of "Abraham" and "Brahmin" may be purely coincidental. Like the fact that the Nordic version of Adam and Eve, the primordial couple, were called in the Eddas "Ask and Embla" [ash and elm trees].
Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Temple?:
Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Temple?:
By P.N. Oak (Historian)
Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.
The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:
Christianity and Hinduism:
Christianity and Hinduism:
Christ, Krish - Sounds similar.
Concept of Trinity in both faiths
Gopala - Krishna is cowherd and Christ is good shepherd
Krushettar and Crusader - Both are holy wars and again sound similarr.
Mother Mariam and Tamil Goddess Mariamma
Holy dip ritual
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Hindu scriptures
by Dr. Zakir Naik
by Dr. Zakir Naik
Muhammad (pbuh) prophesised in Bhavishya Purana:
According to Bhavishya Purana in the Prati Sarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 5 to 8.
"A malecha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking a foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Maha Dev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the Panchgavya and the Ganga water (i.e. purifying him of all sins) offered him the present of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, "I make obeisance to thee. O ye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malecha opponents."
"A malecha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking a foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Maha Dev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the Panchgavya and the Ganga water (i.e. purifying him of all sins) offered him the present of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, "I make obeisance to thee. O ye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malecha opponents."
Prophet Abraham's first act of submission to one God is that he destroyed Idol worship. He even brought shame to his people and his father who carved the idol when they blamed him for destroying the idols he said look at the largest idol he is the culprit and they then said the idol cant move and then they realised their stupidity! .Even though you (idolaters) may worship him for many years his footprints etc we muslims worship none but ONE GOD like prophet Abraham and every other prophet sent to this earth. the message is to follow prophet Abrahams teachings and not the man himself! bow down to one God and not to bow down to anything! search for the truth and you will be rightly guided if your heart is open to the truth