Is Christianity a solid monolith?
"Caste" was an old weapon of missionaries who established the conversion business in India
"Caste" was an old weapon of missionaries who established the conversion business in India
In India every debate on conversion to Christianity ends with Hindu society's caste-based "poison of divisions". Missionaries and their supporters present conversion as the only "antidote" available. And missionaries are "doctors," hell bent on administering that antidote! And our "secularists" have been repeating it.
"Caste" was an old weapon of missionaries who established the conversion business in India .
"Caste" was an old weapon of missionaries who established the conversion business in India .

He says, "an encouraging amount of interest in the progress of Christianity has now at last been awakened, and a demand for information has been excited: it is now felt that a great door and effectual has been opened to us in India, and that the conversion of India to Christ is one of the greatest works, if not the great work, to which the Church and nation of England are called" (Lectures on the Tinnevelly Missions, 1857, p. 4).
Refer to chapter on Aryan Invasion Theory
For sheer audacity and bigotry, Caldwell could today be called a "cultural terrorist". Yet his views are endorsed by a section of India 's "secular" intelligentsia! They were reiterated in Karnataka's recent public debate on conversion.
The debate on conversion was launched by the oldest Kannada daily, Samyukta Karnataka, with some well-researched articles by selected writers and scholars. Professional missionaries kept silent; our secularists did all the batting on their behalf! Once again, leftists are proving that they are "more Christian" than the original faith-sellers. Hindus should not hesitate to debate caste as they have nothing to hide. But they should understand what Christianity is all about. They should study and debate its history and methods of expansion, its "spiritualism" and "brotherhood." They should ask missionaries why casteless societies were converted to Christianity throughout the ages and throughout the world.
Missionaries' typical answers are well known. In India , "conversion is the best solution for caste-based differences within Hindu society;" in America , "barbaric tribes had to be civilized and spiritualized." They always proffer local issues to justify conversions. In India 's case, most proponents of Christianity's "monolithic unity" and Hinduism’s "caste- based divisions" invoke B.R. Ambedkar to remain politically correct while attacking the faith!
For sheer audacity and bigotry, Caldwell could today be called a "cultural terrorist". Yet his views are endorsed by a section of India 's "secular" intelligentsia! They were reiterated in Karnataka's recent public debate on conversion.
The debate on conversion was launched by the oldest Kannada daily, Samyukta Karnataka, with some well-researched articles by selected writers and scholars. Professional missionaries kept silent; our secularists did all the batting on their behalf! Once again, leftists are proving that they are "more Christian" than the original faith-sellers. Hindus should not hesitate to debate caste as they have nothing to hide. But they should understand what Christianity is all about. They should study and debate its history and methods of expansion, its "spiritualism" and "brotherhood." They should ask missionaries why casteless societies were converted to Christianity throughout the ages and throughout the world.

But all fail to explain why Ambedkar did not convert to Caldwell 's "great brotherhood" called Christianity.
In fact, Ambedkar wanted to send a strong message through his religious conversion. After examining Christianity, he wrote in 1938: "caste governs the life of Christians as much as it does the life of the Hindus. There are Brahmin Christians and non-Brahmin Christians. Among non-Brahmin Christians there are Maratha Christians, Mahar Christians, Mang Christians and Bhangi Christians. Similarly in the south there are Pariah Christians, Malla Christians and Madiga Christians. They would not inter-marry. They would not inter-dine" (Selected Speeches and Writings, Vol. 5, Government of Maharashtra, 1989, p. 445-78).
Ambedkar converted to Buddhism as it was a "part and parcel of Bharatiya culture." He said: "I have taken care that my conversion will not harm the tradition of the culture and the history of this land" (Quoted in 'Ambedkar', by Dhananjay Keer, p. 498). The hard truth is that even Buddhism is not a monolithic unity! It has different schools of thought and different traditional streams. For that matter where do we find the most unified, rock-solid group on earth? Is Islam one single entity?
Is Christianity a superb monolith? If so, since when? Since its inception or through "spiritualism"? Since the First Council of Nicaea, when Emperor Constantine decided, at sword-point, what should and should not be the tenets of 'official' Christianity? Or since the Second Vatican Council, when it was decided to establish the supremacy of Catholicism once again? Christians are not one; they are divided into separate churches and traditions. Over the centuries, Christianity has divided into numerous denominations. Each denomination has its own distinctive beliefs or practices, yet we hold them to be branches of the same religion. But when it comes to Hindu society, every Tom, Dick or Harry talks about caste and asks us "where is the common unity?" as if there is no common thread of beliefs among Hindus!
Although missionaries never talk about their internal divisions openly, conversion always happens to a particular denomination, to a particular church. One can never get converted to "Christianity". He or she can only become a member of a particular church. When former British Prime Minister Tony Blair converted to the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican community and its church vehemently protested.
Why do street missionaries never talk about their internal divisions? This is an age-old strategy. The famous Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis (1898 - 1963) who wrote Mere Christianity, in 1940s, reminded believers about this strategy: "our divisions should never be discussed except in the presence of those who have already come to believe that there is one God and that Jesus Christ is his only Son"!
Let us move on to the denominations. In 1985, it was estimated that there were 22,000 Christian denominations with 5 new ones being formed each week! There are nearly 34,000 (probably more) Christian and Messianic denominations and churches in the world now. These may be broken down to six different main blocks: In fact, Ambedkar wanted to send a strong message through his religious conversion. After examining Christianity, he wrote in 1938: "caste governs the life of Christians as much as it does the life of the Hindus. There are Brahmin Christians and non-Brahmin Christians. Among non-Brahmin Christians there are Maratha Christians, Mahar Christians, Mang Christians and Bhangi Christians. Similarly in the south there are Pariah Christians, Malla Christians and Madiga Christians. They would not inter-marry. They would not inter-dine" (Selected Speeches and Writings, Vol. 5, Government of Maharashtra, 1989, p. 445-78).
Ambedkar converted to Buddhism as it was a "part and parcel of Bharatiya culture." He said: "I have taken care that my conversion will not harm the tradition of the culture and the history of this land" (Quoted in 'Ambedkar', by Dhananjay Keer, p. 498). The hard truth is that even Buddhism is not a monolithic unity! It has different schools of thought and different traditional streams. For that matter where do we find the most unified, rock-solid group on earth? Is Islam one single entity?
Is Christianity a superb monolith? If so, since when? Since its inception or through "spiritualism"? Since the First Council of Nicaea, when Emperor Constantine decided, at sword-point, what should and should not be the tenets of 'official' Christianity? Or since the Second Vatican Council, when it was decided to establish the supremacy of Catholicism once again? Christians are not one; they are divided into separate churches and traditions. Over the centuries, Christianity has divided into numerous denominations. Each denomination has its own distinctive beliefs or practices, yet we hold them to be branches of the same religion. But when it comes to Hindu society, every Tom, Dick or Harry talks about caste and asks us "where is the common unity?" as if there is no common thread of beliefs among Hindus!

Why do street missionaries never talk about their internal divisions? This is an age-old strategy. The famous Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis (1898 - 1963) who wrote Mere Christianity, in 1940s, reminded believers about this strategy: "our divisions should never be discussed except in the presence of those who have already come to believe that there is one God and that Jesus Christ is his only Son"!
1] Independents 22000
2] Protestants 9000
3] 'Marginals' 1600
4] Orthodox 781
5] Roman Catholics 242
6] Anglicans 168
Total 33791
(source: World Christian Encyclopedia, by Barrett, Kurian, Johnson; Oxford Univ. Press, 2nd edition, 2001, Vol. 1, p.16-18).
Pope John Paul II once called Protestant missionaries "rapacious wolves" for converting Catholics! So much for "monolithic unity"! In the second week of August 2007, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Methodists, Pentecostals, Orthodox, Evangelicals (sounds like caste names!) gathered to map a "common religious conversion code" in France . The code, which has to be finalized in a year or two, was named "Ethical Conversion Code".
"Conversion is a controversial issue not only in inter-religious relations, but in intra-Christian relations as well," admitted Dr. Hans Ucko, World Council of Churches programme executive and one of the organizers of the meeting.
So much for "monolithic unity" and "great brotherhood"!
(source: Castes and Conversions: Is Christianity a solid monolith? - By G. Anil Kumar). Refer to Foreign contributions to India 2006 - 2007. Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
Missionaries are Colonists says Gregory F. Fegel
No Official Hindu Country in the World
No Official Hindu Country in the World
Christian missionaries make no secret of the fact that they use medical services, education, and employment opportunities to lure impoverished indigenous populations throughout the world into conversion to Christianity.
Using your wealth to purchase other people's loyalty is a game as old as humanity itself. Rich men use their wealth to attract women, unscrupulous employers use material incentives and disincentives to manipulate their workers, and wealthy countries like the USA use their national wealth to keep their citizens loyal to the cause of aggressive and genocidal Imperialism. But historical longevity and common practice don't make the manipulation or exploitation morally or ethically right. Organized religions are inherently POLITICAL organizations. There is a fundamental difference between the financial enterprise and political machinations of an organized religion versus a mass of independent, unaffiliated believers, philosophers, and mystics who do not support any organized religion. Christianity and Islam are known as proselytizing religions because they make an organized and systematic effort to gain converts, and they often provide services, products, or employment to attract converts. Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism show far less zeal about gaining converts, which is why you almost never hear about Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist missionaries.
Modern medical and nursing schools usually teach their students the moral principle that the provision of medical services should never be used as a means to proselytize or promote a religion, but that does not deter many Christian health care providers from doing exactly that. Most of the medical and charitable organizations based in Christian countries are fronts for Christian proselytizing activities. One of the largest international medical relief organizations based in the USA, Northwest Medical Teams, states in their recruitment brochure that their chief 'mission' is to 'spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ', that their medical relief services are subordinate to their stated goal of proselytizing Christianity, and that their medical relief work is merely an 'aegis', or facade, for spreading Christianity.

Many Islamic countries strive to protect the cultural identity of their citizens by enforcing a ban on preaching any religion but Islam. Considering the aggressive, insidious, and highly political nature of Christian missionary programs, the banning of non-Moslem religious preaching by Moslem governments makes sense.
No Official Hindu Country in the World
There are fourteen nations that claim Christianity as their State Religion, twenty-six nations that claim Islam as their State Religion, six nations that claim Buddhism as their State Religion, and the Jewish State of Israel.

Lord Shiva Nataraja from Ellora caves.
Currently there is no officially Hindu State anywhere in the world, but perhaps India should become a Hindu State in order to protect its indigenous religion and culture from the predatory missionaries and State-sponsored cultural Imperialism that are coming from both Christian and Moslem countries. If the Jews have the right to establish and maintain Israel as a Jewish State, then the Hindus certainly have a right to establish and maintain India as a Hindu State .
When the Hindus of India rise up in riot and drive out the Christian missionaries and the Christian 'cash converts', they are doing what the Iraqi, Afghani, and Palestinian Freedom Fighters are doing. They are protecting themselves and their indigenous culture from wealthy and unscrupulous invaders who have no respect for them or for their culture.
Watch video - Intellectual Terrorism and Subversion in polity – By Radha Rajan and The Hunt for Soul - Conversion activities in India (In Dutch and English)
Refer to The disadvantaged Hindus, pampered Minorities - By R K Ohri and After Haj, it is Christian pilgrimage - and Nomenclature terrorism - By Rajeev Srinivasan -
Refer to Foreign contributions to India 2006 - 2007 and Christian Institutions Top List of NGOs Operating in India in 2007. Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America. Refer to Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2000-year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse - By Thomas Doyle, AW Richard Sipe & Patrick Wall (LA: Volt Press, 2006).
Currently there is no officially Hindu State anywhere in the world, but perhaps India should become a Hindu State in order to protect its indigenous religion and culture from the predatory missionaries and State-sponsored cultural Imperialism that are coming from both Christian and Moslem countries. If the Jews have the right to establish and maintain Israel as a Jewish State, then the Hindus certainly have a right to establish and maintain India as a Hindu State .
When Western leaders talk about a 'Clash of Civilizations', what they really mean is Judeo-Christianity and corporate Capitalism versus all non-Christians and non-Capitalists. Christian missionaries are essentially colonialists working for Christian cultural Imperialism.
When the Hindus of India rise up in riot and drive out the Christian missionaries and the Christian 'cash converts', they are doing what the Iraqi, Afghani, and Palestinian Freedom Fighters are doing. They are protecting themselves and their indigenous culture from wealthy and unscrupulous invaders who have no respect for them or for their culture.
I wish the Hindu nationalists well in their efforts to defend and maintain the independence and survival of their indigenous culture and religion against the onslaught of predatory and disrespectful foreigners whose goal is to replace indigenous traditional cultures with a global Christian empire. If Christian missionaries want to come to India and try to make converts to Christianity, let them come with empty pockets and compete on a level playing field. And if most of the locals don't want the missionaries interfering with their traditional way of life, they have the right to make the missionaries and their converts leave.
(source: Missionaries are Colonists - By Gregory F. Fegel - Pravada, Russia October 21 2008).
Religious Conversion is a foreign policy objective of the Christian West.
Do You Know What World Vision is?
If you have been browsing the websites of prominent Indian newspapers and other media outlets such as Rediff, you would surely have noticed the advertisements of an agency called World Vision asking for your money. These promotional messages are very poignant, designed to pull at your heart strings. Most of these show pictures of vulnerable-looking Indian orphan children staring at you with longing in their eyes.World Vision asks you for some of your money so that those poor souls can be taken care of and provided with food and shelter. Who can argue with that? Soon, you find yourself reaching for your credit card. But hey, hold on! Do you really know what World Vision is and what kind of work it is doing in India?
It is an out and out Christian proselytisation organisation which asks Hindus to fund its orphanages but forgets to tell them about its evangelical operations and Bible classes. Neither does it tell Hindu donors how many Hindu orphans taken in its orphanages are allowed to remain Hindu when they are ready to move out. It is nothing but a conversion racket under the garb of charity. Radhakant Nayak, a Christian convert who is a Congress MP and the head of World Vision in Orissa, is the main accused in planning the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati.
(source: Do You Know What World Vision is? -
The Truth about World Vision

Its mission statement clearly states: “World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in working with the poor and oppressed, to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the Good News of the Kingdom of God .”
Though World Vision has consultative status with UNESCO and partnerships with UN agencies like UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR and ILO, the fact is that its financial records reveal that it has funded evangelical activities all over the world including India . World Vision uses its international clout and its close links with the US government through USAID to network with governments and corporate entities in the developing world. What goes unnoticed by the governments and the corporate world is World Vision India ’s evangelical missions as part of its development agenda.
Proselytisation (conversion of faith) is an integral part of its provision of development services under its much-touted ADP programmes. Though none of the literature published by World Vision India even mentions its evangelisation missions, foreign publications of World Vision India proudly proclaim its “spiritual” component.
(source: The Truth about World Vision - by V. K. Sashikumar). Courtesy: Hindu Voice, December 2008. Refer to Foreign contributions to India 2006 - 2007 and Christian Institutions Top List of NGOs Operating in India in 2007. Refer to Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2000-year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse - By Thomas Doyle, AW Richard Sipe & Patrick Wall (LA: Volt Press, 2006).
Watch video The Hunt for Soul - Conversion activities in India (In Dutch and English).
Also refer to Indian Media’s War on Hinduism and Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2000-year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse - By Thomas Doyle, AW Richard Sipe & Patrick Wall (LA: Volt Press, 2006).
Somebody should bell the cat! - By Hilda Raja

- Rajdeep Sardesai Editor-in-Chief, CNN-IBN & World Vision Child Sponsor
I know about 'World Vision' personally because many of my students were recruited to work in it. But invariably at the interview the question which they asked is about "evangalisation". Even a friend of mine who had applied for a chartered accountant post in response to an advertisement, was asked not of his professional and knowledge skills but about evengalisation. He came home and shared this with me and wanted to know if 'World Vision' was a purely a development organization or one for evangalisation. Poor fellow does not know that development is the cover up for its evangalisation.
At a public meeting I raised this issue in Chennai. I had even responded to Mani Shankar Iyer who stated that to his knowledge there is not a single Christian development agency involved in evangalisation. I reacted to that by citing the case of 'World Vision'. It was published in the papers. I can cite quite a few examples. 'World Vision' will not recruit a single non-Christian, no matter the competence. They will not even recruit a Catholic because they do not trust the Catholics. They once offered one of my Catholic students a job provided she leaves the Catholic church and joins in a Protestant church. She did convert because she was in dire need of a job for financial support. Two Brahmins were converted to the Protestant church and placed in high official positions.
In fact 'World Vision' looks out for Brahmin converts to make them show pieces. These head the various departments which is highly remunerative. This is my own micro-level first hand knowledge. So what will it be on the all India level? 'World Vision' has a narrow, myopic vision of the world where their main agenda is evangalisation. The government of India must be aware of it. I have been always advocating for a ban on foreign funds. China, France and so many countries will not tolerate what India not only tolerates but even abets. The fight against terrorism will be futile unless and until foreign funds for "development" are monitored and banned.
(source: Somebody should bell the cat! - By Dr Hilda Raja - Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
At a public meeting I raised this issue in Chennai. I had even responded to Mani Shankar Iyer who stated that to his knowledge there is not a single Christian development agency involved in evangalisation. I reacted to that by citing the case of 'World Vision'. It was published in the papers. I can cite quite a few examples. 'World Vision' will not recruit a single non-Christian, no matter the competence. They will not even recruit a Catholic because they do not trust the Catholics. They once offered one of my Catholic students a job provided she leaves the Catholic church and joins in a Protestant church. She did convert because she was in dire need of a job for financial support. Two Brahmins were converted to the Protestant church and placed in high official positions.
In fact 'World Vision' looks out for Brahmin converts to make them show pieces. These head the various departments which is highly remunerative. This is my own micro-level first hand knowledge. So what will it be on the all India level? 'World Vision' has a narrow, myopic vision of the world where their main agenda is evangalisation. The government of India must be aware of it. I have been always advocating for a ban on foreign funds. China, France and so many countries will not tolerate what India not only tolerates but even abets. The fight against terrorism will be futile unless and until foreign funds for "development" are monitored and banned.
(source: Somebody should bell the cat! - By Dr Hilda Raja - Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
Conversion kills India's Cultural identity - Immeasurable loss of culture, tradition, and multiple levels of religious belief.
It kills intellectual and spiritual freedom
It kills intellectual and spiritual freedom
Conversion is political conquest, which is why faith and empire have always gone hand-in-hand.
The Political Nature of Conversions - Why are the Vatican, Italy and America rushing to interfere in India's internal affairs?
The Political Nature of Conversions - Why are the Vatican, Italy and America rushing to interfere in India's internal affairs?

He was instrumental in removing many of the cobwebs of ignorance that had come to cluster round the Sakta philosophy and practice. His most popular and influential book, a major contribution to the appreciation of Indian philosophy and spirituality, is The Serpent Power – The secrets of tantric and shaktic yoga, Sakti and Sakta, Introduction to Tantra Sastra and The World as Power
"An examination of the Vedic thesis shows that it is in conformity with the most advanced philosophical and scientific thoughts of the West and, where this is not so, it is the scientist who will go to the Vedantist and not the Vedantist to the scientist."

"It is Official Christianity which has been slow to recognize the merit of Indian teaching and to give credit for anything to the "Heathen."
“In India there has been intellectual and spiritual freedom – the most valuable of all. This is evidenced by the great variety of religious and philosophical opinion in this country, Rationalism Theism, Atheism and so forth, and the existence of a large number of varying religious communities. The history of Europe on the contrary is marked by intolerance and abominable persecution. The “liberty loving nations of the West” have been in the past greatly, and still are to some extent, behind India in the matter of intellectual and religious freedom.”
Why are monotheistic traditions (Christianity and Islam) unable to live in peace in pluralist societies?
Refer to How UPA Government tortures Hindu Monks in India and Refer to Foreign contributions to India 2006 - 2007 and Christian Institutions Top List of NGOs Operating in India in 2007 and Watch video - Intellectual Terrorism and Subversion in polity – By Radha Rajan. Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
Refer to Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2000-year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse - By Thomas Doyle, AW Richard Sipe & Patrick Wall (LA: Volt Press, 2006).
Watch video The Hunt for Soul - Conversion activities in India (In Dutch and English).
"It is Official Christianity which has been slow to recognize the merit of Indian teaching and to give credit for anything to the "Heathen."
“In India there has been intellectual and spiritual freedom – the most valuable of all. This is evidenced by the great variety of religious and philosophical opinion in this country, Rationalism Theism, Atheism and so forth, and the existence of a large number of varying religious communities. The history of Europe on the contrary is marked by intolerance and abominable persecution. The “liberty loving nations of the West” have been in the past greatly, and still are to some extent, behind India in the matter of intellectual and religious freedom.”
(source: Hinduism: The Eternal Religion - By M. D. Chaturvedi p.16-17 and Is India Civilized: Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe p. 21 - 22). Refer to
Foreign funds to Indian NGOs soar
Evangelization in India is a part of uniform world policy to revive Christendom for re-establishing Western supremacy…
Statistics released by the home ministry regarding ‘foreign funds to NGOs’ show that India, which has a total of 33,937 registered associations, received Rs 12,289.63 crore in foreign contributions during 2006-07 as against Rs 7,877.57 crore in 2005-06, a substantial increase of nearly Rs 4,400 crore (56%) in just one year. The US, Germany, the UK, Switzerland and Italy were the top five foreign contributors during 2006-07. These five countries have consistently been the big donors since 2004-05. Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and France are the other countries which figure prominently in the list of foreign donors. The US has been the biggest donor to Indian NGOs in the last several years. It contributed over Rs 2,971 crore in 2006-07 alone. As far as Pakistan is concerned, the country contributed Rs 43.28 lakh in 2004-05, Rs 71.70 lakh in 2005-06 and Rs 21.99 lakh in 2006-07. ………..
Among the states, Tamil Nadu has the distinction of having the highest number of registered associations (3,009) and getting the highest amount of foreign contributions in India. The “Times of India” newspaper has reported that foreign funding to NGOs in India has seen a massive boost of 56 percent in the last one year. It now totals a staggering 2.5 billion dollars or so annually. This amounts to a mind-boggling Rupees one thousand crores every month– enough to destablise the country many times over. Most of this money from other countries is coming, it is claimed, for the benefit of “cultural and religious” institutions. Our friend to the West, Pakistan, has also begun to fund quite a few NGOs in India.
Considering this massive inflow of foreign funds in the name of ”culture,” India should logically have become the most cultured country in the world by now. It obviously is yet to attain this distinction. So the big question is: Where is this money actually going? Is it going into the pockets of Maoists in the jungles of Chhattisgarh to pay salaries to their cadres? (The money is usually routed to them through the churches that dot the jungles.) Is it being used for conversions to Christianity? Is it being used to build new churches and mosques in every nook and corner of India? Is this money meant for the Christian terrorists of North Eastern states ? Is it being used to take as many resident Indians on the payrolls of foreigners as possible so that the NGOs that these Indians staff can be used to protest against everything from Tata Nano to Narmada Dam to Hindu festivals to arrest of terrorists?
Interestingly, a huge chunk of this money is specifically going to Tamil Nadu. What is the reason? After floating the Aryan-Dravidian theory, are the White Christians now trying to Christianise the “Dravidians”? (Incidentally, the word “Dravidian” was coined by a British missionary, Robert Caldwell.) What is so much foreign money doing in Tamil Nadu? Why is the Indian government allowing billions of dollars from other races to land in India every year? Russia and China do not allow other countries to fund their NGOs. Is Indian government smarter than the Russian or Chinese strategists or is it actually quite foolish? With regard to this “charity” money being poured into India by hostile races from far away, Indians should get one thing very clear: “In this world, there is no such thing as a free lunch. They will have to pay the bill one day in terms of their territorial integrity.” Capiche?
(source: Mischief money from other countries - Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
Refer to Christmas Offering by Religion of Love? Protestant militants hack 45 Catholics to pieces in Uganda church - The Lord's Resistance Army rebel group has waged one of Africa's longest and most brutal wars for the last two decades. In the past, aid and rights groups have accused the rebels of cutting off the lips of civilians and forcing thousands of children as soldiers or sex slaves. The conflict has spilled out of northern Uganda and into Sudan and Congo. "The scene at the church was unbelievable. It was horrendous. On the floor were dead bodies of mostly women and children cut in pieces.
India, an Exporter of Priests
As a result, bishops trek here from the United States, Europe, Latin America and Australia looking for spare priests to fill their empty pulpits. Hundreds have been allowed to go, siphoning support from India’s widespread network of Catholic churches, schools, orphanages, missionary projects and social service programs. At least 800 Indian priests are working in the United States alone. India, Vietnam and the Philippines are among the leading exporters of priests, according to data compiled by researchers at Catholic University of America in Washington.(source: Divine recruits: India, an Exporter of Priests, May Keep Them -
How NGOs are Being Used by Missionaries
There are billions of dollars being sent by white Christians to India for “development work.” This money is what empowers missionaries and allows them to bribe poor Indians for conversion and build infrastructure such as churches, prayer halls, “community halls” and “Jesus wells.” (Jesus wells are wells in villages dug by missionaries from which you are allowed to draw water only if you agree to convert.) Every penny of this money being recieved from abroad has only one aim: convert Indians and uproot all native faiths and culture.Without this funding from abroad, the missionary machinery will grind to a halt. The Indian government says this money is not a threat to national security. Well, it sure will be once enough number of people get converted. Is there any place in India where Christians or Muslims are in a majority and not fighting for secession from India, from Kashmir to North East states to Maoists of central India (90 percent of whose cadres are Christian converts)?
This money is nothing but “secession” money that is being sent to India by White Christians and must be stopped at all costs if Hindus still love their land. China and Russia do not allow this money from the West to enter their countries for “development” or “culture” or whatever excuse the White Christians can think of. It is only the “liberal” Hindus who do this good turn to them and allow their own feet to be cut slowly.
Once the missionaries manage to create a critical mass of Christian converts, their godfathers in the West will immediately trigger an armed terrorist movement against “Brahmanical oppression” of the flock and stake claim over the land on behalf of Jesus. (The same game White Christians have played in Nagaland.) Their strategy is: first convert, and then arm the converts. Indians better be careful. Have you heard of the Niyogi Committee report about activities of Christian missionaries? It had warned exactly the same thing.
The eleventh commandment: 'thou shall not convert'
Religious conversion is the cause of violence against the missionaries. Desist from conversions and violence will cease.
Militant Islam and evangelical Christianity are the two remaining Neanderthals who are still committed to proselytization and religious conversions. India will continue to remain hospitable to all religions only if the Muslim fanatics and the Christian fundamentalists will accept the pluralistic tradition of Hindus which is to respect others’ way of worship. Pluralistic Christians and liberated Muslims of India have done that, and the overwhelming majority of Hindus practice it. But, it is heart wrenching for me to see the missionaries assert that they alone are the holders of valid visas to heaven! Many missionaries lay enticing traps for gullible Hindus whom they think must be "saved" at all costs. It is worse still that their attitudes, though they (Christians) are a tiny minority in India, often create counter-reaction among the Hindus.
Conversion racket in India
Here is an article about how NGOs are being set up by missionaries to carry out conversion rackets. Conversion racket in India
The operations of the Christian missionaries need to be diagnosed in order to understand the Kandhamal phenomenon. One may be surprised to note that the Christian community is not unanimous on conversions. There are more than 500 denominations among the Christians in India. Out of this, mainly three groups – Catholic, Protestant and Pentecostal - are living in Orissa.
The Catholic and Penticoastal missionaries are mainly active in Kandhamal. They run Churches by name such as Assembly of God or Church of God. There has been virtual rivalry between these two denominations and they follow the principal of business chain in attracting people to their fold. For example, each visitor to the Church will be asked to bring minimum one or two new persons in the next visit to the Church. They allegedly take care the daily wages of the financially weaker visitors to the Church. They stress on the constant human touch in maintaining relationships with the people of their denominations. These Christian missionaries are very cleverly using Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to reach unreached people. They allegedly either sponsor the NGOs or ask their own men to form NGOs under the Registrar of Societies Act or Indian Trust Act.
These Christian funded NGOs have constructed Community Halls in Kandhamal. The ventilators of these Community Halls are made in the shape of Cross symbol. After people start gathering to have meetings in these Committee Halls for the issues related to the concerned areas, they gradually place either cross symbol or photograph of Jesus in the main hall. And, a pastor starts teaching them about the Bible both in morning and evening in these Community Halls.
The pastor is shown as a social worker on the official records of one these Christian sponsored NGOs. The academically poor, backward caste and downtrodden youth are targeted to join as pastors. They are moulded emotionally, psychologically and mentally with a free food, lodging and medical facilities for one year.
One should understand the modus operandi of these missionaries. The Catholic and Pentecostal missionaries enter an areas in the name of helping children or destitutes. They identify the children of the poor families in a village. Based on these children, they chalk out the community development programme of that area up to 15 years. They target the tender hearts to bring them into their fold. They are more interested in children homes instead of building old age homes.
(source: Faith is dangling between God and Money - By Sai Prasan - Watch video The Hunt for Soul - Conversion activities in India (In Dutch and English). Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
On Church Splitting the Nation
We Hindus may be vaguely aware that Christian missionaries are active in tribal areas converting Aadivaasis (aboriginal) into Christianity but we may not be aware of the gravity of the situation. Let us walk you through the findings of Niyogi Committee, and its documented facts. Dr Niyogi, retired Chief Justice of the Naagpur High Court published his findings way back in July 1956, "The separatist tendency that has gripped the mind of the aboriginal under the Lutheran and Roman Catholic Missions is entirely due to the consistent policy pursued by the British Government and the Missionaries. The final segregation of the aborigines in the Census of 1931 from the main body of the Hindus considered along with the recommendations of the Simon Commission which were incorporated in the Government of India Act, 1935 apparently set the stage for the demand of a separate State of JhaarKhand on the lines of Pakistan." (Justice) Niyogi Commission Report [1956] as quoted in Pseudo-Secularism, Christian Missions and Hindu Resistance Sita Ram Goel ISBN 81-85990-54-9 [1998]
The Niyogi Commission's Report of the Christian Missionaries Enquiry Committee MP, Nagpur, 1956 (Vol I, Part I, Chapter I) states, "The Missionaries have throughout claimed that they are not Hindus. A continuous attempt has been made by these organisations to foster a sense of separateness amongst the Tribes from the rest of the Hindus.
Speaking about the separation of the aborigines from the mass of the Indian population Mahatma Gandhiji remarked: 'We were strangers to this sort of classification --animists -- aborigines, etc, but we have learnt it from the English rulers.' To the question put by Dr Chesterman whether Gandhiji's objection applied to areas like the Kond hills where the aboriginal race were animists, the unhesitating reply was, 'Yes, it does apply, because I know that in spite of being described as animists these tribes have from times immemorial been absorbed in Hinduism. They are, like the indigenous medicine of the soil, and their roots lie deep there'."
(source: On Church Splitting the Nation: Justice Niyogi Commission Report and VINDICATED BY TIME: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities). Refer to Training Students to Convert Hindu Students in America
Refer to Lurid drama of proselytism after 1947 and The eleventh commandment: 'thou shall not convert' and 'Nobody has the right to convert anybody in India'
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