Source: Organiser - Weekly |
Sonia: So secretive, still in public life!

The latest first. According to a report
in The Times of India, Sonia Gandhi refused to provide the details of
her income-tax returns of the past ten years, demanded by V
Gopalakrishnan, an RTI activist from Chennai. She claimed that this
information, submitted to the IT office was confidential and disclosure
of this would amount to “unwarranted invasion” of the individual’s
privacy. She even cited security reasons for not furnishing the
She had earlier refused to reveal her
religion, claiming it was a personal matter and need not be made public.
This, when the government routinely has this column in all the forms.
Even in nursery school admissions, one has to mention the religion. Her
educational qualifications (if any) too are closely guarded secrets.
When Sonia Gandhi “fell ill” and went
abroad allegedly for treatment apparently on government expense, any
information was denied to the public on the ground that we must respect
her “privacy.” The media played along in such reverential obedience. If
public money had been spent on her, it has to be accounted for and the
citizens of the country have a right to know how much and why the money
was spent; if the treatment she received abroad was not available in
India etc.
Some time ago, a RTI had been raised
demanding to know the foreign relatives who are staying with Sonia
Gandhi in her official residence and their periods of stay in India. The
issue was suppressed, taking the plea that it was a “private issue.”
Subramanyan Swami, who has constantly
sought to bring to light the several instances of abuse of power by
Sonia Gandhi has been rebuffed time and again by the courts and other
agencies. On 23 February the CBI, before whom Swamy’s plea for
investigating Sonia Gandhi’s role in Bofors scandal was pending,
dismissed it saying that a closure report has been filed in the case and
it cannot be reopened. The CBI also gave a clean chit to her saying “no
connection whatsoever” was found between the case and Mrs Gandhi.
Not only she, but all her immediate
relatives enjoy amnesty from law. The police did not carry any
investigation worth its name into the cases of unnatural death of at
least three family members of Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadhera.
His brother, sister and father died untimely and unexplained. The matter
was hushed up with even our blood-hound media maintaining silence.
All these things raise the valid question: Is Sonia Gandhi above the Indian law? (FOC),-still-in-public-life!%EF%BB%BF.aspx?NB=&lang=4&m1=&m2=&p1=&p2=&p3=&p4=
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